500th Time Reborn, A World Only Known By Women: The Karma System

Chapter 291 Fingers In Both Holes

I hit the floor with my knees, and the world started to spin around me, and images of Tallia on the ground with Xena started to swirl around my head as Negative energy started to build inside of me. Then, I breathed out, back in, then out again as I forced myself to my feet, crushing the dark energy that was starting to build. This wasn't real.

I stood and walked over to the body, turning it over, and the woman was suddenly wearing one of the cultist's black robes and looked nothing like Tallia, and the blood was gone. This had to be the cultist that I had been looking for, Kelly, but she looked to be passed out. Either that or someone or thing had used magic to keep her asleep. Regardless, I had her now, but if The Origin was to be trusted, I had five more trials.

This second trial had taken less time, but the effect of it had shaken me, so even after picking Kelly up, I stood in the room for a while longer. I took a few deep breaths to calm myself down before finally exiting the room with Kelly in my arms. I wasn't sure what the other trials would entail, but I knew that they wouldn't be easy, so I had to be prepared for anything.

As I got to the door, I read the inscription on it for the subsequent trial.

'The third trial is the hardest,

You'll want to give up and quit,

But if you push through and don't falter,

You'll find the strength within yourself.'

Great, this should be fun while holding on to this cultist! Whatever, If this one was the most challenging coming up, then it should be easy street after that, but I wouldn't dare say that out loud. Don't need Murphy getting in on this!

I pushed the door open to a long hall filled with a scent that I knew all too well, and I groaned at what was to come as I walked up to a single door with an inscription.

'Harden your resolve, and push through!'

"Fuck off, I'm already rock hard!" I growled as I stared at the door. The scent of ripe women made my hair stand on end, and I was almost positive about what was behind trial number three as I opened the door. "When I find out who made this, I will kick their ass across each island!"

I opened the door all the way and was hit full blast with the scent of hot and ready women, and the room was filled with them, all naked, of course, and everyone turned to look at me. Each of them was a solid 11/10, and the looks they were giving me were trying to tear my clothes off.

"What kind of sick and twisted joke is this?!" I complained, and the room lit up with my name.


"Oh fuck me," I groaned and lifted Kelly up in my arms so my erection stopped digging into her back.

The women started to close in on me from all sides, and their hands were all over me as they started to feel me up and pull at my clothes. It took everything I had to keep pushing forward because if I stopped, I knew I would be pulled to the ground and probably never make it up again.

"Isn't this what you want?" One of them purred as she nibbled on my earlobe. "You know you want us."

"No, I really don't," I lied as her hand slid down my stomach and wrapped around my cock. "I mean, sure, you're all hot and everything, but this is just too much."

The woman chuckled and then whispered in my ear again. "Come on... Just give in... We know you want to."

I could feel Kelly stirring in my arms now as the woman's hand started stroking me harder. Still, just as I was about to lose control, Kelly slapped the woman's hand away before elbowing her in the face with a hard crack that sent her flying backward into two other women behind her!

"What is going on?!" Kelly shouted as she writhed around, trying to get free from my grip while also trying to hit me simultaneously!

"What? What did I do?!"

She elbowed me again in the gut, which knocked the wind out of me for a bit before finally squirming out of my arms completely, which caused both of us to fall onto our asses!

"What the fuck is going on?!" Kelly shouted as she scrambled to her feet and tried to make a run for it, but the women were all around her now, and they were not letting her leave! In fact, they were pulling her back towards me!

I got to my feet as well and grabbed onto Kelly's arm to try and pull her back, but it was like trying to move a mountain; these women were strong!

"Let go of me!" Kelly screamed as she tried to fight them off, but it was pointless. "Help!"

This was so much better when she was fast asleep in my arms, but now she was getting terrorized by these horny women. I knew this wasn't real, but each time a hand slipped around my cock, I had difficulty caring if it was. I was flinging women off Kelly, but when I got to her, she was sucking on one girl's tits while getting both holes fingered by two other girls.

"Kelly, snap out of it!" I shouted as I tried to get her attention, but she was too far gone; she was lost in the moment, and there was nothing that I could do to bring her back.

I had no choice but to throw the women off her and scoop her up, but the girls had done something to her, and now she was also reaching down for my cock.

When the inscription said that this was the most challenging room, this was not what I had in mind, but if I was alone, it would be pretty easy to succumb to this type of thing. The problem was now that this place was like a mosh pit, making it nearly impossible to move without getting groped or fondled in some way!

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