A Beekeeper in a Magical World

Chapter 203: The Leaf Search Method

Chapter 203: The Leaf Search Method

The witch was shrouded in a dark purple aura, and terrifying red lights emanated from her eyes beneath the pointed hat.

The three individuals trembled with fear as they gazed at this female sorceress.

It wasn't that they were cowardly.

This was a normal reaction from ordinary people facing the disturbance of magic.

Ordinary folks lacked the ability to wield magic themselves and lacked strong mental power to resist, hence they naturally felt intimidated.

With the witch at the center, the magic field expanded instantaneously, enveloping them.

Fulin is the name of the town.

Huami observed dumbfounded from the side.

He had thought she was just putting on a show, pretending to be frightening to scare them.

So, he didn't intervene.

Didn't expect her to go this far, actually.

The witch was truly... unrestrained.

One touch and boom.

At the same time, Huami also witnessed the extraordinary talent of the witch.

Compared to regular mages, their use of magic felt so effortless and unrestricted, not confined by frameworks.

If mages followed specific steps in spellcasting—such as fixed spell materials and circuits—simply put, it was about having specific conditions to yield a single definite outcome.

Then the magic of the witch could be said to be at will.

Nothing was unthinkable, nothing impossible.

The witch's magic was basically linked to imagination.

So, they always managed to employ some peculiar and unexpected magic.

Aside from using it in battles to render enemies defenseless, they also applied it in various aspects of daily life.

All of this Huami had read in books—

In a novel where the witch was the main character.

Now, seeing a real-life witch, he realized the novel hadn't exaggerated.

"No need for this," Huami said to her, "this is just a common dispute. I believe they can sort it out themselves without the need for outsiders to intervene."

And even if intervention is required, it's not your kind of intervention.

If it came to it, what you did could be considered a criminal act.

The witch ignored him and clapped her hands.

Three bubbles enveloped the three frogs instantly.

Suddenly, silence fell as the noisy croaking of the frogs vanished instantly.

Seems those bubbles had the effect of blocking sound transmission.

The three bubbles floated up, suspending the three frogs in mid-air, motionless.

"Stay here and reflect on your actions."

The witch said this, then turned to Huami, restoring a coquettish smile. "Let's go."

Sensing Huami's gaze, she added, "Don't worry, by the time the sun rises, the magic on them will naturally wear off. Without doing this, they won't calm down."


Huami suspected there was a hint of revenge in her actions.

Oh well.

Why bother with so much.

Finding the flower is what matters.


Hua Mi's eyes shimmered with a pale fire as he activated his "Fire Eye" ability, starting the search around the hot spring inn.

The presence of the flower spirit in the hot spring indicated that the rare flowers were likely nearby. There might be some sort of magical effect causing interference with vision; otherwise, the entire village wouldn't have struggled to find it.

Hua Mi observed ahead, suddenly coming face to face with a woman.

The sorceress gaped at him in amazement. "Wow, your eyes glow! Is that some kind of scouting magic?"

"Yeah," Hua Mi casually responded, then added, "Speaking of which, weren't you here to help find it? It's time."

Relying solely on his eyes would make finding the target difficult and time-consuming. Let's see what the sorceress is capable of.

"Of course, I never make false promises," Fulin replied. She walked to a nearby tree, placed her palm on its trunk, and a surge of magic emanated from her hand.


A muffled sound followed as the large tree violently shook. Soon, its lush foliage fell to the ground.

Despite surviving the ice age and chaos, it now faced this adversity.

Very bare indeed...

Fulin waved her hand gently, causing the countless leaves on the ground to levitate, swirling around her.

"All things have spirits," Fulin murmured, simultaneously raising both hands. Her magical energy enveloped the leaves. The greenery appeared even more vibrant, as if freshly painted with a lush green hue, brimming with life.

Each leaf seemed to gain sentience instantly, two glimmering spots resembling eyes now apparent on each one.

As if they had come alive, the leaves landed vertically on the ground, surrounding Fulin. They swayed back and forth, emitting a rustling sound, almost as if worshipping her.

"Go!" Fulin commanded, and the leaves dispersed in all directions.

The rustling sound gradually faded away.

"The leaves will bring us the desired outcome," Fulin stated, flashing a smile at him before closing her eyes, focusing on the leaves exploring outside.

"What a convenient skill," Hua Mi exclaimed, impressed.

Once again, he witnessed the whimsical nature of the sorceress.

That wasn't just any magic; it was clearly overpowered.

More so than his scouting bees.

After all, controlling too many bees would cause sensory confusion. But she sent out a "leaf army" for a thorough search, incredibly efficient.

He just wondered if those leaves would live up to expectations.

She seemed pretty confident...

Hua Mi decided to withhold his abilities and simply watch her performance.


The moon gradually shifted in the night sky.

Hua Mi expected a considerable wait.

Unexpectedly, progress came quicker than he imagined.

In just a few minutes, he heard a faint rustling sound drawing nearer.

A cluster of leaves, seeming propelled by the wind, rushed towards them.

Without stopping, they swiftly made their way to Fulin's feet. With a leap, she caught one leaf between her fingers.


The leaf trembled in her grasp for a moment, then its radiant glow vanished, reverting to an ordinary leaf.

Not only that.

This leaf visibly withered at an alarming rate, turning into a dry, yellowed husk in the blink of an eye.

A gentle crush reduced it to fragments.

Seems the magic had drained it completely...

Fulin blew lightly, dispersing the crumbled leaf from her hand. She clapped joyfully and told Hua Mi, "Found it, your flower!"

So quickly?

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