Undying Life

Chapter 945: One Arrow

Chapter 945: Chapter 945: One Arrow

At Mei Xin's location, countless sword energies danced in the sky, creating an aura of unparalleled dominance that spread in all directions. The terrifying shadows of sword energy filled the area.

This was a display of overwhelming power. Even the longswords of some nearby sword cultivators began to tremble.

The endless sword energies slowly formed a powerful sword formation, locking onto Luo Xingchen in the distance. Those nearby suddenly felt as if the sky was falling.

Such was the might of Mei Xin!

On the other mountain peak, however, there was no display of such force. Luo Xingchen, clad in a blue robe that fluttered in the wind, held a blue longbow, with a golden arrow nocked on the string. The bow was drawn to a full moon shape, seemingly full of power, but without any apparent aura. It looked as if an ordinary person was drawing the bow.

Without much of an aura, people looked at Luo Xingchen with disdain. Only Ancestor Xue Mei in the valley below showed a trace of concern. This wasn't because Luo Xingchen had no aura, but because he had concentrated all his aura into a single point, focused on the arrow.

Luo Xingchen was the true master.

Noticing something amiss, Ancestor Xue Mei didn't issue a warning but watched intently.

In the distance, Mei Xin kept his eyes on Luo Xingchen. Seeing Luo Xingchen draw his bow, he felt an urge to laugh. A bow? This arrow, which seemed powerless, dared to point at him?

In Mei Xin's eyes, even if Luo Xingchen shot the arrow, he had a hundred ways to block it.

"Hmph, perish with the mountain beneath your feet!" Mei Xin snorted coldly.

With a wave of his sword, the sky was filled with sword energy converging into a torrent, rushing towards Luo Xingchen with the force of a collapsing heavenly river. It was overwhelmingly powerful, unstoppable. A gigantic torrent of sword energy, ten thousand feet long, who could withstand it?

"Luo Xingchen is doomed!"

"With such a powerful sword attack locking down the area, Luo Xingchen has nowhere to escape!"

"What a pity, this is the first time I've seen an archer cultivator, and now he's doomed!"

... The surrounding spectators expressed their pity, but more so their excitement at witnessing the might of Ancient Immortal Mei Xin's powerful sword attack.

In the distance, facing the overwhelming sword attack, Luo Xingchen's expression shifted slightly. Suddenly, a flash of brilliance appeared in his eyes, and he released the golden arrow.

"Shooting an arrow now? What's the point?"

"Knowing you're going to die, you naturally put up a struggle!"

"That arrow probably can't even penetrate the sword attack. Shooting an arrow? What a joke!"

"Yeah, it's a joke... uh?"

... The voices mocking Luo Xingchen abruptly stopped, and everyone stared in shock. This?

"Senior Brother!" Ancestor Xue Mei's disciples shouted.


The terrifying sword attack, the ten-thousand-foot-long torrent of sword energy, suddenly exploded and dissipated, turning into countless fragments of sword energy that scattered in all directions but dissipated before hitting the ground.

It was too fast. The reversal of the situation happened so quickly that many didn't even react, staring in stunned silence.

"This shouldn't be happening!"

"Something's wrong! This can't be right!"

"It's impossible!"

The surrounding spectators couldn't comprehend what had just occurred as they watched the two peaks.

Luo Xingchen slowly put away his longbow.

On the face of Ancient Immortal Mei Xin, at his brow, a golden arrow had pierced through his head. Mei Xin's hand was still in the motion of swinging his sword, his eyes wide open in disbelief. Even in death, he couldn't comprehend how he, a dignified Ancient Immortal, could be killed by a single golden arrow.

The golden arrow had come too mysteriously.

After shooting the arrow, Luo Xingchen flew to Zhong Shan's side.

"Sage King, I have not failed you!" Luo Xingchen reported.

From afar, the spectators were still in shock. Luo Xingchen had already returned to Zhong Shan's side.

A kill in seconds! It was absolute and too quick. No one believed it was luck. That arrow, no matter who tried, would not have been able to pierce through Ancient Immortal Mei Xin. But Luo Xingchen had done it.

Who exactly was he?

Mei Xin's junior brothers quickly rushed to the mountain peak, holding Mei Xin's body.

"Senior Brother?" They exclaimed in horror.

"Hurry, bring him to Master!" One disciple shouted.

A group of them quickly brought Mei Xin's body to Ancestor Xue Mei.

"Master, please save Senior Brother!" One disciple pleaded.

Ancestor Xue Mei looked at Mei Xin and took the golden arrow from his forehead. The arrow had turned into an ordinary long arrow, revealing no secrets.

"Master, can you save Senior Brother?" Another disciple asked anxiously.

Ancestor Xue Mei looked at Mei Xin and shook his head, "I once told him he would die from a 'brow disaster,' so I named him 'Mei Xin' to remind him. Unfortunately..."

Ancestor Xue Mei's words indicated there was no hope.

Simultaneously, all the disciples were shocked. Mei Xin, brow disaster? He indeed died from a brow disaster? Master was too prophetic. The disciples quickly reviewed their own names to see what disasters they might face.

The disciples of Ancestor Xue Mei glared at Zhong Shan with hatred. This was the second senior brother to die.

"Master, allow me to avenge our two junior brothers!" A very robust disciple said.

"Third Senior Brother!" Everyone looked at this robust man.

"The opponent is not an easy one. Are you willing?" Ancestor Xue Mei asked with a frown.

This time, Ancestor Xue Mei seemed to take it very seriously, valuing this third disciple highly.

"I swear to avenge our two junior brothers!" The third senior brother vowed.

Ancestor Xue Mei nodded. With a wave of his sleeve, a huge figure suddenly appeared in front of everyone.


A hundred-zhang tall fierce beast, a Reverse Flow Beast.

"Another one?" Zhong Shan was slightly surprised.

The moment the Reverse Flow Beast appeared, it seemed to know Zhong Shan had killed another of its kind, and its single eye glared at Zhong Shan with hatred.

"This is a Reverse Flow Beast. You will ride it into battle!" Ancestor Xue Mei said seriously.

"Yes!" The third senior brother responded immediately.

"Luo Xingchen, go!" Zhong Shan commanded.

"Yes!" Luo Xingchen replied instantly.

The two flew to two distant mountain peaks, the Reverse Flow Beast naturally following the third senior brother.

Zhong Shan and the others also flew into the sky, each landing on a mountain peak, watching the battle.

Luo Xingchen versus the Reverse Flow Beast and the third senior brother?

This time, Luo Xingchen did not take out his longbow. He had seen this kind of Reverse Flow Beast before and knew that its abilities were somewhat similar to his own. With the Reverse Flow Beast by the third senior brother's side, an arrow shot at him might very well be reversed back!

As the powerful experts around them finally processed what had happened, they began to look at Luo Xingchen with a new light in their eyes. A bow and arrow? How could it be so formidable?

At the same time, there was anticipation for the second match. However, seeing the third senior brother and the Reverse Flow Beast together, many voiced their displeasure.

"They said only two disciples, but now they can't win and are bringing in the Reverse Flow Beast too!"

"This is shameless!"

"Yeah, this is disgusting! If the Reverse Flow Beast can participate, then shouldn't Zhong Shan's Eight Extremes Heavenly Tail be allowed to join too? Let's see who's stronger!"

... Numerous complaints arose, making the third senior brother's face flush with embarrassment. But he didn't back down because he knew just how strong Luo Xingchen was. His junior brother Mei Xin had been instantly killed.

He had to be cautious!

"Go!" the third senior brother shouted, charging at Luo Xingchen.


With a thunderous sound, the third senior brother's palm struck against Luo Xingchen's palm at high speed. Normally, there would have been some initial probing, but this direct clash of palms was rare.

The collision of their palms produced a deafening sound, and the Reverse Flow Beast suddenly appeared close to Luo Xingchen, its eye flashing green, reversing the flow of energy towards Luo Xingchen!

A cold smile crossed Luo Xingchen's face. With his divine ability, he eerily reflected the Reverse Flow Beast's green light, bouncing it back in all directions.

Some of the energy returned to the Reverse Flow Beast, but most of it was redirected onto the third senior brother.

The third senior brother's face changed drastically. In one strike, he realized that although his cultivation might have been higher than Luo Xingchen's, the reflected green light was rapidly weakening him.

Ancient Immortal Sixth Level! Ancient Immortal Fifth Level! Ancient Immortal Fourth Level!

"Stop the reversal!" the third senior brother shouted.

The Reverse Flow Beast, realizing something was wrong, immediately stopped the green light. At this point, the third senior brother's cultivation seemed to be on par with Luo Xingchen's.

"The Reverse Flow Beast's green light was reflected? How is that possible?"

"That kind of light is unstoppable!"

"Luo Xingchen? What kind of power does he have? It's incredible!"

... People were filled with astonishment but couldn't comprehend what had just happened.


A fierce battle ensued, with dazzling lights filling the sky. Sand and stones flew everywhere as the two Ancient Immortals fought, showcasing the true nature of a battle between such powerful beings.

Although the radiant display made it hard to see the details of the fight, it was much more engaging than the previous instant kill.

People marveled at Luo Xingchen's strength.

While admiring Luo Xingchen's power, many couldn't help but glance at Zhong Shan, who stood proudly on a mountaintop watching the battle.

If Luo Xingchen could be subdued by him, just how strong was Zhong Shan? Heavenly Immortal? Great Immortal? Ridiculous!

Ancestor Xue Mei frowned, staring intently at the battlefield. He observed closely.

At the center of the dazzling energy, Luo Xingchen was forcefully contending with the third senior brother. Although the Reverse Flow Beast possessed powerful abilities, its individual strength was not particularly high. After trying to join the fray for a while without success, it became restless.

The Reverse Flow Beast turned its gaze towards Zhong Shan, filled with hatred.

"Grrr!" The Reverse Flow Beast growled hatefully.

Suddenly, it made a decision, darting out of the massive battlefield and charging straight at Zhong Shan.

It was too fast. Despite the distance, for such a powerful beast, it was nothing. In the blink of an eye, it was in front of Zhong Shan.

Seeing the Reverse Flow Beast charging at him, Zhong Shan's eyes turned cold. "Foolish creature!"

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