The Immortal Player

Chapter 197: A Vampire's Heart!

Chapter 197: A Vampire's Heart!

Despite Pedro's cold demeanor, the middle-aged man remained unfazed. He also did not dare move an inch from where he stood to give way to Pedro and the four NPCs behind him. Instead, he smirked in response as he inserts his hand into his inventory bag.

"Young man Based on the bag hanging around your body, it is safe to assume that you are an adventurer too, right?" The middle-aged man said, making Pedro frown in response. Then, the middle-aged man chuckled, saying, "I knew it! Hahaha!"

"So, what if I am adventurer?" Pedro asked, coldly. "Does that give you the right to stop me?"

Pedro's words had killed the laughter of the middle-aged man, consequently making the atmosphere tense up. The middle-aged man stared daggers at Pedro and said, "Young man, I am giving you some face That's why I offered you a gold coin for your sword. Do you know who I am? I am Kazuto Kageyama! Just the player who would stand at the pinnacle of this game in the future! So Why don't you hand over your sword? Who knows, I might even consider taking you into my guild if you show me your sincerity?"

"Why you! Sire's sword is made of gold and you dare offer him with only one gold?" Neerak Axutar burst in anger. He walked forward and was about to went past Pedro while saying, "Who's giving a face to whom? Why don't you go to the blacksmith and ask them to use your golden coin and craft you a weapon?! Who knows, they might craft you some toothpick with it?!"

The bystanders around themwatching the drama, burst into laughter after mistaking what Neerak Axutar said for a joke. This, in turn, had angered Kazuto Kageyama to the point that his hand swung out of his inventory bagconsequently sending a bronze sword to Neerak Axutar.

"Did your father not told you to do not interfere in the discussion of two elders?" Kazuto Kageyama growled as his bronze sword was just inches away from slicing Neerak Axutar in half. At this moment, Neerak Axutar froze in place as everything around him seemed like it becomes slower in pace.

He could not help but simply watch the bronze sword gets closer to his body. The three village soldiers behind him shouted as they tried their best to go after Neerak Axutar and protect him from Kazuto Kageyama's strike.

Fortunately, Kazuto Kageyama's bronze sword suddenly split in half, just when it was inches away from Neerak Axutar's skin. This, in turn, made the other half of the sword to fly into one of the stall shops on the side.

Everyone could not help but to froze in place as their attention was focused either towards the still one piece Neerak Axutar or the broken bronze sword in Kazuto Kageyama's hand. In fact, even Kazuto Kageyama, himself, was at loss for words and he could only stare at his broken bronze sword with a frown.

At this moment, Pedro chuckled and said, "Let me set things straight, Mister Kazuto Kageyama! First of all, I am the one who is giving you a chance not to lose some face in this public area. And secondly It is me who would stand on top of everything else!"

"Huh?" Kazuto Kageyama frowned in response. His eyes immediately glanced to his left, where the tip of his bronze sword flew. At this moment, he saw Pedro's Pen-knife on its way to his head. Thus, he can't help but grit his teeth as he used every single fiber on his body to slightly lean backward and avoid the knife by a hair's breadth.

A weak gust went past through his face, leaving at the tip of his nose. Then, blood burst out of it in the next secondconsequently making Kazuto Kageyama retreat a few meters back while grabbing a female NPC along the way.

"That was close!" He chuckled. Then, after a few seconds, he smirked towards Pedro and said, "Don't move! Put your weapons down and had over all of your things to me! Else I would kill this woman!"

His threat made everyone gasp in fear, while the female NPC could not help but cry. Neerak Axutar and the three village soldiers could not help but grit their teeth as they were all put in a tight situation because of the hostage. Thus, they can't help but glance at Pedrowaiting for his next actions.

"I'll give you five seconds to follow my instructions!" Kazuto Kageyama said with a smirk on his face. "One! Two! Three"

Before Kazuto Kageyama could continue his count, Pedro could not help but shook his head and said, "Your ability is really good! To be able to spot my weapon in the span of milliseconds And even able to dodge my attack You are quite strong! Unfortunately You are still too weak to face me head-on!"

Everyone was flabbergasted at what Pedro said. Kazuto Kageyama can't help but frown as his jaws opened at their widest and were about to bite at the woman's neck. However, before he could do so, Pedro's eyes went all black in the next millisecondknocking everyone out into the ground.

Pedro could not help but take a deep sigh as he calmly walked forward to the sleeping Kazuto Kageyama. He shook his head and said, "I wanted to spare you because I wanted you to become my rival. I know all your tricks and attack patterns and is written in my head. So It would not be bad if you would be the one who would stand as my rival. But! You chose to create a scene instead. I am not fond of people who like to constantly bring trouble to me. So"

At this moment, Pedro arrived in front of the sleeping Kazuto Kageyama. Then, he drew his Faithpursuer Katana and said, "I have no choice but to end you here! I hope that you'd learn not to poke your nose into other's business. I would not show any mercy if you dare cause trouble to me in your second character!"

Pedro stabbed his head several times. Then, he separated his head from his body before extracting his heart. This, in turn, had made his player interface to pop up with a notification.

[Congratulations Player Death for Killing a Vampire!]

[You have destroyed the Vampire's jaw, eliminating the chance of accidental bites and the accidental creation of new Vampires.]

[You have gained the title "Vampire Hunter"!]

[Vampire Hunter]

Effect: Increase damage against Vampires by 10%.

No Cooldown!

[A title was given to the slayers of the blood-sucking demons!]

[You have successfully extracted a 'Vampire's Heart'!]

[Vampire's Heart]

Rating: Epic-rated Consumable Item.

Effect: When fused to a weapon or a summon/familiar, the fused weapon, summon, or familiar would obtain [Vampirism] Skill.

Use: 1/1

[The specialized Heart of the blood-sucking demons that allows anyone to obtain the ability to replenish their strength, through sucking the blood of their targets!]


At this moment, Pedro could not help but scratch the back of his head. He glanced towards the 'Vampire's Heart' on his hand and thought, 'Vampire Hunter? Since when was there a Vampire in Bearth Online? No wonder Kazuto Kageyama had inhuman sense and reaction ability. He was not a human in the game after all! This explains why he was even able to overpower the American Players in the Asian Server in my past life! In any case I can't help but be curious about the Vampirism Skill that the Vampire Heart could give to a weapon or a summon.'

Pedro rubbed his chin for a few seconds, thinking if it would be good to use the Vampire's Heart to his weapon. However, he frowned afterward and said, 'It's not worth to fuse it with weapons It's much better to give it to a summon or a familiar later on! Though Unfortunately, they are not yet available at this point of the game. Thus, I can only keep this into my inventory bag.'

"Now How should I clean things up?" Pedro sheathed back his Faithpursuer Katana to its scabbard as his Pen-knife levitated back around him, making a ring. "Hmm I should just probably store his dead body in my inventory bag and let the pen-knife suck the blood up! As for everything else I could only act later on as if nothing had happened."

Pedro took Kazuto Kageyama's dead body and used his pen-knife to suck the blood as he planned. Then, he walked back to where he stood earlier and reverted back his eyes to normal.

Slowly, everyone regained their consciousness back. They all woke up as if they had a good night's sleep. That said, Pedro did not give Neerak Axutar and the three village soldiers a chance to even stretch their limbs nor rub their eyes.

He kicked them one by one, and said, coldly, "How long are you guys gonna stay in the ground? I don't have that much time to spare for the four of you to simply take a nap! Stand before I cut those lazy limbs of yours!"

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