A Beekeeper in a Magical World

Chapter 119: New Byproducts

Chapter 119: New Byproducts

"I bet he doesn't even understand the structure of flowers," Suzy smirked provocatively. "If you don't believe me, go and test him, ask him some basic flower knowledge, see if I'm right."

"I'll go."

Xiao Zi couldn't believe Suzy was that good, able to tell if someone genuinely liked something just by looking. Humans didn't have mind-reading abilities.

So, she flew out of the window to check.

Suzy crossed her arms high above her head, stretching lazily, humming a cheerful tune.

Soon after, Xiao Zi flew back in through the window, landing on the table, her wings drooping like wilted petals.

"How was it? Does that mage know anything about flowers?" Suzy asked, though she already guessed the outcome, wearing a mischievous fox-like expression.

Shaking her head, Xiao Zi said, "You were right. He knows nothing about flowers, a complete novice. He just thinks they look pretty, can't even name common ones."

"So, you still have a lot to learn about the human world," Suzy tapped her head lightly with a pen, "It's not that easy to trust what others say."

"But how did you know?" Xiao Zi asked curiously.

"Through the eyes," Suzy confidently replied, "When someone talks about what they genuinely love, there's a spark in their eyes."

"A spark?" Xiao Zi was puzzled. "Do human eyes really sparkle?"

"Not literally," Suzy chuckled, struggling to explain this concept. There was a wide racial gap between flower spirits and humans, "It's more of a metaphor... Anyway, if the person shares my interests, I can sense it, somewhat similar to your telepathic abilities."

"Oh..." Xiao Zi pondered for a moment, then remembered something, "By the way, the mage said he wanted to buy some flower seeds to gift a friend. He thinks the flowers here are beautiful, so he asked if you'd be willing to part with some..."

"No problem," Suzy readily agreed, "No need for purchase; I can give him some."

Saying this, she fetched a thick notebook from the bookshelf.

Opening it released a mix of floral fragrances.

Every page held one or two dehydrated, well-preserved petals sealed in small plastic bags, annotated with elegant script.

"Did he mention where his friend lives?" Suzy asked, "Different regions have different climates, suitable for different flowers."

"He didn't. I'll go and ask again," Xiao Zi said and flew out.

Soon, she returned. "He said his friend lives in the Black Witch's Forest."

"The Black Witch's Forest..." Suzy tilted her head, puzzled. She checked the map of the Western Continent and found the name tucked away in an inconspicuous corner.

It was an adventurous place situated quite far north from Modu, with an entirely different climate.

"People live in a place like that?" Suzy found it strange. But then again, the mage didn't specify if his friend was a person; it could be some peculiar creature...

Suzy flipped through her floral guidebook, finally stopping at a page, pointing to a petal, "This one."



A cyan fireball zoomed toward Hua Mi.

Hua Mi stood still, focused on the fireball.

Calm and unmoving.

As it neared, he swiftly swung his arm.

The cyan fireball, as if obstructed by some force, changed direction instantly, spiraling like flames around his arm before regathering and flying back.

To an onlooker, he casually waved his sleeve, effortlessly deflecting the incoming fireball.

Levistus positioned his staff, intercepting the fireball.

"Not bad, getting more proficient," Hua Mi was satisfied with his progress these days.

Covered by the Yin-Yang Bees under his black robe, they formed a large Yin-Yang field around his body, alternating between Yin and Yang fields, deflecting all attacks.

This maneuver was more challenging than relying on Levistus for flight. It required precise control to switch between Yin and Yang fields at the right moments; a slight delay would lead to attacks hitting him directly.

However, Hua Mi's mental strength had increased significantly.

Not only had his limits risen, but his precise manipulation of mental energy had also improved greatly.

His focus had reached its peak.

Thus, practicing bee control had become more efficient.

His command over the Yin-Yang Bees was not yet effortless, but he had become quite adept.

There was still room for improvement.


In the greenhouse, across four areas, the Enigma Flower field had completed a new batch of honey production.

Affected by the floral magic, this field didnt require replanting or regrowth, drastically shortening the harvesting intervals.

The Thunder Blossom field's honey-making process was nearly two-thirds done.

The slowest progress was in the two newly developed areas: Mirage Flower and Mixed Flower fields, but they were steadily advancing.

The lost Cyan Fire Bee colonies had been replenished.

Everything proceeded in an orderly fashion.

The Enigma Flower field had 31 Strong Bees, 5 Cyan Fire Bees, and 2 Bloodsuckers in proportionate numbers, aligning well with the Enigma Flower's nectar flow period.

As usual.


Hua Mi and Levistus arrived at the Enigma Flower field.

This time, the seven small ones weren't interested in following.

They had already tasted the Enigma Flower honey, so they weren't as curious about this field anymoreand they didn't show much interest in the byproducts from honey production either.

Moreover, with Levistus overseeing, they hardly needed to come over.

The Thunder Blossom field was also somewhat neglected.

The Pseudo-Flower Spirits' daily routine there had become a mere formality; they finished their tasks and left without attachment.

What were they primarily occupied with now?

The seven small ones were focused on the Mirage Flower and Mixed Flower fields.

They were after new honey flavors, eagerly anticipating the completion of honey production in these areas.

Truly, a group that loved novelty and grew tired of the old.

Hua Mi first opened two Bloodsucker Bee hives.

Viscous blood honey met his eyes.

Holding his breath, he inspected the two hives.

Confirmed, no byproducts.

Next were the five Cyan Fire Bee hives.

As Hua Mi's favorite companions now, the Cyan Fire Bees were eagerly awaited.

"Let's have a few more Fire Lotuses, fully ice-resistant."

With expectations, Hua Mi opened five boxes one after another.

First one, no output.

Second one, no output.

The third...

None of the five produced any byproducts.


He pondered whether to increase the ratio of Cyan Fire Bees.

This would decrease honey production, but they already had enough stock.

The alchemy workshop for Carter and them hadn't been set up yet; there was no urgent need for so much inventory.

When the business expanded, there would still be time to increase honey production.

Operating while contemplating his next steps, Hua Mi unexpectedly encountered a pleasant surprise when opening who-knew-which Strong Bee hive.

As he removed the partition, a small round sphere rolled out from the Strong Bee hive.

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