The Eternal battle

Chapter 246: Silver Emperor Sword, Nine forms of Anger

Chapter 246: Silver Emperor Sword, Nine forms of Anger

In front of Mingzhi Mei's rebuke, Jiao Lang smiled and said, " Fooling? Deception? Hey, weren't you the one who asked for that? "

" Stop blowing nonsense, you are the one who manipulated us into saying this. "

Jiao Lang replied wrongfully, " When did I played around? All that I said before is the absolute truth, you are the ones who misunderstood me and didn't bother yourselves by making sure of the correctness of my words and judging me in advance. "

Jiao Lang's mockery intensified and said, " You had a chance to withdraw your words before and apologize for the misunderstanding, but you didn't because you were sure of yourself despite knowing that you were wrong, and now that things got worse, you still refuse to admit your mistakes and blame me? Didn't Die Yingming teach you that life will not go as you want unless you make it? Don't blame others for your failure. "

Mingzhi Mei's body shivered with anger and disgrace, this was the first time she was being reprimanded in this way.

Although she was born in a isolated place, and although her parents are strict, but she is genius didn't fail to do anything before, so it was not exposed to rebuke never, even Die Yingming didn't say anything bad to her because she always live up to the aspirations.

Or this is what she thought so far.

Mingzhi Mei discovered that she didn't follow most of Die Yingming's teachings on how to act and think, but he never commented.

Not that he didn't feel any disappointment towards her but he didn't show it.

For her sake, he lowered his standards to suit her, and perhaps he would be satisfied with her no matter what she did as long as she didn't make a big mistake, and perhaps he was cleaning behind her without realizing.

Her pride and arrogance for being the ideal partner of Die Yingming was shattered to pieces by a few words from Jiao Lang.

And the worst is that she couldn't refute anything because Die Yingming had taught her all of this previously and she had no excuse.

No matter how much she thought about it in search of an excuse, she realized more how much she had failed and that she could only blame herself for her failure.

After gathering herself, she finally calmed down and said.

" Thank you "

Although Mingzhi Mei didn't show any humility, her tone of voice was extremely sincere.

Jiao Lang showed more satisfaction, she admitted her mistake in proportion to her mistake and didn't humiliate herself much, didn't resist and refuse to admit her mistake.

If she refuses to admit her mistake, Jiao Lang will kill directly because with this obstinacy will end up with only causing problems to Die Yingming and forced him to clean behind her.

If she humbles too much, he would also kill her because she had no dignity and she would do nothing but bring shame on Die Yingming and from his experience, she would end up relying entirely on him, this kind of people in the future will inevitably become the type who values his life a lot and may give up on Die Yingming. 

Jiao Lang's expression changed and became somewhat serious.

" Well done, now let's move on to the main topic, one blow, forget to escape, if you survive, then you are my sister-in-law and you have a great gift, of course, you can choose to continue fighting normally. "

Mingzhi Mei responded without hesitation.

" I choose one attack "

" Hey? Aren't you afraid? My guess is your luck of survival is very low. "

" Rewards always come with risks "

" Are you stupid? Why are you risking yourself? Better to make Die Yingming take risks for you, this is a man's duty towards his woman "

" This only happens with a man-mistress relation. A real couple always helps each other, even if I can't reach his level, at least I won't be a burden to him. "

" Well, I hope that you can survived, my sister-in-law "

Jiao Lang escaped on his sword and threw it on the ground, at the next moment, the sword turned directly to the ashes and it seems that it survived only because of the support of Jiao Lang or it may crash because of Jiao Lang's sword intent since the first attack.

Dugu Lingtian didn't care about such a cheap sword but wondered how Jiao Lang would fight, after all it's clear that Jiao Lang is a swordsman and his fighting strength will be greatly reduced.

Jiao Lang raised his hand to hold the sword breakthrough the clouds and settled between his hands.

Jiao Lang looked at the Silver Scabbard Sword in his hands and sensed well the aura around him and strangely, his aura coincided with the sword aura and they became one as if they were one entity from the beginning.

Jiao Lang whispered emotionally.

" My partner, this will be our first real fight. Even though we have been together for an unknown time, I have never used you, but since my real journey has begun, you will be my weapon on my journey. "

The Silver Emperor Sword slightly shivered as if it had his own consciousness and responded to Jiao Lang.

Jiao Lang raised the Silver Emperor Sword high and strangely, the sword seemed to grow up to cover the sky in an instant, returning to normal in an instant.

This scene was repeated many times and very quickly faster than eye blinking until not everyone knew what they were seeing, what was the truth, and what was an illusion, including Gu Xu and Raskreia.

"The Silver Emperor Sword? Has he lost his mind? Will he kill her! "

Die Yingming looked astonished at what he saw, he tried to break free from Shi Tu again, but the gray- red luster in Shi Tu's eyes prevented him from moving.

" If she don't exceed our expectations now while our capabilities are imperfect, she will never do it, if she don't, then she will forever be just a puppet in your hands and I don't need to say where this leads to. "

Although knowing that what Shi Tu said was true, and even though he stopped resisting, Die Yingming's body never relaxed.

" Nine Forms of Anger "

Just like Shi Tu who summarized all his experiences in the Eternal Suffering Art, Jiao Lang spent his life in pursuit of the strongest sword art and what he had reached was the Nine Forms of Anger Art, the only known and perfect sword art of the Shen level!!

Nobody knows if it's really the most powerful sword art ever because all of the other Shen level sword arts are incomplete art due to the loss of the art scroll or because the previous heavenly titles didn't pass their inheritances and didn't write it down anywhere.

But without a doubt, it would inevitably be one of the first three sword arts in history.

Jiao Lang's cultivation rose from the second level of the First Step to the third level and then the fourth through to the eighth.

Due to the great difference between cultivation systems and techniques, it was impossible for people to distinguish each other's strength because it's impossible for a person to understand the vast amount of cultivation systems, of course there are those who can do it because of their sharp instincts, but this is not a solution.

At some point, it's said that a heavenly title known as the Heaven Eyes Ruler was able to borrow a portion of the heavenly law and spread this law in all thirty-three heavens so that everyone can use this law.

Based on this Heavenly Law, the current Cultivation Base Ranking System based on pure battle power.

Of course, the increase due to the treasures and external power is not taken into consideration, such as the array used by Arcana or Raskreia's sword, but rather the personal strength of the Cultivator.

So theoretically, if someone's strength is at the second level but he has cultivation technique that helps him raise his strength to the fourth level, then he will be considered from the beginning as a fourth level Cultivator, after all nothing can be hidden from the heavenly law with one exception.

Shen level techniques!!

Only Shen level techniques could detect their strength from the eyes of the Heavenly Law and no one could know their true strength.

`` The First Anger, Anger of Failure. ''

Jiao Lang's energy flustered frantically, and there was no longer any trace of the quiet man who could hardly be noticed without his sharp tongue.

Jiao Lang fired this sword strike aiming at Mingzhi Mei and destroying everything in its path.

"The Mortal Immortal Spear Art, Mortal Spear!! "

Mingzhi Mei didn't hesitate to burn her life essence and drain all she had in order to use this attack, although she could barely release it, but her only hope was to resist.

Mingzhi Mei didn't hesitate to burn her life essence and drain all she had in order to use this attack, although she could barely release it, but her only hope was to resist.

Unlike Jiao Lang's sword, Mingzhi Mei's spear was just as calm as the spring breeze, but what was shocking was that her cultivation also had risen to the First Step Eighth Level.

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