A Beekeeper in a Magical World

Chapter 205: Omen of Disaster

Chapter 205: Omen of Disaster

Two magic arrays contained several concentric circles, intricately connected and rotating at different speeds, resembling compasses used to measure Feng Shui.

These micro magic arrays ingeniously merged with the two trees, becoming an inseparable part.

Perhaps this illusion borrowed the biological energy from these two trees to change at will.

Just like the instinct of creatures to seek advantage and avoid harm.

Looking at these two slightly different magic arrays, it felt like playing a puzzle game...

He didn't understand magic arrays or illusions.

However, his intuition suggested that by severing the connection between these two trees and the rock, he could undo the illusion's changing nature.

The problem was how to sever it.

Should he violently destroy these two trees?

There was a feeling that this might lead to unexpected issues, such as triggering a defense mechanism, leading to self-destruction or locking down the illusion, which was also a possibility.

It was akin to disarming a bomb; bomb disposal experts had to analyze circuits and settings, not just swing a hammer.

Hua Mi tried to be clever, releasing measuring bees, covering the tree trunks entirely.

The magic field for measurement was fully activated.

Maybe it could directly measure information from the magic arrays and derive a solution.

The result left him disappointed; no information was obtained.

But that was to be expected.

There was a probability during the bee measurements, not a certainty of getting information.

Hua Mi thought, maybe a gentler approach could work.

Similar to boiling a frog in warm water, slowly 'cutting off the power' to these two micro magic arrays hidden within the trees.

It was worth a try.

Hua Mi summoned a swarm of blood-sucking bees, densely covering the tree trunks.

The life-absorbing magic field was fully active.

The tree's life energy flowed continuously, absorbed and transferred to Hua Mi.

He had experimented before.

When a plant's life energy transformed into energy he could absorb, there was considerable loss; the conversion rate was low. So, after starting absorption, Hua Mi didn't feel much, far less exhilarating than taking an Enchanted Nectar Pill.

Using creatures to absorb biological energy.

And so, the tree's life energy dwindled bit by bit.

First, it showed in the canopy.

Leaves visibly turned yellow, withered, and swiftly fell from the crown, as if instantly entering autumn.

The leaves quickly fell, followed by the tree's branches starting to blacken and crack.

In less than half an hour, a once-healthy tree became a dead one.

Externally charred, shriveled, as if scorched by a fierce fire.

As Hua Mi expected, the internal magic arrays also became non-functional, halting their slow rotations, subsequently losing their magical luster and falling into complete silence.

The magical connection between the tree and the rock also ceased.

"There's still the other side..."

It could be understood as a dual-core drive; they had only disengaged one core, reducing the illusion array's performance.

Perhaps now they could directly break through.

But as a precaution, it was better to deactivate the other core.

Hua Mi manipulated the swarm to attach to the other tree, following the same process.

The tree withered, the magic array became inert.

Now, the illusion had solidified, completely losing its transformative properties.

"Almost there."

Retracting the swarm, Hua Mi noticed the witch standing nearby, looking at him in utter shock.

Yes, quite shocked.

You could say she was gobsmacked.

Moreover, this time it didn't seem like an act; it was evidently genuine astonishment, so much so that she forgot to conceal it.

Hua Mi couldn't help but find it odd.

This reaction seemed overly exaggerated.

Even upon seeing previously unseen creatures, one wouldn't normally be left speechless.

"What's wrong?" Hua Mi asked.

The witch closed her mouth, her eyes shimmering strangely, assessing him for a few seconds before speaking again.

"Those insects just now, are they yours?"


It was quite obvious.

"Did you bring them from another plane?"


"Hua Mi had prepared an explanation using biological alchemy."

Unexpectedly, the witch made a bold guess.

In fact, she guessed correctly.

Earth and this world were originally two different planes.

But would ordinary people think in this direction?

Relative to this world, Earth might be considered as another plane, but it's probably not the same as the commonly recognized plane crossing in this world...

After all, there are no magical elements on Earth.

The direction of development is also more on the side of technology.

It feels completely disconnected from this world.

The witch, wearing a serious expression, even looked at him sternly.

This made Hua Mi involuntarily serious.

Suddenly, he thought that the Witch Academy, as a top and mysterious organization, researches many peculiar things. Perhaps they could tell him the reason for the crossing.

As the saying goes, where there's smoke, there's fire. If Fulin made such a guess, she must have a basis for it.

So, he didn't deny it.

Nodding, he said, "Yes, they are not creatures of this world, they're called 'bees,' have you heard of them?"


Fulin repeated, struggling with the pronunciation, obviously not familiar with the name of these little creatures.

"Bees, bees... I see, no wonder the name in the annotation is so awkward, it's a transliteration, right?"

Fulin murmured.

From what she said, she originally knew a name.

And the pronunciation was very similar to "bees."

Could it really be bees?

But that's unreasonable.

Why would she know unique creatures from Earth?

This greatly piqued Hua Mi's curiosity.

But then, Fulin didn't say anything more, just slightly lowered her head, holding her chin, looking contemplative.

"How did you know?"

Hua Mi's voice brought her back from her reverie.

Fulin blinked, then explained, "There's an old prophecy book in our academy's library, most of the content is incomplete, but there's a page that records... information about 'bees.' The reason I recognized them is because there were illustrations, their appearance and form were very similar to the small insects you just released, every detail corresponded, except for the color.

"The swarm you released was blood-red, while the images in that book were blue."


Hua Mi also fell into contemplation at her words.

Information about "bees" recorded in a book from the Witch Academy?

How could that be possible?

Hua Mi asked, "What does the book say?"

Fulin replied, "I didn't read it in detail, but I only remember one sentence—'a symbol of calamity.'"

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