A Beekeeper in a Magical World

Chapter 180: The Concept of the Holy Light Knight Order

Chapter 180: The Concept of the Holy Light Knight Order

After Karen finished talking about her matters, she swiftly changed the subject, her eyes playful as she gestured toward the table before them, saying, "Care for a round of Broken Army Cards?"


Hua Mi declined. It was a popular game among the nobles, something he, a simple villager, wouldn't know.

"The rules are simple. It accommodates 2 to 7 players, pick an identity at the start, set against the backdrop of the Seven Kingdoms. It involves expanding influence through war cards, trade cards, deceit cards, and so on," Karen explained briefly.

Listening to Karen's brief explanation, he realized the game's rules were indeed straightforward. However, the complexity lay in understanding the various card facets.

Mastering the strategic use of these cards was the real challenge, requiring substantial mental agility.

In a tutorial-like play, he unsurprisingly found himself thoroughly beaten.

Through this passive experience, Hua Mi gained a general understanding of the game.

Broken Army Cards, as the name suggested, was a card game set against the backdrop of the Seven Kingdoms' hidden conflicts.

As the saying goes, games mirror reality. As a form of artistic expression, they could reflect the current societal dynamics to a certain extent.

From this, a conclusion could be drawn: while the Seven Kingdoms seemed friendly and allied on the surface, fundamentally, they were in opposition and competition.

In such a situation, if war erupted between the Emerald City and the Kingdom of Tulon, the other six countries likely wouldn't fully honor their alliances. They would probably have their own hidden agendas.

Not stabbing each other in the back might be considered honorable in these circumstances.

One could refer to the history of the Warring States period in ancient Huaxia, where the six states formed a loose coalition against the Qin state.

"If a conflict were to arise with the elves of the Emerald City, the situation for the Kingdom of Tulon would be even more dire than I imagined," Hua Mi pondered.

Another round was played, with Karen winning again.

The princess was remarkably skilled at the game, calculating each move thrice. She didn't solely rely on war cards; she handled trade and deceit cards adeptly.

At times, playing a trade card might seem like a mutual benefit or even her disadvantage. However, after a few rounds, it became evident that it was all part of her strategy, ultimately reaping significant gains.

"Saren, the Elven King of the Emerald City, is ambitious. She believes humans have encroached upon too many resources. Since her ascension, her expansionist ambitions haven't waned. Lately, her actions have become increasingly overt. It's safe to assume she's nearly prepared," Karen said, even in discussing such a serious matter, maintaining a light tone, as if narrating a distant tale.

"The elven army might be numerically inferior to ours, but their individual combat prowess generally surpasses that of humansnot in terms of weaponry but in the application of magic. Those arrogant folks are a race blessed by the Goddess of Magic."

It was a frustrating reality.

The equipment gap could be narrowed through effort, but in terms of magical talent, the methods available to humans for enhancement were limited to using magic elixirs to temporarily boost their abilities.

However, this came with side effects and various ailments

Soldiers returning from the battlefield often had physical deficiencies, not solely from injuries sustained in combat but also due to the repercussions of consuming these elixirs.

Now, an even more despairing fact emerged: if humans could use magic elixirs, the elves certainly could as well.

Moreover, most of the alchemical resources were currently in the Emerald City's hands, significantly bolstering its comprehensive strength.

According to Princess Karen, this was the result of the Elven King's years of careful management.

The inherent high sensitivity of elves to magical elements made their achievements in alchemy far surpass those of humans.

Since Saren's ascension, she had actively developed alchemy targetedly. Under her operation, the headquarters of the Alchemy Guild had also shifted to the Emerald City, further attracting a considerable number of talents to study there, creating a beneficial cycle.

The consequence was that, in the realm of alchemy at least, the collective might of the Seven Kingdoms couldn't compete with the Emerald City.

"Are we doomed to rely solely on numbers?" Karen rhetorically asked herself, shaking her head. "No, this isn't a normal state of affairs. It's time for a change. Human lives are equally important as those of the elves. The ratio of casualties between the two sides must be at least 1:1 or even less."

"So, what do you propose?" Hua Mi found himself drawn into her speech, curious about her ideasshe sounded like she had a plan.

"Establish an elite force."

Karen played a deceit card and then looked away from the table, her gaze fixed on Hua Mi, eager to share her thoughts like a child, "Not many in number but powerful enough. When war comes, they'll charge at the forefront like a sharp blade, tearing through the enemy's lines!"

"Of course, that's easier said than done. Your mention of the Holy Light Honey last time makes this concept feasible."

So, that was her strategy.

Hua Mi understood.

The Holy Light Honey, also known as the Mirage Feather Honey, significantly boosted individual combat abilitiesafter specialized training, it could substantially enhance both defensive and offensive capabilities. With a vanguard leading and regular troops following, it indeed was a brilliant plan.

However, his current stock of Mirage Feather Honey was only a little over a thousand bottles.

At first glance, it seemed like a lot. But for military reserves, it might not suffice, especially considering the staggering amount it would take just to train and control a unit proficient in wielding the Holy Light.

Yet, Karen said, "As I mentioned, the elite force doesn't need to be numerous. A hundred well-trained Holy Light Knights would suffice. With them, we could break through enemy lines on the battlefield."

"Just a hundred people?"

Hua Mi had no conception of war scenes and couldn't argue.

"The Ashen Knights were no more than a hundred strong, but they managed to besiege and kill a dragon."

Karen explained, having read about the Ashen Knights in a book, inspiring her idea for the elite force.

Back then, the Ashen Knights were extraordinarily renowned across the western continent.

Unfortunately, nearly all of them perished during the dragon-slaying battle, severing their legacy.

Since then, the cavalry of the Kingdom of Tulon had been in a state of decline.

Now, this young princess was ambitious, aiming to revive the glory of the knights, forging a Holy Light Knight Order!

"With the enhancement of the Holy Light Honey, individual combat prowess would indeed see a significant rise, but" Hua Mi paused for a moment, raising another issue, "A specialized cavalry force isn't sustainable solely based on individual strength. Team coordination and combat strategy are paramount. Otherwise, they'd just be scattered, facing various issues on the battlefield. A trusted and experienced knight must be designated for the unit's specialized training."

"What you say makes sense."

The young princess furrowed her brow slightly, lost in thought.

So, you hadn't considered this at all.

Hua Mi felt embarrassed.

It was evident she lacked understanding in this area. Perhaps she was too young, caught

up in a fleeting idea without detailed consideration.

"I have someone in mind," Hua Mi spoke up.


"Strictly speaking, he's not a person anymore I'm referring to the former leader of the Ashen Knights, Elwin Duncan his spirit."


The young princess appeared incredulous.

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