1453: Revival of Byzantium

Chapter 263: Unit Dispatched

Chapter 263: Unit Dispatched

"My good friends, for the second time in our history, a British Prime Minister has returned from Germany bringing peace with honour. 

I believe it is 'peace for our time'. 

We thank you from the bottom of our hearts. Go home and get a nice quiet sleep."

-        Neville Chamberlain, 30 September 1938, waving the Declaration of 'Peace'

Antonius is now fully advised by the each and every one of his followers raising questions closer to the fields of their work, evading the possibility of them giving contradictory answers and advices after hearing the words of other people which made every thing go smoothly with no more nonsensical quarrels and squabbles in between. 

The four military talents Julian, Yuri, Abraham and Khalid gave him the confidence that his army can stand for a fight with the Ottomans; Abdullah gave him the determination making him realise that there is no backing off this time; Anjelo promised to protect his back against all evils lurking in the city; Alexios guaranteed him that the overall economy in the city will not collapse, Helio and Fisnik sweared that they will appease the population of the city comforting the people that Antonius shall not leave them unguarded.

After confronting and questioning every one Antonius made up his own conclusion, having a clear view of his own strength, and with the conclusion came a decision he made up. Thus, he called out to every one saying that there will be another smaller martial meeting tomorrow, and the crowd are to be dispersed immediately, because the admiral needs a good night's sleep.

This night appears to be no different than other summer nights in the city, but Antonius can bet that many people who have attended this meeting will suffer from insomnia tonight. Because Antonius himself, is rolling around on his bed unable to fall sleep. While in the city itself all sorts of rumours began passing around through the chains of networks from different factions and foreign powers about the details of the meeting today. Just within hours there has been already five vastly different versions. The nights of metropolis like Thessaloniki are never quiet.

Every one participating arrived on time before the sun has rise feeling drowsy and heavy headed not getting a good night sleep, awaiting for the admiral while still having a continued discussion among themselves between different parties on various topics, though one thing in common is that they are mostly revolving. Though this status is going to end soon, immediately after Antonius announced his decision to them.

"I have decided to stay." The first thing Antonius said today immediately chassed away the drowsiness in the people's head, with a soothing tone but the words are like a lightening slashing right on the head of those who opposed this idea wanting to pull out of Thessaloniki. Before they could jump out and make any argument, Antonius continued his words. "First of all, I know that there are people who disagrees with me, and those of you who have greater interests outside the city It is fine, I grant your wish. I can offer to escort you out of the city to the Genoese protectorate of Chios, you will be safe together along with your properties. Now, those who wants to leave this war imminent city may go."

A few rich lords, merchants and clergies who provided support to Antonius bowed and left the room.

"Lets have a raise of hands." After these people have left Antonius leaned back and grinned. "How many of you thinks that we shall be screwed upside down by the Ottoman invaders?"

Around three quarter of the people beneath raised their hands.

"How many of you thinks that if you are to stay here and defend the city, you will get killed brutally at the end of the day?"

Half of the people below raised their hands.

"Then, how many do you think that in the end of the battle, I myself shall definitely lose my life to the Ottomans?"

The people beneath looked at each other discussing unsure the intention of the admiral asking this question and how should they answer it.

"Just be frank." Antonius clapped attracting every one's attention. "I need honest answers.

A while later around five hands are rose, and one of it being the hand of Abdullah himself.

Looking at these familiar hands and faces Antonius made a chain of laughter looking at the ceiling and commented in a dreary tone. "Now I finally knew how our old friend Constantine felt when his city Constantinople is under siege by the same batch of Ottomans. I used to jeer at him saying that he is nothing but a timid Greek who knows nothing but intrigues and plots from those fancy old Greek Plays, it seems like I am wrong, solemnly wrong, from this moment onwards I declare with no means of sarcasm that Constantinople XI Palaiologos, at the time of the siege by Mehmed, is the most valorous man standing on the Earth, and I vow that I shall learn to be like him."

The crowd beneath lowered their heads remaining silent.

"Any more people that wants to leave? No? Don't worry, I won't blame you, it is not a trap, I will send contact to the Giustiniani family on this issue about you people arriving, just relax, those who want to leave can leave now."

A few more people left the room, bringing the door shut behind them.

"Alexios! You are not going?"

"Why would I?" Alexios held his hands on his waist and giggled. "I have invested so much properties time and effort in to you, and I wont left until my seeds of investment bares the fruit of harvest."

"Hahahaha" Antonius looked at the remaining twenty plus people being left behind and went down the stairs with a stern face coming to shake the hands of every one who chose to remain behind. "Thank you, my friends, my brothers, I will never forget your bravery and your contribution to me today. Your simple presence here is already a superb motivation and encouragement to me, letting me know that despite facing dilemmas like this, I still have you people behind me giving me the will to fight on. I, Antonius De'Ricci, offer you my appreciations."

Antonius bowed a ninety degrees to the people, and they bowed back to Antonius.

After three seconds Antonius stood back up and walked in broad steps to a wall where a gigantic sea map of East Mediterranean, and another geographical map of the terrains around the city of Thessaloniki is displayed is hang. "Now, let us get to your respective tasks. According to my conclusion I acquired from the prior intelligence and my knowledge, the Candarli Halil Pasha will finish his preparation and advance to us in early winter, earliest being late September and early October, so we still have roughly two more month to buff up ourselves."

"How can you be so sure admiral?" A captain called Baron questioned.

Antonius peeked at Alexios giving him the signal, and the later started explaining on behalf of the admiral. "It is because the Ottoman Sultanate still has to take note of the agriculture season timings before they embark on operations drafting a staggering hundred thousand peasants. Now it is still the time for Ottoman farmers to be busy working with the crops in their fields and herders working in their pastries. If the Grand Vizier decided to draft all the peasants now it would lead to large number of crops and animals untaken care of and die, which will cause a great famine the next year spreading starvation and death among the peasants. By then the stability of Ottoman rule shall drop to a none existent state with revolts every where, and so they will need to wait until the end of the harvesting season."


"Thank you, Alexios." Antonius continued. "Which means that we still have roughly two month's time to prepare ourselves. Julian, I need you to start recruiting for fresh soldiers both inside our demesne and outside our territories, we need at least a force of ten thousand men to put up some resistance, or else we will have to learn Constantine becoming seating ducks defending the walls of Thessaloniki that is not as resistant as the Theodosian walls."

Julian nodded accepting the order.

"Abdullah, my brother." Antonius turned back and held the hands of Abdullah tightly. "I have a mission for you, and can only be done by you."

"Just say the word." Abdullah held back the hands of Antonius.

"I need you to sail all the way helping me pay a visit to the Karamanids, and the distant lands of Egyptus ruled by the Mamluk Sultan.  We will need every bit of support from the enemies of the Ottomans, at fast as possible. If they decided that they shall step aside and watch a show, don't bother wasting your time over there and come back as fast as possible. You are more important than those support, I cannot imagine what would happen to me if you met any risk over there."

"Yes." Abdullah answered loud and clear. "My admiral."

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