A Beekeeper in a Magical World

Chapter 184: Conspiracy in the Dream

Chapter 184: Conspiracy in the Dream

"Speak up, what's the matter?" Hua Mi asked.

Karen's face turned slightly red, and she crossed her arms, squinting her eyes to make herself appear more cold.

"It's about the Grand Princess," Hua Mi briefly recounted the incident of Tisyara sending someone to forcibly take him away.

Karen listened, and gradually her expression returned to normal.

However, she seemed unconcerned about the matter, casually saying, "Don't worry, I will handle it with Tisyara. I promise you, you are safe in Modu."

"But what if she becomes the heir later?"

"Well, so what? Ultimately, the king decides in this country, and the king has always respected my opinions. Don't underestimate my influence."

"But when she inherits the throne..."

"There's no need to worry about such distant things in advance." Karen analyzed with experience, "It's like playing a card game; it's enough to consider the next three moves. Thinking too far ahead will only waste mental energy because there are too many unknown factors, and things are unlikely to unfold as you predict. So, thinking too much is futile."

Seemed reasonable.

Hua Mi didn't argue with her, instead, he said, "But have you considered another possibility, like, you becoming the heir?"

Karen said without hesitation, "Impossible. Tisyara's governing ability is stronger than mine. The dream divination clearly indicates her as the heir..."

As Karen spoke, she suddenly stopped.

Her eyes widened, looking at him with some surprise.

The expression seemed to say, "Didn't expect that, didn't expect that. You, who seemed so peaceful, would think of such a thing."

Quick reaction. Hua Mi silently praised in his heart.

Well, this saved a lot of explanation.

Seeing her reaction, Hua Mi didn't beat around the bush anymore and said, "But have you ever considered another possibility, for example, that the person ascending to the throne is you?"

Karen said without thinking, "Impossible. Tisyara's governing ability is stronger than mine. The dream divination clearly indicates her as the heir..."

When she reached this point, Karen suddenly stopped.

Her big eyes slowly widened, looking at him with some astonishment.

This expression seemed to say, "Didn't expect that, didn't expect that. You, this seemingly peaceful person, actually wants to do such a thing."

The reaction was quick. Hua Mi admired in his heart.

Well, it saved a lot of words.

Seeing this, Hua Mi no longer beat around the bush, instead said straightforwardly, "Become the heir, and some of your ideas, like the Holy Light Knights, can be implemented smoothly. Now that the country is in danger, you surely want to help the king share the pressure."

Upon hearing his "devil's whisper," Karen showed a momentary interest.

From her eyes, it was clear that she was hopeful about this.

Although the princess had realized that this was a dream, being in the dream made her guard weaker, making her more susceptible to revealing her true feelings. This was another reason why Hua Mi chose to conspire in the dream.

However, Karen was rational enough and didn't easily let this tempting "big cake" cloud her judgment. After pondering for a moment, she said, "No, interfering with dream divination is interfering with the fate of Turin's future. If Tisyara is more suitable to rule than me, then she should be the heir. I won't compete with her."

"You're oversimplifying things."

"This matter is already simple."

"After Tisyara becomes the heir, do you think you can still maintain your current influence? Once the heir is chosen, it's impossible to maintain the current situation. Don't rely on the king's favor. For the sake of the whole country, he will likely support excluding all children other than the heir in political matters, focusing on nurturing the heir and avoiding the dispersion of royal power into chaos."

Hua Mi had witnessed too many power struggles within the royal family. Whether it was real history on Earth or depictions in movies and TV shows, there were countless portrayals of such scenarios.

Karen, being in the midst of it, found it hard to see the situation clearly.

Hua Mi kindly tried to awaken her, also for his own sake.

As expected, this statement clearly hit her weak spot.

The princess fell into contemplation.

Although Karen's personality still retained some of her youthful innocence, her words and actions showed that she had her own governing philosophy and vision. She aspired to contribute to the country and was not willing to be a royal member silently fading into obscurity.

Losing influence meant all her ideas in governance became empty talk.

And this was likely to happen after Tisyara took power.

The sisters had a strained relationship, and Karen was well aware of that.

Seeing her waver, Hua Mi seized the opportunity to continue persuading, "Moreover, can we be sure that the dream divination's result is accurate? Past dream divinations may have led to good results, but how do you know that choosing a different path won't be better? It's a subjective method. I believe the future can be changed. After you replace Tisyara as the heir, as long as you govern diligently, you might not be worse than her. Or do you lack confidence in yourself?"

The princess's expression slightly relaxed.

This meant she had been convinced and had made a decision.

She remained silent for a moment, then tentatively said, "Actually, the dream divination doesn't necessarily guarantee Tisyara's ascension. Maybe it was supposed to be me... We can take a look at the result in the dream..."

This was her way of giving herself an out.

After all, tampering with dream divination results was essentially no different from tampering with a will on Earth.

For a princess who had been sheltered by the royal family since childhood, it was normal for her to struggle with this psychologically.

"You're right, Your Highness. It's okay to take a look."


In the quiet flower field, the two whispered in conspiracy.


The stone wall towering high completely separated this area from the outside.

The wall was engraved with complex runes, releasing various shielding and protective magic.

Hundreds of fully armored black soldiers were currently conducting combat training, holding long spears and moving in unison under unified commands.

Their movements were neat and powerful.

Commanding the training was a tall warrior, also dressed in black armor. He didn't wear a helmet, revealing a resolute face with a scar running across his right eye and cheek. He looked like a formidable figure.

A crow perched on the wall.

The red light emitted from its right eye encompassed the scene within the training ground, transmitting the images in real-time to a mirror.

The oval-shaped mirror hung on the wall, the frame carved from dragon-blood wood, emitting a faint red glow along its grooves.

Tisyara stood in front of the mirror, silently watching the images inside.

After a set of training movements, the leading black-armored warrior clenched his fist against his heart and solemnly declared, "Loyalty to Your Highness!"

The soldiers all performed the same motion, shouting in unison, "Loyalty to Your Highness!"

A powerful momentum filled the air.

Wearing a black court gown, Tisyara remained expressionless. With a wave

of her hand, the image in the mirror disappeared, returning it to an ordinary reflective surface.

Then, she left the room.

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