500th Time Reborn, A World Only Known By Women: The Karma System

Chapter 185 N-Word

"Now, the next one you are going to do is water. That is the fluidity of your mind, and that is the place that you draw water from. After that, Earth is from the stability your feet give, Air from your lungs, self-explanatory. The last two are Darkness, your stomach that always consumes, and Light, the eyes that see everything that the light touches," I explained, but as I did, Listenia went through them, changing the color of the magic in her hand.

"Like this?" Listenia asked, and I nodded with a smile.

"Yeah, that is exactly right! Impressive as always, beautiful. Seriously, I don't know how you are able to just grab on to this stuff so easily!" I exclaimed, but Listenia looked away with a pissed-off look. "What is wrong?"

"That woman drilled this into my head when I was younger. I know all about the magic points so that probably makes it easier. Just bothers me that something useful came out of that," Listenia said, pulling her hands back to cross her arms.

"I am sure that Elfinia taught you many lessons that were valuable, but she might not have done them in a way that you can appreciate. I was one of her teachers, and I was very close friends with her Master, Sage," I explained, and Listenia gave me a questioning look.

"Sage? Sagittarius? You seem to have much of your memories back now, but I didn't know you knew the Astrals. They are not widely known, but I guess you are one of them? This whole thing is very confusing," Listenia explained, and I nodded.

"Yes, I do have some of my memories back, but I am still missing a lot. I am Ophiuchus, the Thirteenth Zodiac, Cat God, and Protector of the Mortal Realms. Leo is my brother, but the rest of the Astrals are just my close friends, or they were. I still have memories of them, but not everyone agreed with me doing what I did. Sage was one of them that didn't want me to go," I explained.

"Why didn't he want you to go? I hope that you don't mind me asking you these personal questions, but I just want to get to know you better. You feel like the same person, but a wholly and entirely new one at the same time, if that makes any sense," Listenia said, and I crawled over to lay down on the bed where she was sitting, putting my head in her lap.

"That is complicated, but it is mostly for a stupid reason," I said, thinking about the conversation we had before I had left.

"Do you mind telling me about it?" Listenia asked, and I smiled up at her.

"Sure! So, Sage and Virgo are a pair, right?" I asked, and Listenia nodded slowly.

"I didn't, but now I do, so go on," Listenia said, and I nodded.

"Well, each of the Zodiacs is in pairs. My brother Leo is with Capricorn, but they stay together all the time. Virgo and Sage like to share, but Sage also has a thing for watching. I always found it weird, but a man that turns down a chance to get into Virgo's bed doesn't exist. Not even I am immune to that woman's charms," I said with a smile.

"So you are saying that Saggitarius was mad at you for leaving because he couldn't watch you have sex with his partner anymore?" Listenia asked in confusion, and I nodded.

"Yeah, there are other pairs that share, but not like those two," I explained, and Listenia stayed quiet for a moment.

"I can't believe that you still want to come and see me after learning about yourself," Listenia finally said, and I frowned at her.

"Why wouldn't I?" I asked in confusion.

"Well, you know that you were my mother and the other Goddesses, and they are all perfect women. What would you need for someone like me? I am pretty looking, but nothing compared to my mother," Listenia explained, and I sat up, turning around to face her.

"Listen, I don't have anyone or group of women that I love or prefer. I spend my time where I want to be and with who I want to be. You are not only my student now but an amazing woman that I like to spend time with. I have countless reasons to be here, but the only one that matters is the fact that I want to be here," I explained, and Listenia nodded.

"Sorry, I just had to ask. Hearing you talk was starting to make me wonder," Listenia said.

"You are coming with me when I leave the island, right?" I asked, and Listenia nodded. "Good, then you will be at my side."

"Tomorrow is the last day before everything happens, right? Are you ready to fight the monster?" Listenia asked, seeming to try to divert the conversation.

"Ready? I really don't know. I mean, I am pretty sure that things will be fine with that, but I am more worried about Xena. I am sure that you heard about what happened last night in front of the manor, right?" I asked, and Listenia nodded.

"Yes, I heard about the Blood Witch showing her face, but not much more than that. This person is the same person that was reincarnated before and was supposed to have died?" Listenia asked.

"The very same, but not only that, she knows me, and I know here. There is a connection between Tallia, her, and me, but I don't know exactly what that is. She is more dangerous than the monster that we will be fighting. That is why I am going to Bramma tomorrow. From what I heard, Xena is there posing as a performer in a bar there," I explained.

"You were outside of the wall and met Mishal as well. She is a very good fighter, but she is terrifying with her magic. I have sold weapons to her on numerous occasions," Listenia said.

"Oh? What is your view on the Peekaans and the Easterners?" I asked, and Listenia shrugged.

"I think it is stupid, but it has only gotten worse over the last ten years. I am assuming that is because of this person you are hunting, right?" Listenia asked, but I shrugged.

"I want to say it is, but after hearing the stories from Mishal and the others outside of the wall, it really makes you wonder. It could have been a simple switching of rulers that could have made things worse. It doesn't always take Negative forces to make people do bad things. Some do bad things with a clear vision of what they are doing to be right. People are complicated," I said, and Listenia nodded.

"I can attest to that, but it is good that you have a guide to go there. Bramma is one of the least friendly places on this island, so you should have someone that is familiar with their customs to show you around. Without Mishal, I am sure you would end up getting tossed on a boat to go out to sea for a week," Listenia said, and I laughed.

"Wow, everyone just seems to think I am a walking explosion that is waiting to go off!" I laughed, but Listenia shook her head.

"It's not just that. Bramma is a strange place, and the people there are not kind. You are going to have to watch how you talk to people and do not call anyone a nut or nuts. They are very sensitive to the N-word," Listenia warned, and I held back my laugh.

"Looks like this is going to be much more complicated than I had thought. I think that I will try to be on my best behavior then. The last thing I need to do is to start more trouble, and forcing people to do things my way isn't going to work either," I said and thumbed my chin.

"What is your plan then? I agree that you aren't going to be able to push your way around, but I also don't think that you need to let them push you around. You have much more power in your words than you do in your arms. Maybe you should try using a combination of your head and your mouth rather than your fists and heart?" Listenia asked with a knowing smile that made me roll my eyes.

"Yeah, Yeah. I know I can be a bit of a bull, but I firmly think that most situations can be solved with force. If you can, then you just aren't using enough of it!" I laughed, but Listenia gave me a look that made me sigh. "Yes, I know, things are different in this world, and the same things that worked in other worlds might not work here."

p "Exactly. You are very smart and strong, but I really think that you let your heart get in the way of your head sometimes. The biggest problem is that you can back up what you say, but that is also my mother's problem. The two of you might actually learn something from each other," Listenia said, and I gave her a look that she had just given me.

"Is it not supposed to be me giving you this speech?" I asked, and Listenia smiled.

"Looks like you needed it much more than I did. Regardless, all this stuff is talk of things of tomorrow. I think that we have spent enough time with that and training. Don't you think that it is time for us to close the books as they say and turn off the lights?" Listenia asked playfully, and I grinned.

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