The Duke's Passion

Chapter 109 - Spar

Chapter 109 - Spar

Time sure flies so fast. It felt like yesterday; I was dying on my first day of training. But it had been three months since then.

I remembered feeling sore during my first week. But Rufus… that damn instructor was too strict. I wanted to beat him at least for once.

But, I'm grateful. That Rufus was the one who trained me. If it was someone else, I wouldn't make this tremendous progress.

"I bought some refreshment." Sam snapped be back.

I gazed at my side. Sam was eating a slice of watermelon while he jogged with me.

Sam would always accompany me. But recently, he would just sit idly on the tower's window and watch me from there.

This was the first time he was joining me to run after a week. Not that I mind.

"Later. I still have to finish one lap." I kept my response short and precise.

After excessive training for three months without having a day off, I learned that having a short break in the middle of my training would make me lazy. Hence, I'd join him after my morning run.

"Rufus is not even here." Sam mumbled.

That's right. Even without Rufus, I'd start conditioning my body. It's a discipline Rufus had taught me.

So, during dawn, I'd start running and meet Rufus once the sun was up.

I ignored Sam and kept my eyes ahead. I could feel his gaze from my side. He's running with his eyes on me.

"You should look ahead, my lord." I muttered without casting him a look.

"Why?" Sam asked. "My goal is not ahead."

The side of my lips curled upward. I knew Sam was strong. But after training, the extent of his strength came clear to me — it's immeasurable.

Even if I trained for life, I wouldn't be able to scratch him. What more? If I had to face his brothers. They might be just as strong as him.

Despite that painful reality, I trained harder. I'm doing this so I could defend myself and not be helpless, waiting for someone to save me.

I might as well put up a futile attempt to fight back if necessary.

"Want to try some?" Again, Sam offered me the watermelon he was eating.

Instead of answering, I shook my head. He hummed, catching my attention. Thus, I glanced at him.

What was he thinking? When I glimpsed upon his smirk, my brow raised.

"Do you want to race?" He offered with a smug smirk.

Race? I would never beat him. Even after training for three months straight, I'd still sweat profusely. But Sam wouldn't.

He would start sweating if he probably run around the entire Cunningham hundred times. What was he planning?

Sam added, even after receiving no response from me.

"I'd spar with you if you win."

My speed decrease. "Really?"

I had been trying to ask him to spar with me for the past month. I'd been sparring with Rufus and I never won once.

Still, despite losing repeatedly, I wanted to assess Sam's strength. Although I never heard of Sam wielding a weapon, I'm curious.

"If you… win." His smug grin came clear. "That's your reward. But if you lose…"

A shiver run down my spine. This didn't look good. He had planned ahead of me.

"If I lose?" And yet, I still asked the consequences.

Well, it was more plausible to know the consequences since I already know the outcome. I wouldn't win against Sam head on.

"If you lose…" He hummed, pondering over which reward he wanted the most.

"A kiss? A day with Lilove? Rufus' fingers? Fabian's eyes? Cameron's shaved head? Which one should I choose? Hmm."

That… that escalated quickly. The corner of my lips kept twitching, hearing his solemn mumblings.

I knew Sam had dark thoughts, just like I do. However, his thoughts were just too random and terrifying.

Goodness gracious. I'm grateful I'm not one of his enemies.

Sam had thought of it for a long time as we run. Soon, he had decided.

"Oh! I know! A day doing nothing with Lilou? How is that as my reward?" Sam enthusiastically announced.

Was that his reward? Or mine?

"If you finish your tenth lap before me. You win. If not, you lose."

Sam sounded so proud and happy. I could not help but smile. Smile, not because of his enthusiasm.

"No problem, my lord." It was now my time to offer him a smug grin.

"Then, that's a deal." He said.

Slowly, I halted. Sam raised his brows as I faced him.

"You've been thinking too long, my lord. I just finished my tenth lap." Proud, I opened my arms proudly, tapping my foot on the starting point.

The smile on his face immediately died down. Sam gazed down, and then moved his gaze around.

He was too focused on thinking about his options. He didn't notice. This wasn't even considered as something I should be proud about, but a win was a win.

"Lilove, your smile is scary." Sam took a step back when I took a step forward.

"Love…?" He called out awkwardly.

He wanted to run and not acknowledge our deal? So, before he could flee, I grabbed his collar with a sweet smile.

My eyes squinted into a thin, curved line. I could see his expression change inexplicably, but I didn't let him go.

"How about we spar before my instructor wakes up?" I chuckled evilly.

I won't let this chance slip. While I was training so hard, Sam enjoyed his time leisurely.

Imagine seeing him having a parasol not far away from the training grounds, with a cold refreshment on the side? He'd been so relaxed.

Not that I held a grudge to him. He's strong… no. I held a grudge every time he waved at me leisurely with a cold beverage in his hand.

"Lilove, this is cheating, right? How about you run another lap and —"

"Let's go, Your Highness." Before he could touch my conscience, I dragged him by the collar.

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