500th Time Reborn, A World Only Known By Women: The Karma System

Chapter 272 You Shall Not Pass!

I enjoyed the kiss for a while, but then I had to push Elfinia off me. As much as I would have loved to take her right then and there, there were things going on that had to be dealt with before that kind of fun could be had.

"I hate to say this, but we have to go," I said regretfully while getting up from the bench and helping Elfinia get back on her feet as she blushed slightly.

"R-Right! We have things to do!" Elfinia exclaimed before rushing off toward one of the windows.

"The door is over here. Claire, let's get going. We have a demoness to catch and a spell to unravel." I said before walking over to the door and opening it for her.

"Right! Let's go!" Claire exclaimed as she rushed out of the carriage, Elfinia hot on her trail and not looking at me. I guess she still was going to be difficult; even after her jumping on me to kiss me, Elfinia still seemed frosty. That might be because she didn't want the other people to see her warm up to me after being so cold.

Women were such complicated creatures.

I started walking to the center of town with a girl on either side of me, but I could see that most of the people were clear. There was one person that stood out from the rest that was still there. An older woman with a walking stick that was completely covered in heavy-looking robes.

"Girls, prepare to start taking the spell apart, but wait back here and make sure that no one else comes close," I said after stopping just outside of where I could feel the spell start.

"Are you sure you should go alone?" Claire asked me, and I nodded my head.

"There is nothing she can do to me that will do me any great harm. Just listen to what I say, and let the other girls know that they are coming over," I explained as I saw the two groups headed our way and then turned back to the center of the town square. The old woman was looking at me, and she had a scowl on her face, but she didn't move.

Demons created were controlled by their Queens or Lords and had very little say in what they did. These were unlike Xieus, or Rem, who were both natural Demons if you could call them that. Queens were the same thing, and there were only so many of them. This Grimora was a created demon, so there was a chance that I might be able to reason with her if I could break her connection to her Queen, and there was only one way to steal a demon.

I would have to make her my slave, but I was not the type to own slaves, so I would have to figure out a better term for her. Still, this was all a bit premature planning if I ended up having to cut her head off.

I walked into the center of the spell circle, and I felt the magic push back against me, not physically but mentally. It felt like this spell was trying to keep me out so that it wouldn't be disrupted, but that wasn't going to happen!

"You can try all you want," I said as I pushed forward through a barrier that seemed like it should have knocked me off my feet if not for boosting myself with Pure Magic as I walked. I reached what appeared to be an invisible wall in front of me, surrounded by floating enchantment circles on every surface around her.

The barrier gave way immediately when there was no resistance from my side anymore, and then suddenly, everything started flashing brightly before draining away again, leaving only white light surrounding us now from some sort of magical field.

"Who are you? What do you want?" The woman asked with a scowl as she looked down at me, almost leaning over me from her much taller position. I was far from intimidated by this old hag that wanted to drain this village.

"I am someone that is here to end the madness. My name is Galio, and you are going to release these people from this spell," I said plainly as the old woman chuckled slightly and took a step back.

"So you know about me then?" She asked with a raised eyebrow, and I nodded my head again.

"What else would bring me here but your evil deeds?" I asked in response while moving forward as well since it was clear that she wasn't going anywhere anytime soon while being surrounded by all of those magical barrier spells orbiting around her like satellites. This place felt strong enough to withstand an army, so what this must have taken were some high-level demons or something similar, along with lots of Pure Magic!

"You shall not pass!" The hag exclaimed before giving out a bloodcurdling scream as lights started shining through her robes, mixing together with some kind of Negative Energy in front of her. It transformed into what appeared to be a half demoness/half ape creature behind the glowing blue barrier spell circle surrounding us both!

It bared its teeth at me menacingly for several seconds until finally speaking after we just stood there looking at each other motionless for several seconds.

"You must be quite powerful if you managed to make it past my defenses without any... Oh, it's you!" The demon apes form started to say but then narrowed its eyes on me when Bellazibub recognized me.

"Been a while. You look as ugly as ever! still using sandpaper for face wipes?" I asked, crossing my arms. This was not her true form, and she was actually very beautiful for a Demoness, but she was on the other side right now, and I knew she wouldn't give an inch, so I didn't have to be nice.

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