Transmigrating from a zombie world to become the mecha kings wife

Chapter 100 It Could Not Be Ignored.

Severus's words of caution made her want to pee herself!! If the roar of one sandworm could sink a city then what about the roars of two sandworms that were fighting for dominance? Wouldn't they take down an entire planet? 

"This is a minimal roar though, the effect has been reduced by a large margin. Still caution is the best way to go because this small earthquake is ignorable but the meaning of the roar is not." Severus added. 

"Call director Adler." she instructed her bracelet AI. 

Elroy at her side was excited meanwhile, "That's the first bellow sis, they do it three times and then the space ship doors open like gigantic wings." 

"Governor.." Adler started to say but she would not allow him to finish his words. 

"Tell them not to do that bellow again or they can turn back right now." she shouted an order. 

"Sis.." Adler changed from governor to sister really quickly. 

"Now." she said sternly. 

The second bellow was just starting, the roar was even louder than the first one and the ground shook much more than it had done the first time. Scarlet worried about her Justin and the rest of the children. Maybe the other planets had measures in place to safeguard against earthquakes but they did not. 

"Idiots!!!" Scarlet looked in the direction of the space ship as she held on to the side of the car. 

"Don't worry sis, we all wear shoes with gravity stabilization soles. No matter what changes happen to the ground we stay perfectly in place."

Good for them! she thought while gritting her teeth. She was wearing ordinary shoes from earth, if the ground shook any harder she would find herself face down on the ground. And her cars!! she thought, they were ordinary cars from earth as well. Were they going to be destroyed just like this? 

The silver pick up was shaking as if it would overturn at any moment, she had to find a way to get both herself and Elroy far away from it lest it crush them but the bellow stopped suddenly before she could say anything. 

"Is it over?" she asked herself. 

"One more bellow to go." Elroy said chirpily. 

"Not on my watch." Scarlet mumbled. "Adler, warn them again, if they I hear that bellow one more time I am going to have them arrested."

"Wait, what!" Elroy said in shock. 

"You are on the line with the captain of this mission governor, he would like t know why you are forbidding the standard three bellow roar." 

"My planet, my rules." she answered. "If you want to know more come and meet me right now, I am going to the watch tower to meet general Esong. In the meantime, open the space ships and let the people disembark, a welcoming committee will take it from there." she looked at Elroy and told him "Go and find our father I am sure that he will find something for you to do. Better yet, go home and check on Justin and the other children. The earthquake must have scared them. If anything has collapsed, you send word to me immediately." When she was about to walk away something else crossed her mind and she gasped, "The farms!!! check on the plants too." 

"Can I take the car?" he asked hopefully. 

"No." she answered. "But you can check on the other cars and if they are still in one piece drive one away, one of the white ones." she tossed a car key at him. 

   From there, she drove the pick up to the watchtower which was a long white tube with an elevator inside that sent her five hundred forty meters up to a well constructed medium sized round building at the very top. The watchtower was something that Esong and his men installed, it came already built and all they did was dig, install it with a machine and power it up. She had not been inside of it once. 

Esong was waiting for her in here, he was using binoculars to observe the scene below of people disembarking from the ships and heading to the communications department temporary tent. 

"Hi, we need to talk about that bellow or roar, whatever you want to call it." she said immediately. 

"Good to see you too." he answered. "Please do explain why you stopped the standard three bellow roar which is akin to a salute for the mecha warriors and threatened to have my men arrested?" he looked unhappy with her actions. To him, she was looking down on the authority of the mecha warrior army. That bellow was a symbol of authority for them, it warned the enemies and calmed the hearts of the citizens by reassuring them that the liberators, their army had arrived. 

"Do you know what makes that roar?" she asked him. Whatever significance it held to them, in her opinion it was much more dangerous. 

He put the binoculars down and turned around to look at her. "Do tell." he said seriously. 

Somebody else chose that moment to join them, a very tall man in the standard mecha warrior uniform. He had the commonest black hair as most of the people in the empire did. His height and the scar on his cheek were the most eye catching things about him. 

"Captain Jacks." Esong said with a smile. 

"General Esong," the man replied and the two of them hugged. "It's so good to see you, I thought you were on a mission but you were busy playing house with your wife."

"Try getting married and talk to me later." Esong answered and they both laughed. "This is my wife." he introduced Scarlet to Captain Jacks. "This is the craziest mecha pilot in the empire, if you ever get involved in a fight with him, anything goes." 

"I don't fight women." Captain Jacks held his hands back and laughed. 

"I fight men." Scarlet answered. "And I am pretty good at it." she assured him. 

"Believe her." Esong said, "She is a good boxer, and she was about to give me more information on that bellow. I thought it was a computer generated battle cry passed down for centuries but she says different. I guess it's the roar of a mutated beast of some sort."

"A sandworm." she said and captain Jacks pissed her off by laughing at her words. 

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