Transdimensional Marketing

Chapter 337: Popularity Explodes (3)

Chapter 337: Popularity Explodes (3)

Chapter 337 – Popularity Explodes (3)

When Chen Yu appeared above Wuhan City in the Type-R Spacecraft, the whole city went into an uproar.

Numerous people rushed out to the streets with phones and cameras in hand as they eagerly awaited Transdimensional’s UP to make his first official appearance in public.

“So, this is my country... No, I can’t say that.” Inside the spacecraft, Chen Yu had his arms wrapped around his chest as he said, “I should say that these people are my compatriots...”

“Your compatriots have started fighting each other,” Little Peach said as she pointed under her feet.

Hearing this, Chen Yu looked down and saw that a team of security guards and police officers were chasing away citizens and reporters from the area on the lawn of the central plaza. Pushing and shoving also occurred in the more densely packed areas.

With a mental command, Chen Yu turned on the spacecraft’s intercom system and shouted, “For everyone’s safety, please step aside. Maintain a minimum distance of 300 meters from the spacecraft to avoid getting injured from the high air pressure.”


After Chen Yu said so, a gentle and invisible ripple spread out from the spacecraft. Immediately, everyone on the plaza floated into the air and was pushed several hundred meters away.


Upon seeing this godly scene, the distant crowd immediately cheered out in excitement.


Shortly afterward, the dumbbell-shaped spacecraft landed on the now-empty lawn.

After putting on his protective suit, Chen Yu passed the suit’s storage compartment containing various space rocks to Little Peach and said, “Take this and follow after me.”

“You’re only making a delivery. Is there a need to make such a huge commotion?”

“You won’t understand even if I tell you. You’re not human; you’ll never understand the greatness of dopamine.”

After saying so, Chen Yu draped a red cape over his shoulders, opened the cabin hatch, and walked out of the spacecraft with his chest puffed up. Mimicking the posture of government leaders attending visits, he stood at the top of the staircase, stretched out his right hand, and waved gently. “Greetings, comrades.”


Click! Click!

Dazzling flashes instantly appeared all around the plaza.

“Hello, everyone. I am Transdimensional’s UP.”

As Chen Yu’s voice spread from the spacecraft, the crowd outside the plaza immediately went into an uproar.

This feeling... Taking a deep breath, Chen Yu clenched his fists and thought, Is wonderful!

However, immediately afterward, his sharp hearing allowed him to hear that most of the gathered crowd weren’t actually cheering for him...

“Quick, look! It’s the female assistant!”

“What a body.”

“She’s wearing a princess dress today! How beautiful!”

“Female assistant! We love you!”

“Why is the UP wearing that stupid cape? It’s blocking my view of the goddess.”

“I bet a kidney that the female assistant is the Final Boss!”

Chen Yu: “...”

“Ahahaha.” Her lips curving into a broad smile, Little Peach said, “I think I understand what dopamine is now.”

“...Keep your mouth shut. We’re here on official business.”

Removing his cape and tossing it back into the cabin, Chen Yu walked down the staircase and arrived before a middle-aged police officer. He then asked, “Chief, where’s the nearest SF Express office?”

The middle-aged officer: “...”

“Hey, tell me if you know it.”

“I-It’s under Erxian Bridge,” the officer said, gulping.

“How do I get to Erxian Bridge?”

“Y-You can get there through Chenghua Avenue.”

“I think you better just tell me which direction it is in. Do I head left, or right?”

“Mr. Chen.” After calming down his nerves, the officer suggested, “H-How about we lead you there?”

“Sure.” Chen Yu nodded, accepting the offer. “Make it quick. I’m in a rush for time.”

“Okay! This way, Mr. Chen!” The middle-aged officer stepped aside and allowed Chen Yu and Little Peach to walk in front of him. He then pulled out a walkie-talkie and shouted, “Team 2, get over here to maintain order! Also, bring that car over! Notify the chief of this, too.”

As Chen Yu approached the edge of the police cordon, the scene grew chaotic once more as hundreds of journalists and citizens pushed their way forward while yelling frantically.

“Mr. UP, are you really surnamed Chen?”

“I’m from the Wuhan Metropolis Daily. Do you accept interviews?”

“Why did you come to Wuhan City?”

“UP! I love you!”

“UP, may I ask what product you’ll be reviewing next?”

“You previously stated that you’ll be reviewing a product of great danger in the livestream after the next, right?”

“Female assistant! Can we know what kind of person the UP is in your eyes?”

“He is—” Just as Little Peach had stopped walking and was about to respond to the question, Chen Yu promptly dragged her into the police vehicle prepared.

“There won’t be an end if you start answering their questions.” After entering the police vehicle, Chen Yu looked around him and frowned, “You’re not allowed to accept any interviews in the future without my permission.”

“Oh, okay.” Little Peach nodded as she sat down and closed the door. As she looked at the bobbing heads outside the car, she exclaimed, “It’s so lively.”

“Heh.” Leaning back against his seat, Chen Yu asked, “Do you know what an international superstar is?”

Beep! Beep!

The driver in the front seat honked the car horn twice. Immediately afterward, he stepped on the accelerator and followed after the dozen or so police vehicles that were opening up a path ahead of him.

“Everyone, please step aside! Please make way!”

A team of police officers hurriedly arrived at the scene at this time, every one of the officers holding onto a loudspeaker as they tried to disperse the crowd. “This area has now been designated as a restricted area. Please exit the police cordon...”

Meanwhile, in a nearby location, the host of an independent media took several photos of the police escort and uploaded a news article online accompanied by a short message—Not good! Police have taken Transdimensional’s UP away! Pictures and proof available!


“G-Greetings, Mr. Chen.”

Inside the car Chen Yu rode on, the middle-aged officer, who was seated in the front passenger seat, turned around and extended his hand nervously, “I am the Deputy Chief of Wuhan’s Police Headquarters. I’m surnamed Niu.”

“Hello, Deputy Chief You.” Chen Yu shook hands with the other party.

“Ah, this... It’s Niu!”


“Niu! It’s Niu, Mr. Chen!”

“I understand. Hello, Deputy Chief You.”

“Yes... You... My surname is You...” Wiping the cold sweat off his forehead, the deputy chief said, “It’s an honor to meet you.”

“It is the same for me.”

“Mr. Chen, there is still some distance before we reach SF Express’s office. Are you free for a conversation?”


“D-Did you come to Wuhan just to make a delivery?”

“Mhm.” Pointing at the storage compartment Little Peach held in her arms, Chen Yu said, “I promised to give my fans a gift yesterday.”

“Why did you choose Wuhan of all places?”

“It has a near-central position in the country, and it has roads leading to all directions. The audience will get to receive their gifts quicker that way.”

“Understood. Once you’re done making your deliveries, do you have time to—”

“I don’t.” Waving his hand, Chen Yu said, “Don’t invite me to anything. I’m leaving as soon as I’m done. I’m a little tight for time, you see.”

“Oh, okay, okay.” The deputy chief dared not continue speaking.

The car Chen Yu rode on throughout the journey had police vehicles opening the road ahead, blocking off the road behind, and flanking it on both sides. There were also police sirens blaring all around.

This allowed Chen Yu to experience the standard reception VIPs generally received.

However, this still wasn’t the end of the security detail. When the convoy crossed Chenghua Avenue, black, armored police vehicles approached and surrounded the convoy even more tightly.

Ten minutes later, the convoy arrived at its destination.

Hurriedly getting off the car, the deputy chief opened the door to the back seat, bent over, and extended an arm, “Mr. Chen, after you.”


“Miss, after you.”


After stepping out of the police vehicle, Chen Yu immediately made his way to the SF Express branch before him. However, after taking just two steps, a group of government officials dressed in white shirts approached him enthusiastically.

“Mr. Chen! You’re finally here!”

“Greetings, greetings!”

“Mr. Chen, I am the person in charge of Wuhan City. My name is—”

“Tell me your names afterward,” Chen Yu said, stopping the other party from introducing themselves. He then grabbed the storage compartment from Little Peach and said, “For now, come over and help me make my deliveries.”

The government officials: “...’

“What are you still standing there for?” Frowning, Chen Yu shouted, “Move!”

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