The Duke's Passion

Chapter 104 - Lakresha

Chapter 104 - Lakresha

After that talk last night, Sam had called Cameron and Fabian. He had announced that we would return to Grimsbanne.

However, for reasons unknown, I insisted on staying in Cunningham instead. This had taken the three of them by surprise.

I'm uncertain of the reason, but deep down, I felt that once I left Cunningham, everything would be futile. Hence, I sincerely asked Cameron if we could stay in Cunningham.

Fortunately, despite Sam's threat and his previous actions, Cameron was kind enough to accept us. After that, I explained to them what happened and meeting Lara while I was unconscious.

Obviously, it surprised Cameron. He even cried. He must have looked up to Lara. Well, she's a brilliant woman; I could tell she's an amazing person despite our brief interaction.

"My lady," I snapped back to the current lapse as Cameron approach. I refocused my gaze on him before me. Cameron had led me to a small chapel inside the Crawford's castle.

Just Cameron and I… and Sam, who was not far away.

"This is Lakresha." He said, holding a small silver box with both his hands.

Slowly, I gazed down and furrowed my brows. Lakresha was a small box?

I was truly prepared to become an adopted mother — I mean, have an adopted son. Sam teased me last night and told me 'you'd find out', when I asked about Lakresha.

"If the founding leader of the Crawford gave Lakresha to you, I and the entire Crawford will gladly hand it to you." Cameron muttered, holding the small box with an engraved crow markings above it.

"Please accept it, My lady."

Such words that sounded heavy with responsibilities. Just what was Lakresha meant to them? Cameron held it as if it was the most fragile object in the world.

I didn't know, but it felt like I was receiving a gift I didn't deserve.

"Lakresha is our clan's treasure. The only person who can yield it is the founding leader and her successor." Cameron explained as I stared at the box in his hands.

"Then, why aren't you using it?" I asked, slowly raising my gaze at him.

Cameron sported a subtle yet bitter smile. "After our founding leader, all the leaders that followed, including I, cannot yield it."


"So we kept it safe with all our lives until this very day."

Cameron added. Staring at him as he uttered such words made me realized they had sacrificed lives to protect Lakresha.

But the question remained: why can't anyone in the Crawford Clan can yield it?

Suddenly, Sam chimed in and explained, along with his approaching footsteps.

"It's because that woman is a selfish lady who enjoys being in power. So much so that she used half of her life, just so no one, aside from her choosing, could yield her precious Lakresha."

Upon ending his remarks, Sam stood beside me. Instinctively, I glanced at him. He was gazing down at the box emotionlessly.

"Your Highness, you don't have to put it that way." Cameron muttered awkwardly, but didn't deny Sam's blunt explanation.

"Accepting that thing means the Crawford will pledge their lives to you. It comes with great power, but bigger responsibilities, and a much bigger threat." Sam's tone was icy, moving his sharp eyes towards Cameron.

"I wonder… why would she give my bride such a damned thing."

Sam didn't mention it last night. But, I had already noticed his hostility when I mentioned lakresha.

I stared at Sam's side profile. He looked entirely different whenever he bore this solemn and breathtakingly intimidating expression.

"It's because of you." I whispered, biting my lower lip. But since there's only three of us inside the chapel, even a drop of a pin could be heard.

Sam and Cameron shifted their attention to me. Their brows furrowed as I missed telling them this part.

"Because of me?" Sam arched his brow, intrigued.

Although I saw Lara as my love rival, I didn't want to steal this merit from her. I didn't want to borrow the strength she was generously giving us and discredit her.

I might be losing my mind for telling Sam this, but I wouldn't make a progress hiding in fear. I had to stick in my resolve.

Slowly, I moved my gaze back to Cameron. I extended my hand towards the box and took it carefully from him.

"She told me this is her way to stay by your side." Surprisingly enough, a subtle smile resurfaced on my lips upon relaying Lara's words.

"That…" Sam trailed off, sounding surprised.

I carefully opened the box, and my smile stretched a little wider. It's a necklace with a small crescent moon pendant. "It's beautiful."

"Even after death, that woman still wants to harass me!" I heard Sam gasp and click his tongue. I could not help but chuckle.

Sam seemed oblivious to Lara's feelings. I'm uncertain. But did Lara hide her feelings by annoying him?

I raised my gaze, and Cameron was smiling at me. It seemed Cameron had already realized that, but feigned ignorant.

"Lord Cameron," I called out, ignoring Sam's whims. Slowly, I took a step forward.

Cameron slightly widened his eyes, but stood still. When I raised my hand, I glimpsed at the puzzlement in his eyes.

"You did well." I muttered softly, smiling upon seeing how Cameron held his breath. "She said."

I patted Cameron's head gently. Lara didn't verbally say that, but I knew she's proud of this young vampire for leading their clan.

"My lady…" Cameron bit his lower lip as hard as he could.

I was right. Cameron appeared like a youth because he's still young. He might be hundred times older than me, but in their world, he's still young.

To shoulder the responsibility as the current clan leader, having to deal with the royal family, and follow the orders of the founding leader without question… I am proud of him. Lara would be as well.

I glanced at Sam. He had his arms crossed, giving me a proud smirk. I smiled back. He saw through my white lie, but said nothing.

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