A Blessed Daughter

Chapter 142: Urgent shortage of medicinal materials

Chapter 142: Urgent shortage of medicinal materials

Chapter 142 Urgent shortage of medicinal materials

"Didn't the things you said I snatched from Wei Qingwan not belong to me?" Wei Ruo asked Wei Yilin back.

"Why is it originally yours... that is..." Wei Yilin's tone became weak.

"Why didn't it belong to me originally? If I'm not wrong, isn't it me who has lived in the captain's mansion for more than ten years? Isn't the identity of this eldest daughter mine from the beginning? At the moment I was born, Doesn't it belong to me?"

"I was the one who was going to Xie's house to study from the very beginning. You guys misunderstood, why? You misunderstood once and you can treat it as Wei Qingwan's original thing? How can there be such a reason in this world? ? Wei Ruo asked back.

Wei Yilin was left speechless by Wei Ruo's rhetorical question.

He didn't think so much in the past, he just thought about the problem from the standpoint of sister Wanwan.

Because Sister Wanwan was living a good life, and because of Wei Qingruo's arrival, there are various problems.

Every time he sees sister Wanwan sad and sad, he gets very angry with Wei Qingruo, wishing he could kick Wei Qingruo out of their house immediately to make sister Wanwan happy.

But... Wei Qingwan's words don't seem to be unreasonable...

Wei Ruo didn't care about Wei Yilin's thoughts. Seeing that the time was almost up, he got up and left Aoju Garden, and went back to his own yard to do his own things.

After thinking about it, Wei Yilin saw that Wei Ruo had disappeared, and stomped his feet depressedly.

What, just left without saying a word!


Wei Ruo, who returned to Tingsongyuan, began to busy himself with his own affairs.

Now Wei Ruo is busy with her own business. After sending the seeds to the south of the city, she didnt worry too much. People from the government are watching. I didn't worry much about it.

Wei Ruo and Xiumei explained the follow-up planting situation of Xiaoyang Mountain. After a period of cold wave, the rapeseed, radish and mustard on Xiaoyang Mountain were somewhat affected, but fortunately there is still a remedy.

The weather has warmed up a little in the past few days, and the newly sown **** seedlings have grown, and they will be filled soon.

Moreover, the growth cycle of these vegetables is relatively short, as long as the sunshine is stable next, they can be harvested batch after batch soon.

After the rapeseed is harvested, those that can be sold directly are sold, and those that are more are made into pickles.

Mustard greens are the same, they are all pickled to prolong the storage time.

After some time, the weather will be colder and there will be no vegetables to grow. At that time, pickled vegetables and bacon will become an important source of food.

After a new batch of mushrooms came down, Wei Ruo planned to make a large batch of mushroom sauce.

Then there is the planting of medicinal materials with Xie Ying. At that time, Wei Ruo already knew that the weather would cool down early, so the varieties planted were all cold-resistant, but this time he managed it.

And the batch of medicinal materials that she and Xie Ying bought together has recently reached the time when they can be shipped. Recently, major pharmacies are relatively short of medicinal materials, and selling them to pharmacies should be able to earn a fortune.

In addition, Mrs. Yuan sent a message from Fucheng, saying that because of this cold wave, the original planting plan was disrupted. Madam Yuan hoped that Wei Ruo would go to Fucheng again to help the people of Fucheng plan the next one. to plant.

Mrs. Yuan only sent a letter to Wei Ruo alone first, and she will send the letter to the Captain's Mansion after Wei Ruo replied and agreed.

This is because Mrs. Yuan worried that after she sent the letter directly to Xiaowei's Mansion, Xiaowei's Mansion would send Wei Ruo directly to Fucheng regardless of Wei Ruo's wishes.

Madam Yuan is grateful to Wei Ruo, and she doesn't want to do things that force Wei Ruo.

Of course Wei Ruo was willing, so she wrote a reply letter to Mrs. Yuan and asked the person who delivered the letter to take her back to Fucheng to return.

She would go to Fucheng in a few days.

It just so happened that she could go to see the situation of her Zhuangzi in Fucheng.


For several days in succession, there was the sound of artillery fire from the east of the city, and people in the city were panicked.

At this moment, Wei Mingting's camp is located in an important military camp.

After listening to the military doctor's report, Wei Mingting frowned.

The medicinal materials are used up, which has resulted in many wounded soldiers lying in medical tents, unable to receive effective treatment.

Wei Mingting asked his subordinates: "When will the imperial court's medicinal materials delivery team arrive?"

The subordinate hangs his head and dare not answer.

Wei Mingting guessed the answer right away: "Is there no news yet?"

"Yes... because the war came to an end a while ago, and there is no clear news yet, so the subordinates don't know when they will get new supplies."

The reports that needed medicinal materials were handed up layer by layer, and they didn't know exactly which layer was stuck.

But I also want to know, because Xingshan County is not the only one that is troubled by Japanese pirates along the southeast coast. At that time, Xingshan County repelled the Japanese pirates, and the superiors relaxed their vigilance.

There is no news from above, and it is not known when the supplies of medicinal materials will be received, but the wounded soldiers cannot afford to wait.

Wei Mingting thought for a while and then ordered his subordinates: "You help me send two letters back to the city, one to Qianzhi County, and one to Xiaowei's Mansion."

Wei Mingting can only hope that Qianzhi County can help to find a way to see if he can purchase some emergency medicines at the pharmacy in the city.

As for writing to the Captains Mansion, I didnt have much hope, but its better than nothing. If the family can really help get some, it can save lives.

Although this may not solve the problem of the urgent shortage of medicinal materials, it can only be hoped for now.


Wei Mingting's letter was delivered to Yun soon.

Knowing that her husband was worried about medicinal materials, Yun wanted to help.

But now the medicine shops in the county are short of medicines, and they can't buy medicines at all.

Even if Xiaoweis mansion can get money, there is no place to buy medicine.

Wei Qingwan, who came back from Qian Zhi County's home, came to visit Yun's family.

After learning the ins and outs of the matter, Wei Qingwan had no way to help Yun's worries and problems, so she could only comfort Yun in a soft voice: "Mother, don't worry, this matter is not the fault of the school captain's house, and it's not the school captain's turn to worry about it." The government is worried."

"I also know it's not the fault of the Captain's Mansion, but your father is quite troubled about this. If it is because of the shortage of medicinal materials, the people who could have been rescued have lost their chance to survive."

Yun is still worried.

Wei Qingwan knew that she couldn't help, so she said: "The daughter helps the mother with the affairs of the house, and solves the mother's worries and problems."

Mr. Yun nodded, then called Madam Zhang over, and asked her to go out and inquire about other channels to buy medicinal materials in large quantities.

But after working for a long time, I still got nothing.

Because today's pharmacies are also short of medicinal materials, where there are surplus medicinal materials that can be supplied to others in large quantities.

Even those medicinal material merchants dont have any goods on hand. It is said that the production of medicinal materials is not good recently, and there are disasters everywhere, and medicines are needed everywhere.

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