100% Love from the Boss

Chapter 385 Sweet Engagement

Chapter 385 Sweet Engagement

The Chinese Valentine’s Day was a romantic festival for lovers. Xia Xiaoluo got up early in the morning and dressed up very beautifully with the help of the top makeup artist and stylist.

Xia Xiaoluo was wearing a long white sundress, which was handmade by the famous designers in F Country. The fabric and accessories of the dress were first-class. And the stylist did not design the heavy hair ornaments for Xia Xiaoluo, he just used the flowers to make an exquisite wreath, wearing on Xia Xiaoluo’s head.

“Taotao, look at your mommy. Isn’t she beautiful?” Dou Ya held Taotao, imaging that she could be so beautiful as well one day.

“My mommy is the most beautiful woman!” Taotao answered very proudly.

“Am I beautiful?” Dou Ya asked.

“Yes! But you aren’t so beautiful as my mommy!” Taotao answered without thinking.

“Humph! I don’t love you anymore.” Dou Ya pretended to get angry.

“Then, I won’t love you either.” Taotao knew that Dou Ya pretended to be angry, so he learned from her.

“Well, Dou Ya. You can’t win my son if you’re going to squabble. So, you’d better give up. If you continue, you will lose more!” Xia Xiaoluo’s words made Taotao become prouder.

Xia Xiaoluo dressed up and stood in front of the mirror. She was light-headed. She liked dressing up as simple as this. Those flowers had a kind of temperament which was free from vulgarity.

“All right, mommy. Don’t be so narcissistic.” Taotao looked at Xia Xiaoluo’s self-intoxicated expression, he could not help complaining.

“Ha ha, you stupid Xiaoluo, you can’t win your son either!” Dou Ya laughed at Xia Xiaoluo delightedly.

“You win!” Xia Xiaoluo scraped Taotao’s little nose.

Ling Tianyi sat in a luxurious car to pick up Xia Xiaoluo. The family of the three sat together. Others got on other cars respectively.

“Daddy and mommy get married. Yeah! Yeah! Yeah!” Taotao was very excited in the car.

“Not the marriage, but the engagement.” Xia Xiaoluo corrected.

“Almost the same!” Taotao looked at Ling Tianyi. “Daddy and mommy should have got married long ago, before I was born. Are you making it up now?”

“Yes! Make it up!” Ling Tianyi sighed.

The car stopped at the Hously Hotel. As for the scale, although this hotel of Huasheng Group started its business later than other hotels, it actually became the best in A City. It did so alone.

Xia Xiaoluo held Ling Tianyi’s arm, and a cute baby was walking next to her. The family was very attractive. Especially, Ling Tianyi was the richest man in A City. Xia Xiaoluo who was now renamed Ouyang Ziluo, became the daughter of the Ouyang family. Such two powerful families’ connecting through marriage made the business people in A City discuss about it secretly.

To the guests’ and the reporters’ surprise, the Fang’s Group and the Luo’s Group were the famous enterprises in A City. They did not come to engage in social activities, but to help to treat the guests like the hosts. They knew that the Ling’s Group and these companies had good relationships, but they didn’t know that their relationships were so close.

Everything of the engagement ceremony was on track. The most prestigious host of A City was really experienced. The atmosphere of the site was very good.

Xia Xiaoluo smiled all day. Her face was stiff due to smiling. Taotao ate the cake and fell asleep. He missed the scene that his daddy kissed his mommy at the end of the ceremony.

“Hey, Taotao. Taotao wake up!” He Meishu woke her grandson up. She was the happiest person today, because she could see her grandson again.

“Why? Why did you wake me up, grandma?” Taotao was in a daze.

“Your daddy and mommy are going to dance. Everyone is watching them!” He Meishu said.

He Meishu just didn’t want Taotao to continue sleeping, in case that he couldn’t sleep at night. So, she was forced to attract Taotao’s attention with the dancing.

“I have never seen my daddy dancing with my mommy. I want to see it. I want to see it!” Taotao woke up at once.

“Taotao, I’ll hold you to have a look!” Ling Tianxue was wearing a light yellow dress. She also dressed up very beautifully. Today she and Chu Wei registered for marriage in the morning. She wanted to skip the engagement and get married directly.

“Aunt!” Taotao reached out his hands to Ling Tianxue. “Hold me!”

Taotao did not like to be held by the adults at the beginning, but he was in a daze. So, he was not picky about people. Anyone could hold him. Especially two days ago, Ling Tianxue also bought him a toy plane. He liked this lively aunt very much.

Accompanied by the romantic tunes, Ling Tianyi held Xia Xiaoluo, dancing in the middle of the hall. Xia Xiaoluo was good at dancing when she studied in the Dwichen’s college. She was an excellent member of the FLY dance club. She could dance better than ordinary people. And Ling Tianyi was not bad as well. People who watched them dancing were stunned. Some of the stars and models who won the tickets had to admit that they were not as good as Xia Xiaoluo. Even the popular movie stars who debuted from dancing admired and even envied her.

“Daddy and mommy danced so beautifully!” Taotao was also intoxicated. “But I can only fight. I can’t dance. I also want to learn it. When I grow up and get married, I can dance with sister Xiaoxiao.”

“You are so clever. You are still too young!” Ling Tianxue held Taotao in her arms.

“It’s a pity that sister Xiaoxiao isn’t here today.” Taotao sighed.

“Sister Xiaoxiao went abroad, travelling with her parents. She’ll return soon. After all, the school is about to begin, and you have to study.” Ling Tianxue said.

“I don’t want to study!” Taotao thought of something sad. “Yes, I won’t study.”

“Why?” He Meishu was standing aside, she had sharp ears. So she heard it. “Taotao, all the children need to study. So that when you grow up, you will be excellent.”

“Daddy doesn’t let me and sister Xiaoxiao study together. He wants to send me to the boarding school. I don’t want to go there. I want to stay at home and study in the same class with sister Xiaoxiao.” Taotao said. He felt a little aggrieved. He thought of the sad things, and then he had no interest in watching his daddy and mommy dancing.

“Really? How can such a young child go to the boarding school? I don’t know what my brother is thinking about.” Ling Tianxue said to He Meishu.

“I agree with you. I’ll talk to him later. If he can’t take care of Taotao, I can send Taotao to school and pick him up every day. I can do everything by myself, taking care of Taotao!” He Meishu said.

“Mommy doesn’t agree to send me to the boarding school, but daddy... grandma, you must help me!” Taotao seemed to see the savior. Although daddy’s attitude was very tough, grandma was daddy’s mommy. Daddy should listen to grandma’s words. Taotao’s eyes began to shine.

“No problem. It’s just a piece of cake. Leave it to me.” He Meishu took Taotao from Ling Tianxue, holding him in her arms. Taotao also took the initiative to kiss He Meishu’s cheek, making He Meishu not know what to say, but keep smiling.

“Mom, you take care of Taotao. I go to see Chu Wei!” Ling Tianxue said with a smile. “After my brother finishes the first dance, it’s me and Chu Wei’s turn.”

“OK, go!” He Meishu said with a smile. She saw her son engaged with someone, and her daughter also registered for marriage today. She was happy.

Ling Desheng and He Meishu did not allow Ling Tianxue to register for marriage today. Anyway, it was better for her to have a ceremony before registering for marriage! However, Ling Tianxue was afraid that Chu Wei would renege. So she insisted on going today. Finally, the family agreed. Now Ling Tianyi was only engaged. But Ling Tianxue had got married without making the public notice.

After the first dance, Ling Tianyi kissed Xia Xiaoluo deeply in the clapping. He Meishu covered Taotao’s eyes with her hands. Taotao was depressed and said. “Are they doing something unsuitable for children to see again?”

“Where did you learn this? You little guy!” He Meishu said with a smile.

“Daddy and mommy were in the same room. Daddy didn’t let me in, he always told me that it was not suitable for children to see!” Taotao told them what happened in Maldives. “Daddy asked me go to bed early every day. I wanted to be with mommy, but he didn’t allow me to do this! Grandma, you have to discipline your son. He robbed my mommy!”

He Meishu did not know whether to laugh or to cry. She could not explain to Taotao, either. “OK! Grandma is on your side. Grandma will help you with everything!”

When the second music started, the dance floor was crowded. Several couples who were about to get married were there. There were Ling Tianxue and Chu Wei, Ouyang Ziqian and Dou Ya, Fang Ruichen and Luo Xixi.

Ling Tianyi held Xia Xiaoluo’s hands and sat down. “Are you tired?”

“I’m all right! I love dancing! So I’m not tired!” Xia Xiaoluo said with a smile. However, she had been busy for a long time. So she was really tired.

“It’s good that you do not feel tired. My mother will help us take care of Taotao tonight!” Ling Tianyi whispered in Xia Xiaoluo’s ears, and he omitted some words.

“Actually, I’m still a little tired!” Xia Xiaoluo said hurriedly. “Really! I just didn’t want you to worry about me just now, so I said that I was all right.”

“Then you can’t escape, you’re mine tonight!” Ling Tianyi smiled evilly. Thinking of the night, he could not wait anymore.

“We are only engaged!” Xia Xiaoluo murmured.

Ling Tianyi held Xia Xiaoluo’s hands, touching the diamond ring on her ring finger. “You are wearing the ring on your finger. You are deemed to be mine and you can’t run away.”

The ring was the original one. Ling Tianyi was not afraid of the troubles, but these years, carrying this ring around had become a habit of him. Seeing this ring, the alarm bell could last for a long time. He had to treat her well or even better without misunderstandings or contradictions. He could not bear being apart with Xia Xiaoluo again.

“Did Tianxue register for marriage today?” Xia Xiaoluo changed the topic. She pointed at Ling Tianxue who was in the dancing floor. At this time, she was with Chu Wei. And her face was full of happiness.

“Yes! Tianxue is afraid that Chu Wei will run away. So they registered for marriage in a hurry. There is no ceremony, but they have the legal identity. I admire her! They are legal couples, better than us.” Ling Tianyi sighed.

“In fact, as long as the two people love each other, the ceremonies are meaningless.” Xia Xiaoluo said. “I wouldn’t ask you to do that if grandpa didn’t ask for it.” Today was the engagement ceremony, and the wedding ceremony was in a few days. She was really exhausted.

“I will give you the best wedding, whether your grandpa asks or not. Because I don’t want to make you feel wronged!” Ling Tianyi said, “Today is only a small scene. Our wedding will be held in the seaside on the cruise ships! It will be the most romantic wedding!”

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