The Immortal Player

Chapter 196: The Suspicious Group of People and a Familiar Face!

Chapter 196: The Suspicious Group of People and a Familiar Face!

Pedro did not bother much about the gold coin issue. He could simply message his aunt about it when she goes back online. Thus, he closed his player interface and glanced aroundlooking for Neerak Axutar and the three village soldiers.

However, before he could glimpse towards them from afar, Pedro's attention was caught by a group of people who entered a small corner opposite of him. They wore brown cloth on top of their clothesmaking them stand out amongst everyone else.

'These idiots You would attract more attention if you do that.' Pedro chuckled deep inside. 'I wonder what these people are up to? The Ball of Fire is high up in the sky, but these people even dared to add another layer of cloth above their shirt?'

At this moment, Pedro spotted a familiar face following right behind that group. Pedro can't help but smirk and thought, 'I see Now I understand why those people are fully wrapped even in the middle of the day. A snake is roaming around this placepreparing to bite its prey!'

Unfortunately, before he could approach the suspicious-looking men, Neerak Axutar and the three village soldiers had returned with their hands holding a lot of food.

"Sire Aron, we bought you food. These were the best ones that we were able to taste so far." Neerak Axutar said that was followed with a satisfied nod by the three village soldiers.

Consequently, Pedro glanced towards them and the food they held. However, he returned his focus back to the corner of the street where the 'suspicious men' entered.

Unfortunately, the 'suspicious men' had disappeared--making Pedro force out a smile as he glanced back to Neerak Axutar and the three village soldiers. He can't help but scratch the back of his head and simply say, "Thank you!"

Pedro took the food that Neerak Axutar and the three village soldiers gave to him. Then, he gulped the food like a hungry wolf.

'Kageyama, huh? Japan's best player Inside a Kingdom this early in the game? This could only mean one thing. There is a high probability that this is the place where he got his vampire bloodline!' Pedro frowned deep inside. He felt an ominous feeling that something bad would soon happen.

Fortunately, he was able to calm himself a few seconds later. He took a deep breath and thought, 'His perfect swordsmanshippaired with his inhuman strength I would not be his match even if I followed the same path I took in my past life! In any case, those peoplewhom he was following, most probably have the vampire bloodline too. I should take care of them if we would be the ones who would take over this Kingdom. After all We would not want to have annoying pests lurking in our very own house.'

"Are you alright, Sir Aron?" Neerak Axutar asked after noticing Pedro sighed heavily. Then, the young man forced out a smile and said, "Perhaps, the meat of a Riosh Chicken is not to your liking?"

Pedro could not help but force out a smile in response. Then after a few seconds, Pedro shook his head and said, "No, It's not like that! The meat was good! It was fresh and tastywell seasoned. But I was bothered when I remember a 'gigantic chicken' that I was able to encounter in the past. It ate both humans and monsters like they were grass and the aftermath was gore for anyone to watch. So, I could not help but remember about itconsequently upsetting my stomach a tad bit and, at the same time, making me lose my appetite. Sorry!"

"No, No, No, No! It's alright, Sir Aron! There's no need for you to apologize about it. To be honest, I even have a similar case as you. I am not comfortable eating the meat of an orc. It was as if I was eating the meat of humans! Eww!" Neerak Axutar grumbled while looking as if he was about to vomit just from the unpleasant thought of it.

'Haha It's good that this kid had misunderstood what I said. Anyway! Let's just ride along with what he said.' Pedro thought as he shook his head. Then, he glanced towards Neerak Axutar and said, "Let's not talk about these things! We can't afford to lose our appetite while we are on a mission."

"Mission? But the King is not available yet, right? Shouldn't we take this time to recuperate any injuries we got, have some rest, and relax?" Neerak Axutar asked.

"Rest? Relax? Just because we were not able to proceed with our talk to the King of this Kingdom, does not mean that we have nothing to do in relation to our mission of helping this Kingdom." Pedro scolded with a frown on his face. "First of all Look at our clothes. Do you think that our clothes would be pleasing to the eyes of a noble? Much less a Royalty?"

"But Sire Aron What we wear does not matter! Your strength would more than enough to prove your identity better than any clothes that we could buy and wear."

Pedro could not help but scratch the back of his head in response. He was starting to get irritated with Neerak Axutar. However, at that moment, he can't help but remember that he does not have much gold left with him. At the least, they would be able to buy a set of decent clothes for a few silvers. But for the best clothes available in the clothes' shopmostly tailor-made clothes for nobles and royalties, these high-end clothes might cost them a gold coin or two.

So, Pedro can't help but agree with Neerak Axutar deep inside and thought that clothes were not that important at that moment. That said, he doesn't want to lose face in front of the other NPCs. That is why he smiled slightly towards them and said, "I know that fact! But We still need to buy and change into some decent clothes, at the least, because it is some kind of respect that we should show to other people, especially the King!"

Seeing that Pedro was already dead set in buying new sets of clothes for everyone, Neerak Axutar could only surrender with a smile. He scratched the back of his head and said, "I-If that's the case Then, I could only say my thanks to you, Sire Aron."

"That's nothing! It's only natural for me to do this. I don't want people to bully my men just because of the clothes they wear. It is my job as your Captain to this much for all of you. In any case, don't you like it that way? Who knows, a princess might fall in love with you?" Pedro chuckledmaking fun out of Neerak Axutar.

"Hehe Sire Aron, you surely know how to joke!" Neerak Axutar said. He can't help but force out a smile as he was a tad bit embarrassed by that idea deep inside.

Noticing that Neerak Axutar seemed like he was starting to get annoyed, Pedro slapped his back and said, "Have some confidence in yourself, will you?! You are young, talented, and well educated. You are not much different from a noble of your age. Hahahaha!"

At this moment, Neerak Axutar's mind was starting to get clouded by his annoyance to Pedro that was brought by the 'Princess' topic. He was barely able to hold himself from shouting in response towards Pedro.

The three village soldiers knew Neerak Axutar very well because they came from the same village. Thus, they can't help but force out a smile after seeing Neerak Axutar's face that was on the brink of shouting to Pedro in retaliation. They started to sweat, thinking about what to do. Would they stop Neerak Axutar beforehand, or would they just let the deities decide on what would happen next?

Fortunately, Pedro did not tease the young man even further. He simply stood in placeahead of them, to the path that was leading to the clothing shop.

At first, the three village soldiers felt relieved. While Neerak Axutar was able to get back to himself and was calming himself down. But after a few seconds, it synced into them that Pedro has not even moved a finger in the past few seconds. Thus, they can't help but feel that something bad was going to happen.

"What do you need?" Pedro asked coldly to a middle-aged looking man standing right in front of him. The man's hair was medium in lengthjust long enough for the tip of his hair to cover his eyebrows, ears, and the back of his neck. While he had a slightly big body built that was almost akin to a bodybuilder, and is paired with his small black eyes.

The middle-aged looking man simply smirked in response and pointed towards the Golden Katana attached to Pedro's waist. Then, he said, "Young man, give me that sword! I'll pay you one gold coin for that!"

Pedro stared daggers directly into the man's eyes. But for some reason, the man did not show any hints of fearmaking the four NPCs standing behind Pedro worried.

That said, Pedro kept his calm and cold demeanor. Then, he said, "If that's all that you need Then, I'm sorry to disappoint you, but... My sword is not for sale! So if you have no other matters with me, please move aside and don't block on my way!"

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