A Beekeeper in a Magical World

Chapter 174: Rainbow Flower Honey

Chapter 174: Rainbow Flower Honey

The sensation of weightlessness lasted for several seconds.

It was like free-falling from a great height.

Hua Mi suddenly opened his eyes and found himself back in the greenhouse.

The spectral haze over the flower field had returned to normal, devoid of the bloody hue.

And the red threads on the rainbow flower seedlings had also faded significantly. Before long, they should grow normally again.

"Amazing, boss! You're truly incredible! You effortlessly solved the problem! Admire and respect!"

Maoqiu praised enthusiastically.

You couldn't tell, but this fellow was quite the flatterer.

However, considering its effort, Hua Mi decided to elevate its treatment a bit in the future, perhaps grant it more of the gift of flower honey.


Under everyone's care, the rainbow flowers thrived.

Before entering the honey-flow period, Hua Mi successfully designed and crafted a special beehive for the Tipsy Bees, as planned.

So, apart from the regular honey-collecting beesthe Strong Bees, Inferno Bees, and Bloodsuckersthere was an additional group of Tipsy Bees responsible for collecting honey in the rainbow flower field.

Without surprises, the first batch of honey wine was about to be born.

The chaotic period's climate remained harsh and unpredictable.

Yet, thanks to Hua Mi's thorough cleansing of the shadows from the Dreamworld earlier, no similar issues reoccurred in the rainbow flower field.

Difficult times always have their end.

During this season when everyone stayed home with nothing much to do, time seemed to pass exceptionally quickly.

As the chaotic period approached its end, the brewing of the rainbow flower honey was also completed.

Without exaggeration, this cultivation phase was the most energy-consuming.

After all, these flowers were quite unique, not entirely akin to real plants.

Just think, even basic operations like disease control required entry into the Dreamworld and battles to accomplish.

The planting environment was entirely different from ordinary flowers.

Throughout the cultivation process, Hua Mi handled each step more cautiously than before. After all, past experiences might not be entirely applicable to the rainbow flowers, necessitating a trial-and-error approach.

Fortunately, with Maoqiu as an assistant, some of the pressure was alleviated, even though it knew nothing about flower cultivation.

Nevertheless, it was quite clever.

Through Hua Mi's guidance, it managed to handle some basic tasks.

On the day of the harvest,

"The Bee Whisperer's Cottage" team gathered in this area, anticipating the birth of this new honey variety.

Different from before, amidst the sweet scent of honey in the field, there was a hint of a wine aroma.

It came from the unique Tipsy Bees' beehive.

Its appearance was larger than an ordinary beehive, with significant internal differences.

Opening it required caution to avoid spilling the honey wine.

"Let's save the opening for last... to keep the anticipation alive."

As the first-ever batch of honey wine, Hua Mi was particularly curious about it.

As usual, the other three honey-collecting bee products were harvested first.

Opening the hives one by one, unfortunately, there were no by-products this time.

However, the honey inside these hives was visually captivating.

Apart from the blood-colored blood honey produced by the Bloodsuckers, the rainbow flower honey brewed by the other two bee species inherited the hallucinogenic colors of the rainbow flowers themselves.

Bottled, it resembled a vial of liquid rainbow.

The rainbow flower honey emitted the typical sweet fragrance of honey, seemingly unremarkable at first sniff.

However, whether due to psychological influence or magical effects, upon closer inspection, it evoked an indescribable subtle sensation.

It was akin to admiring a beautifully rendered image through softwareclearly knowing such a stunning scene couldn't exist in reality yet unable to resist yearning for it.

In essence, it was an experience seemingly surpassing reality.

After snapping out of the unique fragrance, Hua Mi manipulated the analyzing bee and used it to appraise the bottle of rainbow honey:

"A 500ml bottle of rainbow flower honey, presenting a dreamlike appearance and flavor. Consuming this honey before sleep allows temporary access to a 'Lucid Dream' state during subsequent sleep. In this state, the dreamer can consciously control their dreams, obtaining sensory and emotional experiences akin to reality. However, it's crucial to note that the quality of sleep will significantly decrease in the 'Lucid Dream' state, contingent on the content experienced during the dream."

Hua Mi pondered the information and thought, "Now, this is an intriguing effect."

He'd heard of the concept of Lucid Dreaming before, even tutorials about it online. However, the Earth's version didn't sound as extraordinary, merely being aware of dreaming without the ability to fully control dream contentlet alone experiencing senses and emotions on par with reality.

Yet, the rainbow flower honey's effect was remarkably potent, offering an immersive experience in dreams equivalent to reality. In other words, it bestowed god-like omnipotence in dreams.

This capability trumped any existing forms of entertainment.

Surely, many would desire this ability.

According to company norms, each employee received a sample bottle of rainbow flower honey.

Hua Mi took the final taste.

The moment the rainbow flower honey touched his tongue, his body seemed to experience weightlessness, falling into a meadow brimming with flowers, gazing at the sparkling starry sky, as if in a dream.

Honey might not be as scrumptious as a meal, but each unique flavor of honey provided an immediate enjoyment.

The existing varieties of honey each offered entirely distinct tastes.

It was akin to being in different atmospheric environments.

The employees were all engrossed in the enchanting experiences provided by the honey.

"I feel like I'm in a field of flowers!"

"What a dreamy flavor."

"To produce such delicious honey, we're incredible!"

"I'm eating and eating!!"

"So delicious!"


Everyone was immersed in the delectable experience of the rainbow flower honey, unable to articulate its wonder.

A hint of the wine aroma wafted in.

It seemed the Tipsy Bees couldn't wait any longer and reminded him, "Don't forget about the honey wine we produced!"

So, Hua Mi temporarily set down the bottle of honey in hand and walked towards the Tipsy Bees' beehive.


Hua Mi lifted the cover of the specialized hive, and a stronger, more intense aroma greeted him.

Merely the scent made his cheeks flush slightly, feeling somewhat intoxicated.

The rainbow flower honey wine was currently divided into individual compartments.

Hua Mi designed a new type of bottle specifically for the honey wine, slightly more elongated than the honey bottles, yet still 500ml in capacity.

Carefully, he extracted a slab of honey... perhaps it shouldn't be called honey here, but rather wine lees?

Anyway, he positioned the bottle's mouth against the corner of the lees and tilted it slightly.

The honey wine inside converged into a thin stream, gushing into the bottle with a gurgling sound.

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