500th Time Reborn, A World Only Known By Women: The Karma System

Chapter 194 City Of Wetness

Mishal picked me up with the Blue Bell still on my head. The creature was the first animal that I had found that hadn't tried to attack me. It was also pretty cute, even if a bit weird looking.

"Well, I think that you can walk the rest of the way. Melrose always gets upset when I am in the city. This is where we say our goodbyes for now. I hope that I will get to see you again, Galio," Lagoona said, and I nodded.

"Yes. I am going to be spending a lot of time at sea, so I am sure that we will see more of each other," I said from Mishal's arms as she petted both the Blue Bell and me.

"I look forward to it and thank you for giving me so much magic. That was the first time that anyone had ever been able to call me to them in person. Normally I would just be a brief image that gives my permission, but you pulled me completely to you. Anyone that can do that has to be extremely powerful, but you are a god, so that makes sense. I would just like to have some more time with you, that is all. I will be waiting for you, but you may also call me to you if you need my aid," Lagoona said as she floated out on the water and then slowly sank in.

Mishal and I watched the beautiful Goddess disappear, and then Mishal looked down at me.

"You are one strange creature. It takes an acolyte three years of devotion before Lagoona will even appear! She just blessed you with her power the first time that you met! This is unheard of! Kira will want to hear of this! Do you mind if we go to the temple in the city first?" Mishal asked me with a disbelieving look on her face. "After, I will take you wherever you would like."

"Sure, I just wanted to see around the city and then go talk to the Queen. As long as it doesn't take too long. I don't plan on being in Bramma for more than today," I explained, and Mishal nodded.

"Kira will be able to help you get an audience, but Queen Melrose sees no one until after lunch," Mishal explained, and I looked up at her curiously.

"Why? Does Melrose not like to be disturbed early, or does she just sleep for half the day?" I asked, and Mishal laughed.

"That is not the case with Melrose. She commands the training fleet, and they cast off the moment that dawn is here. She is always up before then and waiting at the docks for all the women that are still in training. Melrose may have her faults, but she is an inspiring Queen to most. I hope that you take that into consideration because I feel like you are here to make some big changes. Changes that I don't think any of the Peekaans are ready for," Mishal explained, and I nodded.

"Very much so, but I would like to respect the culture that has been built here. The issue stems from the way they are treating Easterners. I need to see what the city is like before I make any decisions," I explained as we walked towards the very large city that was covered in steam. "What is all the steam from?"

"The Peekaans use steam to power everything. Most of them shun normal magic like what you do and only tolerate the kind I use, but they hardly even do that sometimes. That tall building that stands above the steam is the Queen's castle. My temple is over by the docks on the south side of the city. We are not allowed to fly over the city, so we will have to walk or swim around," Mishal explained.

"Walking is good," I said, not wanting to have to swim anywhere, but Mishal laughed and then took a deep breath.

"Well, if that is the case, then let us proceed. Welcome to Bramma, the steaming city on the coast!" Mishal said dramatically, but I could hardly see anything as we started to walk past buildings.

The steam was like fog, and it rolled along at head height, making it hard to see anything.

"Is it like this all the time?" I asked, starting to not like the dampness, and I jumped out of her arms.

I let out a sigh of relief at being on ground level, but even on the ground, it felt muggy. People that live down here must live with a constant feeling of dampness.

"No, it is only like this during the day. At night the steam dissipates, and you can see the stars." Mishal said, starting to walk down the street, and I followed her.

The streets were made of cobblestone, and they were slick with moisture. I had to be careful not to slip as we walked, even with my cat feet.

"Do you have any family here?" I asked, looking around at the people walking by.

They all seemed to be minding their own business, and no one paid us any attention.

"No, I was born in the temple. I have never met my parents." Mishal said, and I could hear the sadness in her voice.

I wanted to reach out and comfort her, but I didn't want to be rude.

"I'm sorry," I said, and she shook her head.

"It is fine. I am used to it. Someone like me is given away before the opening of the egg almost every time and sent to the temples." Mishal said, but I could tell that it wasn't.

"They can tell that you will be a follower of Lagoona before birth?" I asked in confusion, and Mishal looked down at me with an equally confused look.

"You do not know how eggs work?" Mishal asked as we moved over to the side of the street.

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