The Duke's Passion

Chapter 101 - The Lost Memory

Chapter 101 - The Lost Memory

In a knowing tone, Lara explained. I remained silent and listened to her carefully.

"What — what happened to me?" I stammered.

"Why don't you try to recall it yourself?" She offered me a gentle smile.

Lara then laid his hands on the side of the table. She spread her hands, waiting for my hand.

I glanced at her palm and then to her bright smile. Nothing bad would happen, right? Hesitantly, I still slid my palm in her hands.

They're really soft and cold.

Slowly, Lara wrapped her fingers around my hand.

"Be at ease."

Upon hearing her advice, I stabilized my breathing. Closing my eyes as I gathered my scattered thoughts.

Lara's beauty was too much of a distraction. I didn't want to look at her right now so I could concentrate.

As my breathing and shoulders eased, my mind drifted to what happened to me.


It was true that I went for a stroll with Lord Cameron in the vast open garden. However, we headed back and shared supper, just discussing random subjects about Cunningham.

After that, we went into separate ways. Lord Cameron urged me to rest after our long journey. He even apologized for what happened earlier that day.

When I was at the guest chambers, I couldn't sleep. So I went out. I bumped into Fabian. He asked where I was heading at this hour.

Obviously, I answered him with honesty. He offered to accompany me, but I wanted to have some time alone.

Being in the chambers alone… it felt suffocating and dreary. I got so used to Sam's presence all the time that I felt restless without him around.

So, I strolled alone once again. I made sure not to go far — I didn't want to burden everyone if I lose my way.

However, when I decided to go back… I saw Sam. He was walking into the maze-garden near to the open area of the garden.

I called him, and he looked back. Sam smirked at me before he turned around and resumed in his strides.

His action baffled me, but I ignored it, and I followed him. But he just disappeared — just like that.

That's why I thought I missed him so much that I'm seeing things. Thus, I returned to my chambers to rest.

Or… did I really return?

My memories were all over the place. Although I was certain I went back, why did it feel I didn't?

What did I…

As I wondered, forcing myself if I remembered correctly, a recent memory appeared.

Back in that maze garden, when I turned around to return to my room, a figure was already standing behind me. Taken aback, I slowly raised my gaze.

Dark, dark crimson orbs matched with dark hairs waving along the dreary night breeze. I couldn't see his face clearly under the dim lights of the moon.

However, his crimson eyes were shining brightly… and dangerously. When a twisted smirk appear on his lips, I saw his fangs glinted.

It was as if he was telling me a foolish prey took the bait.

My breath hitched as he suddenly appeared in front of me, bending over, his hands on his back, tilting his head to my side, scanning me. I froze.

I couldn't move a muscle. I'm scared to even think of breathing, running, or screaming for help.

There was just something in his aura that suppressed me to do anything. All I could do was tremble under his scrutinizing gaze.

When I breathed a little, the scent of death wafted my nose. He reeked with the scent of blood and death.

This scene felt familiar and not. The night Sam appeared in my life, I was also frightened out of my wits.

But there was a distinction.

This man was out here, with malicious intention. He would kill me. He was enjoying at the sight of me trembling in anxiety before him.

"Are you scared?" He asked under his breath.

As soon as his low, deep voice tickled my ears, I couldn't control the shiver down my spine. Was he asking? Or confirming?

"Are you mute?" Again, he asked.

But this time, he raised his hand, revealing his nails were akin to sharp claws. Using the tip of his finger, he traced my jaw.

His eyes locked with mine. His smirk remained.

"You…" I gulped down a small portion of my fear. "You already know the answer. So, why are you asking me? Are you stupid?"

I just wanted to answer politely, afraid he'd kill me if I didn't answer. However, my words just went off on their own.

I'm dead. Sam… I'm so, so dead.

"Feisty…" He smirked as he let out an airy, yet short, chuckle. "… or not?"

Please don't kill me. Was what I wanted to beg him. However, begging him to spare me was what he wanted.

He didn't say it, but I could feel it. If not for the time I've spent with Sam, I would never distinguish his reasons.

Let me borrow his courage; bid my time until Sam arrived. He would know, right? But even if he do…

Instinctively, I raised my gaze and stared at the man straight into his eyes. His eyes had the same dark shade of red like Sam.

I knew Sam was strong — I never questioned that. But this man, deep down, my guts were telling me he's just as strong as Sam.

If Sam arrived here, there would be a confrontation. My groom had nonexistent patience. If that happened, I'm uncertain about the outcome. We still have to go to the Capital.

The Capital… a place that unprecedented situation occurred. The center and the most dangerous place in this kingdom.

I couldn't let Sam get injured after what happened in Whistlebird.

"You stare a lot, sweetheart." He muttered, snapping me back from my thoughts.

"Now that's puzzling. I'm certain you're scared until now. But alas, your mind still wondered elsewhere."

He added with a tone of fascination. Before this man, I couldn't even pull out a fake bravado. His eyes made me feel like he could see through me.

"I'm bidding my farewell in my mind." I muttered tonelessly. "You will kill me, right? I might as well say my last words to my loved ones even if its just in my head… am I not allowed?"

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