500th Time Reborn, A World Only Known By Women: The Karma System

Chapter 260 Titania

I walked forward a bit before pausing and looking around. Something about this place just called to me and made me feel at home. It was like a part of my soul belonged here, and it felt amazing!

"Who dares enter my forest from the portal of a goddess?!" A cute female voice boomed almost squeakily, and I had to think on my feet fast. What would be a good grand gesture for a Titania, Queen of not only the fairies but of all Fae? She did just win a battle, it seemed, so how could I make her day even better without getting myself attacked?

"My lady, I am Galio, God of Cats. I have come to speak with you on a matter of great importance," I called out as calmly and respectfully as possible. It wouldn't anger an all-powerful being like Titania, even if I could just put her over my knee.

​ "You are the God of Cats? I have heard so much about you, but I never thought that I would actually meet you so soon!" The voice said, and then there was a burst of tinkling laughter as a small fairy flew out from behind some bushes in front of me.

The fairy was breathtakingly beautiful, with long blonde hair and blue eyes. She wore a simple green dress that billowed out around her as she flew in front of me, leading the way through the forest. We came to a stop at a massive tree with vines wrapped all around it before she ducked inside an opening near the bottom.

I followed her into what looked like a massive underground cavern lit by glowing fungus on the walls and ceiling. There were all sorts of creatures moving about doing their own thing as we walked through what looked like a throne room up ahead.

The closer we got, the more I could see just how beautiful Titania really was. She was not just some minor goddess like Laguna; she was true royalty. She sat on her throne with a look of boredom on her face as we walked in, but as soon as she saw me, her eyes lit up with excitement.

"So, you are the God of Cats? It is truly an honor to meet you! What brings you to my forest?" Titania asked as she leaned forward in interest, and I bowed before stepping forward.

"I have come to speak with you about a matter of great importance," I said gravely, and Titania's eyes rolled at the next part. "I have come to warn you about a cult that is trying to summon a dark goddess into this world."

"So, tell me about you, and a cult sounds bad, but that is Tallia's problem. What did you come here for? I know it isn't for help with that, but you have proved to be able to take on much greater tasks than this! What I want to know is what you want from me?" Titania asked, rising up from her throne, her skin having a strange blue and purple tone that faded to pink. She came over and circled me slowly, and my mind raced.

I needed to think of something that would interest her, but she already seemed to be interested in my body, so maybe I could use that to my advantage. I just had to be careful not to anger her or make her think that I was trying to take advantage of her.

"I was hoping that you could help me understand more about the Fae and maybe even help me find a place in this world," I said cautiously, and Titania stopped in front of me, looking up at me with a smile.

"See? Was that so hard? I think that can be arranged," Titania said as she took my hand and led me toward her throne. "But first, let us celebrate your arrival! It is not often that we have such honored guests in our midst."

I wanted to tell her that we had to get going and that I had a wagon that was running from cult members, but to this goddess, that wouldn't mean much. For some reason, I wanted to be a lot nicer to this goddess compared to the others. Something about her told me that I needed to be very careful of her feelings, and that made me think of how shy her daughter, Skylar, was.

"Thank you for your hospitality, my lady," I said with a smile, and Titania's eyes sparkled as she clapped her hands.

"Excellent! Now let the festivities begin!" Titania declared, and all around us, creatures began to appear out of nowhere, some playing music while others brought in food and drink. It seemed like the party was just getting started, but I had to make sure that I didn't spend too much time there.

As the night wore on, I found myself getting more and more lost in Titania's world. It was like nothing that I had ever experienced before, and I found myself wanting to stay here forever. The creatures were all so friendly, and they treated me like royalty. Titania herself was an amazing hostess, making sure that I was never without a drink or food.

I knew that I had to leave soon, but I didn't want to go. This felt like home in a way that nowhere else ever had, but eventually, Tallia would come looking for me, and she would not be happy if she found me here partying instead of working on our mission.

"Titania, thank you for your hospitality," I said as respectfully as possible as I bowed before her one last time. "But I must be going now."

"So soon? The party has just started!" Titania protested, but I shook my head.

We can come back another time because this really has been an amazing time, but I can't very well enjoy myself, knowing the rest of my family is running from an enemy that I don't fully understand yet. Plus, I have Goldy taking my place right now, and she has classes to get back to teaching," I explained, but then Titania scowled.

"Ahh! so it was her! that little witch told you to catch me in a good mood, didn't she?! Fine, no matter! Just so we are clear, Goldy does not have to teach those classes for another month!" Titania declared, and I frowned as a golden portal opened.

"Good, that means she can stay and help you watch over Galio," Tallia said as she waved for us to come through, but both Titania and I looked at each other in confusion.

"How did you know I was ready to go?" I asked in confusion as I looked from Titania.

"I have never been kicked off this island, so I can come and go as I please, and I have been checking to see when you are ready," Tallia said in a matter-of-fact voice, but Titania snorted.

"Yeah, right! You just wanted to see if Galio and I were getting along!" Titania accused, but Tallia shrugged.

"That too," Tallia admitted before turning back towards the portal. "Come on, we need to get going."

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