The Duke's Passion

Chapter 102 - The Lost Memory II

Chapter 102 - The Lost Memory II

His reaction was the opposite of what I had expected. His smirk stretched wider, making it look more twisted.

"Of course, you are." He replied in delight.

I'm shaking, terrified, and just wanted to crawl away. That's a fact. However, Fabian didn't exhaust himself coming up with lesson plans he had to write all night for me.

Sam had granted me a life so beautiful. He had granted me powers; knowledge.

This man before me who made me feel so little… I'm aware I couldn't fend him off with sheer force. Even if I put on all my might and push him to make a run for it, it'll all be for naught.

That's silly.

What I need to do was to use my mind. I had to get out of here. I don't know how, but I had to think of a way.

"Hmm…" As I thought of a way to get out of this situation alive, I heard him hum.

The man leaned forward. Instinctively, I wanted to draw my head back. Alas, I couldn't.

He studied me up close while I limit my breathing.

Go away. Was what I wanted to say. I didn't like this small gap between us. It felt… degrading.

"You look average, nothing special. Very human." He nodded in understanding.

I'm aware of that. Hence, I didn't take it to the heart. It's not that his opinion mattered; the only opinion I want about my looks was Sam.

"Are you here just to insult me?" I asked, still staring at him. "You're wasting your time. Be more creative than that to get through me. If you want to kill me, just do it. Why are you stalling?"

Honestly, my soul had been attempting to leave my body upon saying those words. I'm barely holding onto it so it won't go away completely.

Mister Fabian, was this kind of provocation truly work? Remembering my tutor's lessons in etiquette. Yes, he added these types of lessons.

He even taught me how to hide a body in our extra curriculum lesson: gardening. Plant endangered flowers over it so no one would dig it up since that was illegal.

Until now, I truly thought those were just a more thorough topic. Advanced lessons; Fabian's exact words.

When I saw him smile, I bit my inner lip. Surely knowledge was power.

I thank Fabian for his flawless teaching. If I made it out here alive, I would never question his lessons again.

"I see…" The man nodded again, snapping me back from bowing to Fabian to express my gratitude in my mind.

"You don't look bad when smiling."

When he mentioned that, only then I realized a subtle smile resurfaced on my lips. It immediately died down, though.

"You smile even when you are cornered. You don't seem to be afraid of death. Aren't you interesting, sweetheart?"

Suddenly, his tone grew more wicked as his smirk grew twisted. He's having fun — not mad, but he found it amusing…

In a very diabolic way.

I couldn't pinpoint it, but I had this very ominous feeling about his remarks.

"It's no fun if you don't value your life. Hmm…" He muttered, drawing back, crossing his arms, and then scratching his chin.

"Also, I changed my mind by ripping your head apart with my bare hands. I wouldn't get through you with just that, would I?"

I flinched at his last remarks. So, he had planned to behead me just by his hands?

I thought of it sent a shiver down my spine. My knees were trembling, but I fought it from giving away.

"I need more creativity, huh?" He looked at me, as if contemplating what he would do to me.

Also, I couldn't see him properly. I could only sense his demonic aura emanating from him. Whatever he was thinking, my guts were telling me it won't do me any good.

How could I leave here in one piece? Should I strike a deal? But what would I offer him?

I had nothing to offer.

"Heh." He chuckled shortly. "You're sharp, I give that to you. Thinking that if your groom will come to your rescue right now, the results of our confrontations are unknown."

Did he read me all this time? My eyes slowly went wide.

I stood rooted to the ground. I could only watch him take a step forward, approaching me, closing our already limited distance.

When the tip of his shoe touched mine, he stopped. Since he was tall, he bent on down.

I had to look away. It's dangerous to look at him in the eyes further.

However, I couldn't. I felt myself being drawn to his crimson eyes.

"You don't care for you life, but you care for someone else's? Aren't you too simple?" He smirked.

"However, since you changed my mind, I'll be more creative from today onwards, sweetheart. That's my token of appreciation for making this visit a little… interesting."

Those were the last words I remembered. And then, I was back in my bed chambers where Sam jumped from it and we…


I trailed off, realizing it was not… Sam. He might appear like Sam, but the way he smirked… they're the same as that man's smirk.


Slowly, I opened my eyes and Lara's pair of shining emerald eyes welcomed me. She sported a bitter smile upon seeing my reaction.

"What… have I done?" I stammered under my breath, feeling dirty and violated.

Yet, tears wouldn't come out. No, I didn't even know what to feel. I'm just too shocked.

"Lilou." Lara squeezed my hand lightly. "It's not real. It's just an illusion."

She muttered, shaking her head lightly. However, even though it wasn't real, it felt very vivid.

"Are you… not real, too? Are you just an illusion as well, Lara?" I asked through my gritted teeth.

She went silent. Be it illusions or not, I could only assume this was a vampire's abilities.

It didn't happen in real life. But I could never deny it never happened to me.

I'm angry, but not at him. But to myself. I provoked him, and he really figured out how to insult me in the worst possible way.

"Who was it…?" I asked, before I let out a mocking scoff. "Who would I do even if I knew?"

"Lilou," Suddenly, Lara called me out firmly. "I have little time left. But, listen to me carefully. Once you wake up, find Cameron and tell him about Lakresha."

I furrowed my brows as I stared at the sincerity in her eyes. "Lakresha?"

"It's my son. I'm passing it to you. If it accepts you, the entire Crawford will be in your hands. But, don't go to the Capital… just yet."

"Why would…" I trailed off upon hearing those familiar words, 'just yet'. They were the same voice I heard before.

As if reading my jumbled thoughts, Lara smiled brightly.

"Please forgive me for that. I just want to talk to him even for a short while." She explained with a smile.

Talk to… who? Sam…? No, that's not important. Did she say she's giving her son to me? And the Crawford's?

"Just. Don't. Go. To. The Capital. Just. Yet." Lara stressed her words as if desperately wanting me to listen.


"If you go now, Hell will lose. I won't forgive you if that happens, Lilou. I will kill you now if you're going to deliver him to his death." Her expression grew more solemn.

"Give me your word." She urged.

My thoughts had been jumbled, and I didn't even have a time to explode from anger. However, Lara was staring at me, waiting for me to give her my words.

I gulped down, hearing my swallow as I nodded. Lara immediately smiled upon seeing it.

"If you go that way, you'll wake up." Lara then pointed in a certain direction.

I glanced at it before returning my gaze to Lara. "Why, Lara?"


"Why are you helping me?" I muttered. But deep down, I already knew the answer. It's not me she's wanted to help, it's Sam.

"It's not for you. It's for my unrequited love and you, owning Lakresha is my selfish way to stay by his side." Without a slight reluctance, she confessed teasingly.

"But I've grown to like you as well, even for a short while. And I root for you."

Were the last words I heard for her as she faded with a bright smile on her face. Lara loved Sam — genuinely and deeply. So, how could she give me her blessing selflessly?

How did you die, Lara?

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