The World Is Overflowing with Monster, I’m Taking a Liking to This Life

Chapter 151: The Battle on the Beach and the New Skills

Chapter 151: The Battle on the Beach and the New Skills

TN: The author doesnt make this very clear, but the Slime Jellyfish is still in the water (near the beach) while Kazuto is on the beach.


On the rooftop of a building that was near the beach, Ichinose Natsu was watching over the situation.

Its a huge Healslime.

The monster that arrived at the beach certainly resembled one.

It wiggled its tentacles in order to frighten Kazuto.

Against a slime, theres little I can do to help

Slimes were opponents that took little damage from physical attacks, so her rifle was rendered useless.

The story would be different if she used Ichinose Special Ver 2.0 that was used against Titan, but she didnt feel the need to take out such a monstrous rifle against a monster of this level.

In the first place, he doesnt seem to require my assistance

She read the mail sent by Kazuto.

The content was short and simple.

Send Kiki over please.

That was it.

There wasnt any mention of needing long-range assistance.

In other words, the Slime Jellyfish was an opponent that he could take out by himself.

Kiki-chan left through Shadow Migration

There was nothing for her to do.

All she could do was monitor the surrounding.

Although she had evolved with him, she didnt have the chance to fight with him.

She felt slightly lonely.


Despite her disappointment, Ichinose continued to keep an eye on their surroundings.


At the beach

The Slime Jellyfish bends its tentacles into whips and slams them towards us.


Sand rises in the place where the tentacles land and deep crevices are formed.

(Quite powerful. Its agile as well.)

Slimes that simply drift around can gain this much power if they evolve.

No, I should have expected this considering what Aka can do.

Aka is a slime that evolved specifically for Mimicry and Separation.

This one is the opposite its a slime that evolved to be a Predator.

~~~Buru Buru Buru!!

The Slime Jellyfish launches its tentacles again, perhaps angry over how I lightly dodged the pervious barrage of attacks.

There are ten of them that are approaching with tremendous speed.


They all miss me by a papers margin.

As long as I take full advantage of Prediction, Enhanced Physical Abilities, and my 700+ agility, dodging attacks like these is a piece of cake.


The Slime Jellyfish trembles as if it is shocked by my performance.

It clearly didnt expect me to avoid all its attacks.

(Its attacks are simple and easy to predict.)

Its tentacle attacks are certainly fast and powerful, but theyre rather straightforward, making their trajectories easy to read.

Its incomparable with the Dark Wolfs constantly changing darkness. It isnt as destructive as Titans fist either.

(Is it around the level of a Death Knight?)

As I am now, there wont be any issue in defeating it.

However, the purpose of this fight isnt to defeat.

Its to weaken the Slime Jellyfish so that Aka can have it as its meal.

With that in mind, I should test several things.

Item Box, open.

Holding my hand forward, I rain tetrapods on the Slime Jellyfish.


Accompanying the loud impact, water splashes in all directions.

Amidst all that, the Slime Jellyfish emerges uninjured.

As I thought, its strong against physical attacks.

Even if I blanket this whole place with tetrapods, there will inevitably be gaps where the Slime Jellyfish could wiggle through.

Its a difficult opponent in this regards.

Then what about this?



In response to my shout, Momo, who has sneaked up behind the Slime Jellyfish, barks.



The Slime Jellyfish trembles in astonishment.

It hadnt noticed Momo sneaking up on it.

My attack earlier wasnt intended to crush the Slime Jellyfish.

Instead, it was to attract its attention towards me and to create scaffolding for Momo.

Unlike me, Momo doesnt have the ability to walk on the surface of water.

Even if the water is shallow, Momos speed will be negatively affected underwater.

Thats why I created instant scaffoldings using tetrapods.

By doing this, Momos mobility can be fully utilized.

Do it, Momo.

Momo takes in a deep breath before roaring.


Momos Roar has become more formidable after she evolved.

A roar that is at least as powerful as the High Orcs gets transmitted through the air to the surroundings while causing shock waves.

~~~Buru Buru Buru!!

Although it tries to resist, the Slime Jellyfish fails to withstand the impact and gets blown to the sandy beach.

You might be able to resist physical attacks, but you cant do anything about the impact itself, am I right?

Aka used to suffer a lot from the High Orc and Titan because of this, so I assumed that the same would happen in this scenario.

~~~Buru Buru!

The Slime Jellyfish that was blown away tries to stand back up, but it loses its balance and falls.

Its as I expected. Because its body is shaped like a jellyfish, its movements are restricted on land.

Next up.



Kiki who was waiting on my shoulder steps forward.

The jewel on her forehead is shining in suspiciously.

The next moment, the Slime Jellyfish gets encompassed by a similar light.


Bikun. Bikun.

It convulses and gradually weakens.

It seems to be effective.

Buru Bururu!

Sensing that something is going awry, the Slime Jellyfish launches waves of tentacles in a hurry.

However, their speeds are evidently slower than before and lack precision.

They deviate greatly from their targets and hit where no one is present.

This is the effect of Kikis new skill, Interference Magic Debuff.

It has the effect of lowering the opponents status, which is the complete antithesis of Support Magic Buff that weve been relying on.

The status decreases by around 20% to 30%.

This 20% decrease is nothing to scoff at. Its effect is enormous.

Not only will the subject experience difficulties in moving, their movements will become dull and without essence.

In todays world where skills and status matter more than anything else, this can be considered a huge disadvantage.

It was the right decision to have Kiki join us.


The Slime Jellyfish seems like its out of strength.

Not only was it launched away from the ocean, its status was weakened as well.

There is nothing it could do to resist anymore.

I doubt it has any hidden cards left but just to be extra sure.

Always stay alert during a fight.

I have to weaken it as much as possible.

Thats why Ill try that out.

The Ninjutsu which I recently acquired.

I smile from ear to ear.

Ever since I decided on being a Ninja, I dreamed of using that.

I suck in as much air as possible before activating Advanced Ninjutsu.

Fire Element Ninjutsu!


A column of whirling fire is exhaled from my mouth and swallows up the Slime Jellyfish in the blink of an eye.


The Slime Jellyfish screams.

Its really effective.

Slimes are vulnerable to fire.

It appears that its weakness remained even after it evolved.

I have to be careful not to kill it, so I roast it slowly.

This is exactly what I envisioned a Ninja would be.

Im really moved.

Fire Element Ninjtsu was up there along with Duplication when it came to the Ninjutsus that I wanted as a Ninja.

As demonstrated, Fire Element Ninjutsu lets me shoot flames at my enemies.

The MP consumption is not set. The more MP I put in, the stronger and the more complex the flame gets.

For example, I can shoot flame bullets or create flame walls depending on how much MP I consume.

The MP consumed this time is 3.

Its impressive considering how little MP I put in.

This should do.

I cancel the Ninjutsu.

The flame goes out, revealing the dying figure of the Slime Jellyfish.

All its tentacles have melted away and its umbrella has deflated like a balloon.

It should be safe now.

Okay, Aka. You can eat it now.

~Furu furu

Aka comes near the Slime Jellyfish and extends a part of its body.

The Slime Jellyfish does not resist.

It must have accepted its fate.

Furu furu.


When Aka shakes its body, the Slime Jellyfish answers in kind.

To me, it sounds like theyre communicating.

As for what they are talking about, I have no clue.

The next instant, Aka swallows up the Slime Jellyfish.

You have gained experienced.

Kudou Kazutos level has increased from 1 to 2.

A voice echoes inside my head.

Apparently, its from the experience I gained through the battle just now.

Its my first level-up after the evolution.

Aka, how do you feel?

Furu furu!!!

It jumps around vigorously.

It appears to be in a great shape.

Great, lets go join up with Ichinose-san.

Aka has recovered and I have leveled up.

We should leave it at this.

We collected the tetrapods that I released before leaving.

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