A Beekeeper in a Magical World

Chapter 169: The Tippler Bee

Chapter 169: The Tippler Bee

"It's time to test my luck again," Hua Mi mused.

Retrieving the half-bottle of the improved mutant attractant from the storage space, Hua Mi proceeded to select a swarm of over eight thousand ordinary bees. Pouring the mutagenic attractant into a basin, he then directed the bees to approach and sip it in turn.

Under the influence of the mutagenic attractant, the bees swiftly returned to their hives, secreting wax and cocooning themselves. Going by past experiences, results should be evident by tomorrow at the latest.

Given the unusual times, to prevent extreme weather from affecting the mutation process, Hua Mi deliberately placed this bee box in the greenhouse.

While there, he checked on the Rainbow Glass Flower field, offering Dream Nightmare workers the gifted honey as a token of appreciation for their hard work.

Most of the ground was already covered by Dream Soila gel-like special soil continuously absorbing energy from the Dream Realm, nourishing the land. The overall progress of the transformation in the field had reached approximately 90%, estimating it would be usable in a few more days.

Before that, Hua Mi had managed to cultivate some Rainbow Glass Flower seeds through propagation and hybridization methods. These seeds, not too large and comparable in size to lotus seeds, displayed surfaces resembling fully grown petals, shimmering with rainbow colorsa dreamlike appearance truly befitting their origin from the Dream World.

Through the seed-making machine, he had amassed a sufficient number of seeds. Utilizing his ability to measure bees combined with his own experience, Hua Mi determined that the planting spacing for Rainbow Glass Flowers needed to be relatively wide on these ten acres of land, allowing for far fewer flowers compared to other fields. It was estimated that at most, one batch could yield slightly over two hundred jars of honey, possibly even fewer.

Another piece of bad news surfacedthe seed-making machine seemed increasingly listless, its efficiency dropping noticeably. It felt like it would wither away after a few more uses. A substitute solution was imperative...

Before leaving the greenhouse, he took a quick look at the Otherworldly Tree field. Compared to his last visit, several saplings had grown a few centimeters taller, emitting a faint bleak green huea hint of their nature.

The next morning, amidst lightning and howling winds, Hua Mi braved the weather and made his way to the greenhouse. As expected, the bees had completed their mutation. Those capable had emerged from their cocoons, while the incapable had suffocated within.

A few scattered bees outside the hive caught Hua Mi's attention upon sensing that these hadnt undergone any apparent changesthey represented failed evolutions.

Subsequently, he checked the bees within the hive, releasing his mental energy to inspect them zone by zone. The majority were still failed individualseither disabled or with minimal changes like those seen outside.

However, towards the latter part of the inspection, one mutated individual caught Hua Mi's attention. Strictly speaking, this bees evolution wasn't highly successful. Its wings were slightly smaller than normal and seemed softened, greatly reducing its flying ability. Additionally, it lacked poison glands and stingers, rendering it with zero combat capability, only useful for honey gathering. Due to the wing degeneration, its honey collection efficiency was also diminished.

Yet, one of its traits was intriguingit secreted a special substance that converted the sugar in flower nectar into alcohol. In other words, the substance this bee produced wasnt honey but honey wine...

Considering this, Hua Mi decided to keep this bee breed. With a slight modification to the hive, he could directly harvest honey wine.

Thinking it over, Hua Mi replicated the template of this bee.

"Other bees brew honey, but you're brewing alcohol. That's so unique; I'll call you the Tippler Bee."

Tippler Bee

Derived from ordinary bees through an enhanced mutagenic attractant. Resembles ordinary bees but with smaller, thinner wings, lacks poison glands and stingers, possesses a honey sac and proboscis, capable of producing a special enzyme converting sugar into alcohol...

Lifespan: 0.8

Reproductive ability: 0.8

Productivity: 0.4

Attack: 0

Defense: 0.8

Vitality: 0.6

Speed: 0.5

Tactical Bonus: 3

Gathering Ability: 0.5

Combat Ability: 0

Assessed as a [Level 2 Bee].

This bee's attributes were rather lacking in many aspects.

Though theoretically capable of brewing honey wine, practical implementation might encounter several issues.

"Let's try converting one batch first."

Injecting the Tippler Bee's template into an ordinary bee swarm, the latter immediately returned to the hive and started cocooning. Additionally, hybridization experiments were underway, as usual, to breed a new queen bee for potential hybridization with the Tippler Bee. Perhaps this could compensate for the varied shortcomings of this bee breed.

This time, apart from the Tippler Bee, there were no other gains, which was somewhat disappointing. Leaving the greenhouse amid the raging winds, Hua Mi hastened towards his wooden cabin.

As he reached the eaves, a sudden chill ran down his spine. Instantly alert, Hua Mi turned back to glance.

Amidst the furious wind, a black robe fluttered. Beneath the hood, a partially pale face peeked out.

Hua Mi faced the figure directly, on guard but composed. After around ten seconds of standoff, the fierce wind gradually subsided, and the cloudy sky cleared, bathing the earth in sunlight.

Finally, the figure spoke, "I come on behalf of the Alchemist Guild."

The voice was youthful, firm, and confident.

It was indeed the Alchemist Guild.

Why had they come here? If there was something that could draw the Alchemist Guild's attention, it would likely be the honey...

The "alchemy elixir" without toxic side effectssomething impossible to research within their existing alchemy framework. Were they here to gather intelligence?

"Welcome," Hua Mi replied calmly, showing no extra movements or expressions.

"You're the Bee Speaker?"

"That's me."

The figure tilted their head slightly. Hua Mi finally saw their eyesetched with runic patterns emitting a faint red glow.

"I bring you an opportunity," they said.

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