The Duke's Passion

Chapter 105 - The Perfect Tutor

Chapter 105 - The Perfect Tutor

After that, Cameron went to his knees. He placed his hand on his chest, bowing.

When he looked up, he reached for my hand.

"My lady, please accept me—"

"Stop." Sam interrupted. Both Cameron and I turned our heads to him, and Sam's face bore a look of disdain.

Sam pointed at the hands that were holding mine. "How dare you?"

His last remarks made us freeze. I knew Cameron would swear his loyalty to me as I shamelessly accepted lakresha.

I knew the responsibilities I had to bear wearing it. I knew how strange it was to have a vampire swearing their loyalty to a human.

It was all strange — even for me.

However, the rage within me was still here. I'm merely bottling it.

"Sam," I only called him, and subtly smiled before turning to Cameron.

Slowly, I pulled my hand away. However, to placate both Cameron and Sam, I squatted down.

"Even though I accepted lakresha, I didn't think I have the capabilities to lead the Crawford. However, I will call for you when I needed help."

I grinned brightly, thinking that Cameron was like a little boy.

"And when you need us, we will come to aide you. I mean, he will. He's really strong, you know that, right?"

I pointed at Sam, using him as my leverage to get away from the other responsibilities. Receiving lakresha meant accepting the Crawfords.

I didn't want that. Not only I am a human, I was a peasant before all this. I couldn't accept to lead the people and deliver them to their death just because I was foolish.

The only reason I accepted it was because of Lara's will. They said Lakresha was a powerful weapon yield by a strong pure-blood vampire.

It might come in handy in the future. Although, I don't put all my faith in it.

"My lady…" Cameron's eyes twinkled as his lips parted, but no words came out.

"I'm already grateful that Lord Cameron is kind enough to let us stay here."

To my surprise, Cameron suddenly bowed until his forehead touched the marbled floor. For a vampire — a pure-blooded at that — to bow down like a humble peasant still surprised me.

Earlier, he knelt down on his one knee like how a knight swear his loyalty to his master. But now, it was like a peasant begging to spare his life.

My face distorted. I felt like I'm sinning for letting this honorable one act like a peasant.

"My lady, I understand what you meant, but forgive me for I cannot accept your refusal!"

"But —"

"So! Let our clan worship you and serve you while you're here until you acknowledge us!"

I scratched my temple lightly. Worship, eh? I glanced up at Sam, whose face didn't even conceal his disdain.

I can't ask for his help just by looking at him. He had bullied them all in the past; I could imagine Sam's way of getting rid of them.

"Alright, then." I reluctantly uttered.

When I saw Cameron's face brighten up, my heart warmed up. Well, I think it was not too bad, right?


After the ordeal in the chapel, we returned to the castle's great hall. I had noticed everyone we passed by bowing their heads. I tried to ignore it.

Now, in the great hall in front of me, stood Sam, Cameron, and Fabian. They were aware of my request last night.

Since we didn't know the effect of lakresha if I yield it now, we decided to train my body first. However, with the three of them wanting to train me, we were in a dilemma.

"So, how will I get strong?" I wondered, rubbing my chin as I gazed at the three in front of me.

Sam and Cameron tilted their head to the side. I even heard their spine cracking as they cocked their head in puzzlement.

The corner of my lips instantly twitched. These two vampires didn't know how? Right. They're naturally strong.

So… why did they insist on teaching me and berated Fabian if they had zero clue? I smiled, but my vein on my forehead protruded in annoyance.

I breathed in and out as I shifted my gaze to Fabian. My savior.

"Since my lady is not used to yielding weapons, I advised you should start on focusing on strengthening your stamina. You should condition your body enough to train with wooden swords."

As expected from Fabian. He's the only one I could rely on. I wanted to weep for having such a reliable human around.

"Oh!" Sam knocked the bottom of his fist against his palms. "Right. My Lilove should start running laps!"

"Ahh…" Cameron nodded in understanding, grasping the fact that I am a human, unlike them. "How about you run a lap around the entire Cunningham, my lady?"

I take it back. Cameron didn't grasp the idea.

I helplessly moved my gaze to Fabian, who offered me a chuckle.

"To get stronger, one should have a proper training. If the training is incorrect, it can just hurt your body, my lady. Thus, hire a proper instructor, your grace." Fabian suggested, turning to Sam and then to Cameron.

Fabian was smiling like usual. His eyes squinting into a thin line as he spoke politely.

"My knights can probably…"

"Forgive me, Marquess Cameron. However, as far as I know, the knights under the Crawfords were vampires."

Slowly, Fabian opened his eyes. It's rare to see Fabian's eyes as he always smiled all the time.

"I'm afraid instead of helping my lady, she'd fall ill from the intense training that vampires usually do."

I gulped down a mouthful of saliva. Fabian's tone was too solemn. It was quite intimidating.

"Fabian, do you hold a grudge against us?" Sam frowned as he suspiciously narrowed his eyes.

"As for His Grace, the reason you're not suited to train her ladyship is because…" Fabian's eyes glinted. "You'd distract her."

Sam's lips slightly fell down, speechless. It was as if Fabian's words were a direct hit in his heart.

Yes. Sam and I would surely do a different training.

"So you're saying you will train my bride alone?" Not pleased at where the conversation was going, Sam raised his chin.

"No, my lord." Fabian returned to his usual smile. "Last night when my lady said she wanted to grow some muscles, I had contemplated over it. What happened last night is a blessing in disguise as it showed us that the royal family is already one step ahead."

Fabian glanced at me briefly before he stared at Sam straight in the eye.

"Since, we're not yet faraway from Grimsbanne. Last night, I sent a letter to the person who I think the best to tutor my lady."

Silence ensued after Fabian's explanation. The perfect tutor to help me…? He didn't mean it was…

"Yes." Fabian nodded as he set his eyes on me. "I sent a letter to Sir Knight Rufus."

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