1453: Revival of Byzantium

Chapter 316: No Killing For Today

Chapter 316: No Killing For Today

"One can lead a nation only by helping it see a bright outlook. A leader is a dealer in hope."

-        Napolean Bonarpate

"Easy, prepare my horses, I am going in to Helio's camp." Antonius ordered to Yuri as he wears his over coat shielding his still fragile body against the freezing winter wind and stormed towards the exit of his tent. But his arms are pulled by Abdullah who is still trying to refrain him from going. "Wait! My brother! What are you planning to do over there? How will your presence help Helio and his operations?"

"You see, Abdullah, do you agree with me that all of these hustles originated because of that bloody rumour that I have died, but if I am to show myself to those people being perfectly alive, who the hell will still believe in that rumour?"

"But no one recognises you!" Alexios reminded. "To be honest we are talking about fifty thousand prisoners over here admiral, and only a handful of them recognises your face, why don't you send some one to act as you pretending you are here with them"

"Yes indeed." Abdullah nodded in agreement with his colleague's words. "Just a reminder that these pricks now got weapons in their hands according to the letter, and so if sending a person in disguise will prevent the unthinkable possibility of you getting."

"I have made up my mind." Antonius sighed and walked back wards facing the two of his trusted men holding their hands. "You two are right, indeed, but what if some one recognised that the 'admiral' that went there is a fake one? It will ignite an even bigger spark making the entire public's emotion explode making them feel they are cheated, especially for those who still did not join in with the rebels"

"And besides, evading danger and running away from troubles that has part of my responsibility is not my style of doing things. Yuri, follow me."

"Do I summon the Varangians with me as your body guards?"

"No, Yuri, I am only bringing you along with me." Antonius left the tent with Yuri following closely behind climbing on to the horse. "We are not there to demonstrate our power it shall only achieve a negative effect; we are there to demonstrate our force we have already done it once. And besides, I trust that with the martial capabilities combined of you and me together is capable to handle any situation over there."

Yuri said no more walking forward hugging the still weak Antonius up his mount, then climbed up another horse behind him and moved off to the now alien piece of land ten miles away.

The admiral arrived at the camp of the captives with only a handful of less than fifty people, most of which are carrying necessities like tents and rations, while others are carrying all the flags banners insignias and sceptres that verifies the admiral's identity, showing to every single person watching making them spread the news around. They came just before dusk, a perfect timing when the rays of sun light is still around making their presence still visible. Using the advantage of a sudden appearance they are able to force those ambitious to stop what ever plans they are having for the night being.

"Admiral" Helio hurriedly approached the mount of Antonius and wanted to apologise but was stopped by Antonius as he placed his horse whip gently on the shoulder of later and then passed the surprised fortification master his kneel. "Lead me the way, Helio, this is your territory, and I shall gladly be your guest for today."

"Yes, my admiral." Helio said no more bowing deeply and led the kneel of Antonius' horse.

The group of people marched all the way to the centre of the camp right in the middle of all the refugees guarded by only a handful of soldiers as requested by Antonius himself, on the way he waved and whistled to the watching crowds, and instead of shouting slogans like he is not dead he went around holding the hands of spectating women and children with his face full of smiles enquiring about their living conditions, what area can they make an improvement on. While for the men he went asking about whether they have sufficient food, clean food and safety inside this area.

Slowly bit by bit the people started to believe that this man before them is indeed the one and only admiral.

After the tent of Antonius has been set up, he sent his ambassadors one by one to each corner of the camp finding people whose names are on the list provided by Anjelo and Helio, inviting them to have a little chat with the admiral personally. Some of them turned up some of them did not suspecting that the Romans might end up killing them if they go alone. But that already fulfils the original intention of Antonius.

Those people who did not accept the invitation have been too paranoid as Antonius did nothing in the entire night except to hold the hands of each and every influential character among the captives greeting them, praising them for the efforts they took to soothe the minds of the people, wishing that they shall put in more effort he shall not forget about them bluh bluh bluh In the end giving each of them a small pouch containing either silver coins or jewels that are found in the left overs of the Ottomans.

But of course, when they returned their pals planning on going on a revolt together did not trust their words suspecting that they are hiding some thing away from them, despite the fact that they are hugging each other's shoulder making vows to God that they shall be faithful towards each other at any scenario. The ambitious ones became even more suspicious when they noticed through their secret networks that these 'friends' are hiding a small pouch of valuables gifted by the admiral.

When confronted asking why they received a pouch of money from the admiral these people simply answered that it is a gift of appreciation from the Romans. Of course, their friends did not believe resulting in a verbal argument on the other party not keeping up to their promises. The other side, feeling that they are completely innocent and yet got a scolding argued back which further made the situation worse ending up in a fist brawl.

Thus, using one night Antonius dissolved the alliance between the various leaders of the captives making the originally planned uprising between these people to a no more.

But he is not done yet, for Antonius also knows pretty well that although he can solve the issues here temporarily if these fifty thousand people are going to continue clustering here it will explode for a second time in the long run of time. Thus, Antonius needs to solve this issue once and for all.

The first night in the captive camp passed with nothing dangerous going on, the night is peaceful as always with only the snoring of men, sound of foot steps rubbing against the soil and snow, and the voices between Antonius and the invited guests can be heard. Antonius is indeed right, no one will even dare to lay a finger on him if it is the real him that showed up in the camp for the time being. Abdullah and Alexios has put in too much concern for him, some times having too much concerns being way too careful is not a good thing, as it makes people lose their decisiveness in making choices in time.

After a long night of talking Antonius spent the next half of the day sleeping soundly in his tent. His body is still relatively weak having not yet made a full recovery from the illness. After waking up a little after noon Antonius is surprised finding a pile of letters being placed right in the corner of his tent. And when asked Yuri told him that this pile of letters are letters of confessions delivered here by some of the invited guests last night vowing allegiance to him.

"File these letters" Antonius smirked. "Write down the names of the senders, and put a tick beside their names, for those who came for the invitation or sent a letter but did not send any letters, or failed to show up for the invitation, put a circle beside their names, and for those who neither came for the invitation nor did they write a letter, put a cross beside their names Do you need me to repeat?"

"What are you going to do admiral?" Yuri gulped. "Are you going to kill those with a cross beside their names? If that is the case let me do"

"No, of course no Yuri, we must try to avoid using killing as our last resort as possible. But I need to tell them a very simple rule, that whoever follows me not having fancy ideas in their heads shall eventually be rewarded."

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