500th Time Reborn, A World Only Known By Women: The Karma System

Chapter 295 Ate Her First

The creature whinnied loudly before charging towards me, but I was ready for it this time; I leaped out of its way and then quickly turned around to slice at its back legs with my acquired wing blade. The creature stumbled forward a few steps but then seemed to recover like it was nothing.

"What the fuck?!" I exclaimed as I leaped back out of the way just in time to avoid being smashed by its hooves.

The creature was obviously angry now, and it reared up onto its hind legs before slamming down hard enough to cause the floor to shake. A large crack started to form in the ground that quickly spread towards me, but I was already moving; I rolled out of harm's way and then came up behind the creature before stabbing it in between its shoulder blades with my wing blade.

The blade just melted away, and the creature just whinnied loudly before turning around to snap at me with its teeth. I leaped out of the way and then ran towards its head, but before I could reach it, the ground started to give way beneath my feet. I cursed out loud as I fell into the darkness below...

When I woke up, Kelly was shaking me gently while calling my name softly; It took me a few seconds to remember what had happened and where we were. When it all came back to me, though, I quickly sat up with a gasp and looked around wildly for any sign of those creatures.

Thankfully, there was nothing; No burning room or nightmare creatures anywhere in sight! The only thing that remained from that place was the ring that Kelly still held in her hand; Everything else had vanished as if it had never existed!

"What happened?" I asked as I sat up and saw the door before with an inscription on it.

"...I put the ring on right as you feel in the hole... and we are here now, look at that! Haha..." Kelly was holding a finger up, pointing to the door. "We solved the fifth trial!"

"I am just going to ignore how easy that should have been," I groaned as I flopped back down on the floor. I should have been able to whoop that horse's ass, but he cheated with the floor trick!

"Are you just going to lay around here all day? We should keep going," Kelly said as she started to walk towards the door, but I quickly sat up and grabbed her arm to stop her.

"No! We need a plan first," I insisted as Kelly tried to pull away from me, but I held on tight. "If we just charge in there half-cocked, we are going to get ourselves killed!"

Kelly just glared at me for a moment before finally sighing and shaking her head; She was obviously not happy about this turn of events. "Fine... What do you suggest then?"

This was actually a good question; What did I suggest? I let go of her arm and walked over to the door, looked over the inscription, and frowned.

'The sixth trial is... To escape the beast's clutches, you must first bind its mouth shut.'

"What the fuck does that even mean?!" I exclaimed in frustration before kicking the door in anger. "This is bullshit!"

"Hey! Watch it!" Kelly snapped at me as she put her hands on her hips and looked at me sternly; I just sighed and shook my head before turning back to look at the door.

There had to be a way to figure this out; The inscription said that we had to 'bind its mouth shut,' so whatever 'it' was, it had a mouth... That much was obvious, but what could it be? A person? An animal? Some sort of monster?

p "Well?" Kelly asked impatiently, and I just sighed. I just wanted to get out of here and tie this bitch up and throw her in a corner. The other two Elly's could watch her in a locked room.

"Let's just go; I will just figure it out as we go," I groaned, and Kelly clicked her tongue at me.

"Yeah, 'cause that has been working so well for you so far," she said sarcastically, but I just ignored her as I pushed open the door and walked into the next room.

This room was completely dark, so Kelly reached over and grabbed my hand to make sure that we didn't lose each other, Not that it would have mattered much since we were both still invisible. The only light in the room came from a single candle on a small table in the center of the room, but its light only extended a few feet in any direction. Beyond that was just pure darkness.

"Is anyone there?" Kelly called out hesitantly as she squeezed my hand tightly, and I tensed up, and then she let go; Something about this place felt off... Like we were being watched... again. It was just like in the library, but the place was much creepier, and I could tell there was stuff beyond the light.

Suddenly, something grabbed onto my other arm from behind me, causing me to yelp loudly in surprise before quickly spinning around to see what it was; Thankfully, though, it was just Kelly who had panicked and grabbed onto me.

"What is wrong with you?!" She snapped at me angrily before letting go of my arm like she had been burned. "You nearly scared me half to death!"

"Seriously?! You are the one that keeps grabbing me! I think we should spit up and look around," I growled, hoping that whatever monster was in here ate her first before I got a chance to kill it. This would make my life a lot easier.

Kelly just scoffed and shook her head, though. "No way! I am not going off by myself in here!"

"Fine," I muttered before turning back around to face the darkness again; Maybe if we stayed close to the candlelight, whatever was in here wouldn't be able to get us... but that was very productive or fun.

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