The Immortal Player

Chapter 224: The Tarala Kingdom's Future!

Chapter 224: The Tarala Kingdom's Future!

"So Please proceed and discuss the next steps we are going to take to address the current situation that the Kingdom is in! Most are matters regarding the Kingdom so I won't be interfering much with your decisions. That said If I deemed necessary, I would not hesitate to voice out any concernsin case there's any." Pedro said that made Duke Albert and Duke Ersi smile.

At this moment, Duke Albert took a deep sigh and said, "Our biggest problem as of now is that the whole Tarala Family has been killed. Unfortunately As far as I know, King Edron did not even have any concubines because of the authoritativeness and power of Queen Innra. So There's technically no one that is blood-related to the King that would be rightful to inherit the throne."

"You are right, Albert!" Duke Ersi nodded in agreement. "Typically, the immediate next in line of the Royal Family's bloodline would be the ones to inherit the throne. However, we are left to such an ultimately rare case where there's no onewho had even just blood of the Tarala Lineage, to be able to succeed to the throne. Even I had no idea what to do next However, the throne can't be left empty for a long period of time! The control of information that we are doing is only able to buy us some time. On top of that, the Kingdom's current state is getting worst as we speak. Lack of food, exhausted soldiers, and an infinite number of monsters I estimate that an uproar would occur sooner or later!"

Duke Albert slammed the table lightly with his clenched fist, and grumbled, "That bastard, Kleon! He dared to conspire with the vampires just to obtain the throne! I knew that the Governance Sector was corrupt! But I did not expect that even Kleon would be involved in it!"

Duke Ersi simply sighed in response and said, "Relax, Albert! Don't waste your time blaming a dead man! What's done is done. We could only move on and discuss what to do next! After all Kireon is still alive! There's a high possibility that he might continue what his father started."

Duke Albert simply flicked his tongue in response. This, in turn, had made Duke Ersi shook his head and said, "Fortunately, the traitors amongst the Royal Knights had been taken care of So, we have complete control over the Kingdom Guards and Royal Knights. That said The task of locating the remaining vampires inside the Kingdom might take several more days! We can't do a deliberate search after all, as it may alert the attention of the people."

"Hmm I also thought about it last nighton how to deal with the remaining vampires Unfortunately, all I could think of was conducting a thorough inspection. Placing baits or traps is not a good idea because they might not take it in the first place or not all of them might take the bait. Either way Traps and Baits are out of the options because it would only alarm our enemies and give out the information that we are wary of their existence!" Pedro said.

"I agree with you, Sir Aron!" Duke Ersi said in a serious demeanor. "That is why I think that going after the vampires won't be a good idea at this point. It would just drain the strength of our men in return. And regarding what you initially said yesterday, I would like to ask you, sir Aron, to help the Kingdom Soldiers in fighting the monsters instead. This way, the energy of my men would be conserved, and when the time that the vampires come outwe'd have sufficient energy and strength to fight them off!"

Pedro could not help but frown as glanced towards Duke Albert. Then, he forced out a smile as he glanced back to Duke Ersi, saying, "If you need help, then I could lend you a hand! However I would like to personally ensure the safety of Duke Albert! It's not that I have no trust in the capability of his guards but I don't want to take any risk! If one of the two of you perish I am afraid that the Tarala Kingdom would immediately fall into ruins!"

"I completely understand your concern, sir Aron!" Duke Ersi said in a calm tone. "Considering what you said, I suggest that we temporarily avoid the widespread search for the vampires and the perpetrators of the death of the Royal family and simply leave the investigation to my few men who are already undercover. Then, we heavily focus on fending off the monsters and improve the states of our soldiers. While at the same time, we check what we can do to help alleviate the food problems in the Kingdom and quickly establish the Adventurer's Guild of sir Aronso that we could provide support to the soldiers as soon as possible!"

"I have no problem with that arrangement!" Pedro said whilst rubbing his chin as if he was in deep thought.

On the other hand, Duke Albert simply nodded and said, "I also have no problem with that! However What should we do with the open throne? I mean Duke Kleon is dead and the control of the Governance of the Kingdom would definitely fall to his son. I am afraid that we might encounter some problems with the Governance Faction, especially that no one is actually seating on the throne."

"Since you are more qualified than me to handle such a position, why don't you temporarily take that position, Albert?" Duke Ersi suggested in a calm demeanor. Then, he said, "I have my hands full with the Kingdom's military and security and stuff It's better if you would be the one who would take over temporarily, than that bastard's son, right?"

Duke Albert simply sighed in response and said, "Alright! I'll do it! For the Kingdom's sake! Besides There's not much to do with the Kingdom's Market! However I don't want to stay in the Royal Palace! This mansion is my comfort place after all!"

"That won't be a problem!" Duke Ersi said with a frown on his face. "Do as you wish!"

Duke Albert could only sigh in response. A few seconds passed and no one uttered a wordindicating that they had no problems with the arrangement. So, Duke Ersi stood from his seat and said, "Then, it's all settled! I'll head back first and rest if there's nothing else you want to say!"

Duke Albert stood in response and said, "There are no problems on my side!"

"So, do I!" Pedro said as he followed them and stood.

"Well then I'll be taking my leave!" Duke Ersi said as he left the room. He was sent by Pedro and Duke Albertwho were the ones left in the room afterward.

However, before Duke Albert was able to utter a word, Pedro scratched the back of his head and said, "Congratulations, Duke Albert! May the gods and goddesses bless you with enough strength to manage the Kingdom!"

Duke Albert smiled slightly and said, "It is my honor to serve the Kingdom, sir Aron! I would like to invite you for a breakfast as thanks for your support!"

Pedro simply shook his hands in response and said, "Forgive me, Duke Albert! But I would be declining your offer for now. There are some matters I need to handle immediately so that I could order my men to gather here in the Tarala Kingdom and be able to assist the Kingdom's soldiers as soon as possible!"

"It's alright, sir Aron!" Duke Albert said in a dismayed tone.

Pedro simply forced out a smile and said, "How about this, Duke Albert? I'll ask my men to inform you as soon as I am free. By then, I would appreciate it if we could have a decent meal and talk about your next plans!"

"Of course, Of course! Feel free to do so! After all You are still an important guest of the Tarala Kingdom!" Duke Albert said with a smirk on his face.

Pedro simply smiled back towards him. Then, he waved his hand as he was about to leave while saying, "Then, I would also be taking my leave!"

Duke Albert simply waved in response. He was about to say something to Pedro but the door shut, disabling Pedro from hearing what he said.

That said, Pedro did not give that much thought about it and simply walked his way back to his room. He simply smiled mischievously deep inside and thought, 'It was hard to act in front of the two NPCs Good thing that the talk went smoothly! Now All I need to do is to wait for my cousin to arrive, together with the first batch of 'Adventurers'which are the members of his guild! And if things become successful With Duke Ersi's influence on other nobles We could easily expand to other strongholds! Together with the exponentially increasing number of players We would definitely gain a lot!'

"Speaking of which" At this moment, an idea entered Pedro's mind. He can't help but chuckle, saying, "I guess it's time to recruit new members of my ARES Guild!"

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