500th Time Reborn, A World Only Known By Women: The Karma System

Chapter 254 Setting Off!

Eliza, Chili, Breya, Claire, Rexa, Daphne, Velma, Skylar, and last and most pissed off, Elfinia. This made a pretty large group, but I had Breya with me, so things should be okay. If things got too bad, I would just lock them all in the Spatial Lodge until I could get the place settled down. I was starting to think the reason why Tallia wanted me to take all these girls with me was to ground me to make sure that I didn't do anything stupid, but not having a backup plan would be much worse. There was always that chance of something happening, and that was just asking to invite Murphy into your life.

"Well, I am glad to see that everyone has gathered. I know that some of you aren't that excited about coming, but I think this will be good for all of us to spend some time together. This is also something that Tallia asked of me, so there is no getting around it," I said to the gathered girls, and Eliza rushed over to me with Chili dragging along behind her.

"Yes! I am so excited to finally get to go on an adventure with you!" Eliza said as she hugged me tightly, and Chili smiled at me, her cute gray ears twitching with excitement and her cat tail swishing.

p "I just hope that it won't be too dangerous," Chili said, and I shook my head.

"Hard to say, but you will all be safe with me around!" I said confidently, and the girls laughed. "Okay, let's get this show on the road and head out to the wagon!"

The girls cheered, and we all headed out, but not before Elfinia grabbed my arm to stop me. "You need to be careful, Galio. I don't know what is going on or what you are up to, but I am trusting you with my safety!"

"I will do everything in my power to make sure that you are safe," I said solemnly before trying to pat her head, but Elfinia dodged and hissed at me, giving me a dirty look.

"Just make sure that you do," Elfinia said before she turned and walked away, her long blonde hair swaying behind her.

I looked at Breya, who just sighed and shook her head. "She is going to be a handful," Breya muttered, but I just smiled.

"Year, but that is why she and Claire are coming. I can't keep them here like this all the time. Both of them have Islands to run and take care of, so I need to put in a bit more effort in bringing them back under my wing like there were so long ago," I said as everyone started to head inside and then to the front of the house there guards were taking stuff outside to where the was a fairly large carriage waiting. "I am going to help with the preparations. I will be back in a bit."

"Okay! We will be here waiting!" Eliza said as she blew me a kiss, and I caught it before heading out front.

It didn't take long for things to get ready as they had been preparing for this departure for quite some time now, unbeknownst to me, but finally, we were all on board and on our way. The interior of the carriage was cozy enough since it was designed for, but it just wasn't going to work for all of us, so it was time for me to work some magic.

I pulled in a massive amount of magic to the point where I was glowing before I focused on the space inside of the carriage. I had done this before, but never to this magnitude, as I was creating a space that was almost ten times the size of what it should have been on the inside and even larger with all of us piled in. It took a few moments for everything to solidify, but when it did, there were gasps from everyone at how large and open it was on the inside.

I had created an area with several seats and places for people to sleep if need be. It was going to be that long of a journey since we would be stopping every now and again so everyone could rest up or explore, but still, it didn't hurt to have too much room just in case something happened where we needed more space. There was a chance we could suddenly be attacked by bandits or creatures.

"Wow... just how big is this place?!" Eliza asked as she walked around looking at everything while Chili jumped up into one of the chairs and curled up.

"As big as I need it to be for everyone's comfort," I said with a smile before Breya stopped me.

"Is this a Spatial Lodge?!" Breya asked in disbelief, but Claire shook her head from beside the Angle, her golden eye stalk swaying.

"No, I can make that. This is like a Spatial Palace if that is even a thing. The best I can do is make a tent twice its size, and I was a goddess," Claire said flat and passionless as she climbed into the carriage. "This is astounding. I have never seen magic like this before."

"And you never will see it again," I said as Breya just stepped back in shock. "Come on, let's find our seats so we can get this show on the road."

Breya nodded, and we all filed into the carriage, with Elfinia, Rexa, Skylar, and Daphne deciding to sit up front while the rest of us sat in the back. It was a little cramped at first since, as we got everything inside, and everyone wanted to look around. I let them explore their new surroundings inside my creation, but they finally settled down after a few minutes.

It was Elfinia that spoke up first thought as she stared at me with her piercing green eyes that almost seemed to be looking right through me. "Just how much power do you have?" she asked flatly without any emotion in her voice.

"More than you can imagine," I said simply, not really sure how to answer such a question. Even I didn't know the limits of my magic since it was something that just seemed to grow as time went on. "Why do you ask?"

"Just making sure that we are safe with you," Elfinia said plainly before she looked away from me and out the window, her arms crossed over her large breasts. She really was quite beautiful, even if she had a bit of an attitude problem at times.

This trip was sure to be fun!

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