A Beekeeper in a Magical World

Chapter 122: Full Moon Night

Chapter 122: Full Moon Night

In the fields, the Thousand Mirage Flowers were in full bloom. One glance, and the origin of their name became apparent. They were true to their title.

These flowers boasted large leaves and branches, so even from a distance, they seemed to intertwine, forming a green sea. Every Thousand Mirage Flower was spaced evenly across this floral "ocean," their petals shimmering brilliantly in the sunlight. The petals, though in reality only four per flower, seemed countless due to the layers of dazzling reflections created under the light.

These reflections danced and shifted as one changed their observation angle, akin to a kaleidoscope, truly mesmerizing. The petals themselves didn't emit light; it was the result of a faint but constant magical field around each flower, distorting the reflected light.

"The Mirage Flowers are perfect for concealment," Hua Mi mused. The idea of hunters hiding among these blooms, luring prey with their captivating colors and launching ambushes, struck him as highly effective.

In a way, it seemed like a symbiotic relationship, as even the remains of the prey would nourish the growth of the flowers.

Only by plucking a petal and disrupting the field's distortion could one see its true, rather ordinary, pale pink colorquite common among flowers.

"I wonder what kind of honey such peculiar flowers produce," he pondered, increasingly eager as the brewing process neared completion.

It didn't take long.

On a night of the full moon, the Thousand Mirage Flower honey was ready.

The moonlight was bright, the sky clear without a single cloud; one could comfortably move without artificial light.

The moon here was nearly ten times the size of Earth's, a sight that might inspire Li Bai to compose wondrous poems.

Hua Mi arranged his equipment in the midst of the Thousand Mirage Flower fields, busy under the moon's glow. His first task wasn't bottling the honey, but the routine check of each hive for byproducts.

Starting with the two Bloodsucker Bee hives, unfortunately, there were no byproducts this time.

Moving on to the five Azure Flame Bee hives. Once again, they didn't disappoint. While inspecting the fourth hive, Hua Mi discovered something beyond honeya small sphere.

"Why are most byproducts these small spheres?" he pondered. The sphere, as big as a marble, gleamed like steel after a blue treatmentobviously a material and definitely inedible, much like Bloodstone. Understanding the appraisal method, Hua Mi connected with the Azure Flame Bees, using his mental power to appraise it.

"Ah!" Hua Mi's eyes brightened. The nature of this material intrigued himit could generate a magical field distorting light when infused with mental power. Moreover, its field was extensive enough to envelop two to three people.

"This can be carried around..." His thoughts raced; its compact size made it convenient. For even more ease, it could be fashioned into jewelry, perhaps a ring, by a skilled smith.

Distorting light might not seem extraordinarily powerful, yet it served as a form of self-defense, potentially life-saving in crucial moments. Shifting beasts, causing headaches for adventurers, had developed similar illusionary spells based on this principle.

"Sometimes, the simplest tricks are the most effective."

Utilizing it well might just yield surprising results. "Since it distorts light, let's call it the Mirage Sphere," Hua Mi decided, pocketing it and moving on to the remaining hives.

Unfortunately, there were no other byproducts. "Not a single item from thirty Powerhouse Bee hives... the odds..." He sighed, preparing to bottle the honey next.

The Seven Sprites, excited to taste this new honey flavor, gathered eagerly around him.

However, at that moment, a hoarse roar echoed from outside the greenhouse. It sounded dangerously close, as if just beside it.

Startled, the Seven Sprites instinctively huddled together, ready to defend themselves.

"What beast is approaching?" Hua Mi grew alert, stepping away from the Thousand Mirage Flower fields towards the greenhouse's entrance. Little White transformed into its Fire God form, wielding the Staff of Guardians, following closely behind.

The Seven Sprites, chattering among themselves, trailed at the rear.

"What's that sound?"

"Sounded like a bear's roar."

"Could it be him?"

As they conversed, Hua Mi reached the greenhouse's threshold, advising the Seven Sprites before leaving, "Stay inside."

That warning was specifically for the Seven Sprites, as Little White could contribute to combat, while the Seven Sprites could only cheer from the sidelines.

The Seven Sprites obediently halted at the doorway, their expressions grave as they listened for outside movements.

Once outside, under the silvery moonlight, Hua Mi spotted a robust black bear, over three meters in length, not far away. It stood tall, roaring at the full moon.

Suddenly, it rose on its hind legs, its massive paw swiping forcefully at a nearby tree trunk.

The swipe tore off half the trunk, the colossal tree, losing support, collapsed under its weight, crashing into an adjacent tree, which in turn leaned to the side, revealing half its roots, causing snow and soil to scatter.

The strength displayed made Hua Mi gasp. If faced with its full might, he couldn't guarantee the greenhouse's integrity.

It needed to be driven away.

"Can we communicate?" Hua Mi inquired of Little White.

Shaking its head, Little White replied, "It's completely irrational."

The bear, panting heavily, emitted a growl akin to an engine.

Suddenly noticing something, it turned, its eyes glowing crimson, fixed directly on them. Its visage, sinister with saliva dripping from its coarse fangs, seemed demonic compared to any bear on Earth.

Hua Mi and Little White swiftly moved away from the greenhouse door, positioning themselves in an open space nearby, to prevent damage to the greenhouse during the impending fight.

The bear crouched, its limbs touching the ground, inching closer, never taking its eyes off them, ready to pounce at any moment.

A battle seemed unavoidable.

"Fire is effective against dense fur; perhaps the Azure Flame Bees might work wonders," Hua Mi pondered, summoning two Azure Flame Bees into position.

Little White grasped its staff, focusing on the target.

Simultaneously, the bear roared, and with a forceful kick from its hind legs, it created a crater, its massive body looming over them like a small mountain.

Under the radiant moonlight, the colossal bear, towering high, raised its paw, crimson eyes fixed on the two frail human figures, launching a devastating attack!

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