A Blessed Daughter

Chapter 54: unanimously praised

Chapter 54: unanimously praised

Chapter 54 was unanimously praised

After some observations, everyone's faces were filled with joy, even Chu Lan, who had always been indifferent, was no exception.

Qian Zhixian praised excitedly: "Master Wei really raised a good daughter! He actually planted crops in this barren land! In this way, the area of cultivated land in Xingshan County will be greatly increased! It is really a solution." It has met the urgent needs of the people of Xingshan County!"

Lu Yuhong, who came with Chu Lan, praised it very directly: "Isn't this amazing? There aren't even a few weeds next to it, and you can grow live crops here! And I saw that the seedlings grew faster than Xingshan The rest of the county is even better!"

Wei Mingting listened to everyone's praise, looked at the neatly dressed daughter in front of him, and felt joyful and proud: "It's ashamed to say that my little girl has all these abilities through her own hard work. As a father, I can't do anything. Responsibility, and failed to teach her anything."

Praise of his daughter is the truth, Wei Mingting is not humble, but he is really ashamed to say that he is a good teacher.

Qian Zhixian said: "Lord Wei, don't be humble. You are busy for the safety of the people of Xingshan County. Now Ling Ai is also risking her life for the people of Xingshan County to come to the south of the city to open up wasteland. You father and daughter This piece of love for the people is the same.

At this time, Chu Lan spoke and asked Wei Ruo: "I have a question for Miss Wei."

"Sir, please tell me." Wei Ruo didn't dodge.

"I think there are still seedlings growing in this field, but ordinary rice should be heading at this time. You are still in the state of seedlings. Isn't it too late?" Chu Lan asked.

Just now everyone was immersed in the joy of successfully planting seedlings in the wasteland improvement, and for a moment forgot this key point. When Chu Lan spoke, Wei Mingting and Qian Zhixian both looked at Wei Ruo, and their eyes were also full of concern for this question. Confuse.

Wei Ruo replied: "Young master, don't worry, the seeds I sow in this seedling field are new rice seeds brought over from Huzhou Prefecture. They are slightly different from ordinary rice seeds. They are sown in June and July of the lunar calendar. It lasts about 160 days, and it will not be mature until November for harvest.

Hearing that, the three people in front of Wei Ruo showed surprise expressions again.

Whether it is Qian Zhixian who is a parent official, Chu Lan who is in the royal family, or Wei Mingting who is a military attache, they all know clearly that being able to plant rice at different times in the case of limited arable land is tantamount to artificially distributing rice. The area of cultivated land has expanded.

But right now they haven't seen the mature rice, and they don't dare to believe Wei Ruo's words easily.

Chu Lan said: "When the rice that Ms. Wei tried to plant here matures, and I am sure that Ms. Wei can help Xingshan County increase the arable area and increase grain production, I will report this matter to the court."

Hearing this, Qian Zhixian felt a little excited, because if it was reported, most of the credit would belong to the Wei family, but he, the county magistrate, would also have a share.

Wei Mingting's reaction was a bit muted, without much joy, but it could be seen that he was looking forward to this matter.

Wei Ruo was not very happy. If someone else told her these things today, she would be in a better mood, but Chu Lan, she really didn't want to have anything to do with him.

Qian Zhixian then asked Chu Lan for instructions: "Young master, do you think this wasteland in the south of the city can be handed over to the government office and Xiaowei's mansion for large-scale development?"

Chu Lan had an order, he only wanted them to know this trip, not even his family members, so Qian Zhixian immediately changed his name.

Miss Wei's trial planting has been successful, and Qian Zhi County must find a way to expand the scale no matter it is out of personal political achievements or for the survival of the people.

Chu Lan replied: "Xingshan County is under the jurisdiction of Qianzhi County. How to develop the wasteland can be decided by Qianzhi County. There is no need to ask me for instructions."

Qian Zhixian: "Excuse me... I know."

Then Qian Zhixian asked Wei Mingting, Wei Ruo and his daughter: "Master Wei, Miss Wei, are you willing to contract all the barren land in the south of the city?"

Wei Mingting did not answer immediately, but looked at Wei Ruo.

The matter of reclamation of the wasteland in the south of the city was proposed by the daughter, and it was the daughter who spent time and energy. If the area of land reclamation is expanded in the future, it must be the daughter who has worked hard, so the decision-making power should be given to the daughter.

Wei Ruo replied: "Father, my daughter thinks that the wasteland in the south of the city is very large. If all of it is reclaimed by our school's Weifu, it will inevitably be a bit powerless. Why don't we give the wasteland to the people for reclamation. Many people in the city have lost their livelihoods. Especially the fishermen who were unable to go fishing due to the Japanese pirates rebellion, if we give them some wasteland and teach them how to improve farming, they will definitely try their best to do it.

Wei Mingting was deeply moved, so he turned to ask the magistrate Qian: "Master Qian, what my daughter said is true, such a large wasteland cannot be reclaimed with the power of the county government and the school captain's mansion alone. It is better to leave it to the common people. Let them have land to cultivate and grain to harvest!"

Qian Zhixian said: "It's not that I don't want to distribute it to the people, but that Japanese pirates are rampant now, and this south of the city is not a safe place. Although Wangyue Mountain isolates the south and east sides of Xingshan County, it is difficult to guarantee that there will be no Japanese people. Over the mountain... If too many people are allowed to freely enter and exit the south of the city, it may bring many hidden dangers..."

This is indeed a problem, which is why Wei Ruorang's nanny and the government applied to reclaim the wasteland in the south of the city but was rejected.

"It's not a difficult task." Chu Lan suddenly said.

Everyone looked at Chu Lan, and Wei Ruo also looked at him.

Chu Lan's eyes were deep: "Recently, the imperial court will send more troops to Xingshan County. At that time, we will set up defenses at Wangyue Mountain and the important checkpoints in the south of the city, so that the south of the city will be guaranteed and the people will be able to farm here with confidence."

After listening to Chu Lan's words, Zhixian Qian and Wei Mingting had different expressions.

It is a good thing that the imperial court is willing to send more troops here, but they just dont know whether the Wei family, who is disadvantaged in fighting against the Japanese, and Qianzhi County, who failed to bring the people of Xingshan County to eat, will be punished.

Then Chu Lan looked at Wei Ruo: "Miss Wei wants the people to reclaim the wasteland here, so are you willing to give them the method of improving the wasteland?"

"Of course." Wei Ruo gave an affirmative answer without hesitation.

Isnt this nonsense, if you distribute the wasteland to the people and let them come to the south of the city but dont teach them how to improve it, do you want them to come to the south of the city to look at the scenery in a daze?

Chu Lan showed a satisfied expression: "After expanding the scale, the manpower and material resources needed will inevitably increase. In order to help Ms. Wei reclaim the wasteland better, I will send some people for Ms. Wei to send. Ms. Wei can do it freely."

"Thank you for your kindness, son, but I am different from you, so I should avoid suspicion." Wei Ruo said hurriedly.

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