Transmigrating from a zombie world to become the mecha kings wife

Chapter 99 The Landing Of Space Ships

Scarlet looked at the time and then she frowned, it was early, over one hour was left until the scheduled time of arrival. There were a few arrangements left to make. 

"Why are they early?" she asked out loud. 

Her eyes were pinned up to the sky just as Elroy was, the shield which prevented the space ships from landing was transparent so the space ships were clear as day. It appeared as if they were just hovering in the blue skies. 

"You are receiving a call from Adler Su, director of the defense department." the AI of her bracelet alerted her through the ear piece. "Do you want to receive it?"

"Yes." she answered. 

"Hey sis...I mean governor, the space ships which are carrying the new immigrants have arrived before schedule. We are confirming their identities right now. Should we lower the shield after confirmation?" 

"Yes, do that." she answered. 

On every star planet the governor was the highest figure of authority and shields or barriers allowing outside ships inside could not be lowered without their say so. This was the case on every planet apart from the Sun star capital where the emperor gave the order. 

If she said no right now, the space ships would be forced to turn back and return to their point of origin. 

"Let's go Elroy and this time I am driving." she took the car keys from her brother who pouted like a petulant child. 

In the factory meanwhile, Carolyn was glaring harshly at all the workers that dared to try and sneak out so that they could go outside and peep at the space ships. One person had come in screaming with excitement, "They are here, they are here." and this excited the normally calm workers. More than ten people stood up at once to go and stare idly. It took her barking at them sternly for them to sit back down and get back to work. 

"The next person that dares to leave should not bother coming back. We are the busiest industry on this planet and only one hundred in number with a workload meant for five hundred people. Every second of our time is valuable, which is why the governor has increased our wages to forty star coins a month." 

All the interest in the new arrivals vanished as excitement set in and the vigor of the workers increased. 

"Long live the governor." A man shouted. 

"We love you director Carolyn." a woman shouted. The cheering in the factory went on for more than five minutes because the word kept getting passed around to those in different sectors.

Some sectors manufactured cooking equipment others kitchen ware, farming equipment, harvesting vehicles, household furniture and more. It was true when Carolyn said the number of workers in the factory was small compared to the work they were doing. 

But as the cheering and enthusiasm became louder in different sections Carolyn smiled, this was what her sister called the stick and carrot method. They had gone from mumbling to turning into more efficient workers.

   Her industry was not the only one to be affected by the curiosity about the new immigrants, it was the same among the farmers, the construction workers, the hunters, and the gatherers. Even the children whose first day it was to sit in front of a big screen with personal tablets provided by the governor to study for the first time ever on the blue star were drawn in by the excitement. 

A lot of eyes were on the skies where more than twenty space ships were hovering. Such a sight had never before been seen on the blue star. They all knew what was to happen on this day but some of the toddlers who could hardly understand cried and hid behind the older ones. Even little Halley was tightly holding Justin's hand and sniveling. 

Mega Su that was supervising the children's class saw this and she told the children to move to the dining area. The roof was sealed off to shield the children from the sun, today it would also shield them from viewing what was in the sky. 

Scarlet arrived in time at the designated space ship port which was not yet properly constructed. She saw the shield retract like little blue translucent spider webs separating. It looked so beautiful but so fragile, she could not imagine that something like that was capable of protecting them from invasion. 

One by one, the ships landed and she realized that they were far larger than they appeared to be when they were high up in the sky. 

"Warrior space ships." Elroy said. His voice held a hint of wonder, probably because of how fierce they looked. Rectangular in shape with flags of the empire attached to the back, they had spirals with sharp tips on the side which rotated in a circular manner as they flew. If anything accidentally bumped into them it was getting shredded into millions of little pieces. As they landed, the ground vibrated a little bit, and then it shook as if an earthquake was occurring after large deep bellow was emitted out of one of them. If enemies were here, they would go hiding deep in the ground when the space ships arrived. 

"They certainly know how to make their presence felt." she heard Severus's voice in her head and his bark clearly coming from below, next to her feet. 

She looked down and saw him standing between herself and Elroy, looking at the space ships. "When did you get here?"

"I was walking with your soul gourd casually collecting souls for you when I smelled fear, a lot of fear. I thought you were in danger so I blinked and appeared here." he explained. "Is this what's causing the fear? Why are human ships using the roar of a sand worm to announce their presence?" 

"A sand worm, is it scary?" Worms were tiny and icky but were they dangerous?

"It's a desert worm whose one roar can sink a small city, nasty bastards that are almost extinct. The presence of one sandworm alone will result in the creation of multitudes of souls. They are moving earthquakes, everywhere they pass death is inevitable. If there is one in this world you should work harder on your cultivation because you will need a bigger soul gourd. You should also warn those humans, while the roar of a sandworm is good for striking fear in the heart of one's enemy it's also a calling card. They are very dominant bastards, a roar from one is considered a challenge to another and they fight to death. That's why they are almost extinct, they have killed each other over the centuries. If you humans keep using the roar, eventually one will make it's way to you and the consequences will be devastating." 

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