The Cry of the Phoenix Which Reached the Ninth Heaven

Chapter Volume 2 35

Chapter 35: Someone Has Come to the Tent

"Because the esteemed prince fears no one one the battlefield ah!" Yao Mowan repeated Ye Junqing's words. She believed that she had said it very sincerely, but to Ye Junqing, it just sounded like she was mocking him. Right after she said it, he shot over an angry glare.

"Are you sure that you guys don't want me to interfere in this matter?" Yan Nansheng had came here thinking that he would salvage the situation for them, but when he saw Ye Junqing and Yao Mowan shake their heads at the same time, he completely deflated.

Even though it was storming outside, Yan Nansheng left without hesitation. As Yao Mowan looked at the red garment that was fluttering ragefully in the rain and wind, she couldn't help but sigh that Yan Nansheng was really a good person ah! Perhaps she should consider giving Yin Xue back to him? However, the moment this thought emerged, ten thousand little sprites screamed in her ears, are you crazy? Did you go crazy?

"Do you really feel like this prince will win this campaign?" When Yao Mowan finally shifted her gaze away, she found that Ye Junqing was looking at her seriously with faint anticipation flickering in his eyes.

"I'm certain!" Yao Mowan nodded without hesitation.

"Why?" The light in Ye Junqing's eyes became even brighter.

"Because Mowan is the marshal." Almost right after Yao Mowan said this, there came a loud clap of thunder. Ye Junqing felt that he seriously couldn't hold a conversation with Yao Mowan anymore, so he stormed off. He didn't hear Yao Mowan's following words at all: "Because you're the vanguard ah…"

It took almost half a month to reach Geyan. However, if the time they stopped due to the storm was subtracted, then they had only traveled for ten days. This was five days faster than Yao Mowan had predicted. This was enough to show that Ye Junqing had been able to figure out the most efficient route of travel for the military. This was probably what the marshal was supposed to be like.

At this time, Yao Mowan had already slept in an guest house in Geyan from sunrise until sunset. She stretched and got up lazily when Ye Junqing finished settling the soldiers down and came to look for her.

"Your Highness, dinner has already been prepared." When Ting Yue who had been waiting outside heard her master's call, she immediately pushed open the door and entered.

"En. Has the esteemed prince returned?"

"He's already back. He just saw off Colonel Du who had been stationed here." Ting Yue picked up a comb to start smoothing out Yao Mowan's hair.

"Comb a hairstyle that suits this hairpin." Yao Mowan slowly walked to the dressing table and casually opened the drawer to take out the immortal phoenix tail hairpin. Ting Yue obeyed and carefully styled Yao Mowan's hair.

After about the time for one incense stick to finish burning, Yao Mowan slowly entered the main hall. Ye Junqing had already waited for almost an hour. His expression which had been displeased from the start became even gloomier.

"You're sure having a nice time being marshal! If you slept for a little while longer, it would've already been the next day!" Ye Junqing hadn't wanted to complain, but he couldn't stop himself. Ever since the age of eleven, he had been following Imperial Father out on campaigns and had experienced all sorts of battles. He had followed his far share of marshals, and it was the first time he had seen a marshal as irresponsible as Yao Mowan.

Regardless of whether it was in arranging the troops or sending troops to battle, the marshal had to make the decisions. However, Yao Mowan even had to give military orders when she went to sleep, saying that whoever that disturbed her would be punished according to the military laws!

"Is that so? If I knew earlier, I would've just slept for a while longer." Yao Mowan slowly walked to the table. Just as she sat down, Ye Junqing walked over with a stack of paper.

"These are the documents for deploying an army. They need to be stamped, so bring the marshal's seal over!" said Ye Junqing indignantly as he dropped the pile in front of Yao Mowan.

"Doesn't Prince plan to let Mowan eat dinner first before stamping these things?" Yao Mowan looked at the table filled with delicacies and felt hunger stir in her belly.

"Stamp them first!" Ye Junqing was already near the end of his patience.

"Ting Yue, find something else and swap the marshal's seal out." Yao Mowan leaned indolently into the back of the chair and glanced towards the leg of the table. Ye Junqing frowned and followed her gaze, only to see that the white jade marshal's seal was currently under a foot of the table. His handsome face instantly turned dark as ash.

"Yao Mowan!" roared Ye Junqing. His eyes practically spitted flames as he looked towards Yao Mowan. In his opinion, the marshal's seal was even more sacred than the ruler's seal. Yao Mowan had trampled something that he had worshipped so much, giving her the marshal's seal was seriously a waste of a treasure!

"So loud. Mowan's so scared that she doesn't know what to do anymore. Ting Yue, hurry and help this consort back to rest. I feel dizzy." Yao Mowan rubbed her temples as she said this in a realistic manner.

"This prince was wrong, alright? What do you want before you'll agree to stamp them?" Ye Junqing sighed hard and forced himself to swallow his anger back down. He couldn't very well bicker with her right now since he needed her to stamp these papers urgently.

"Why don't you give me a smile?" Yao Mowan lifted her brows towards Ye Junqing with a smirk.

"Can't bring myself to!" refuted Ye Junqing coldly. Right now he just wanted to cry. When Yao Mowan saw that Ye Junqing was near his last straw, she graciously decided to stop teasing him and took the marshal's seal that Ting Yue passed over to start stamping the papers.

In reality, Yao Mowan's actions weren't all to tease Ye Junqing. It was mostly for creating a false impression and making sure that her behavior satisfied Ye Hongyi. Based on her understanding of Ye Hongyi, he definitely had secret envoys reporting every move that went on here. Of course, with Yin Xue here, those envoys had no way of getting into the inn.

"They're stamped. Happy now, Prince?" As Yao Mowan handed the marshal's seal to Ting Yue, Ye Junqing had already carefully gathered up all the papers. Just as he was about to leave, he noticed the immortal phoenix tail hairpin in Yao Mowan's hair.

"That… Why's that in your hair?" Ye Junqing remembered that he had already thrown it in the old well near Guan Osprey Palace.

"It's fortunate that Mowan had given Prince a counterfeit, otherwise something this precious would've ended up buried in a well. It'd be such a pity!" Yao Mowan stroked the hairpin as she remarked this in a tone of relief.

When Ye Junqing heard this, black lines appeared over his forehead and he grinded his teeth as he glowered at Yao Mowan.

"The one you gave this prince was fake?" After he got over the shock, he started silently cursing Yao Mowan. Truly, no one could compare to how two-faced she was!

"Of course it was fake. Prince hadn't noticed?" Ye Junqing already had a little bit of immunity to Yao Mowan's tendency to act innocent. At this time, he forced down his rage with much struggle. He really wished that Yao Mowan had been a man. If she had been a man, he would definitely vent his anger without any misgivings!

"In reality, if Prince gets violent, Mowan won't fight back. However… Is Prince certain that you can beat Yin Xue?" Yao Mowan immediately exposed Ye Junqing's thoughts and rubbed more salt onto his wound.

Ye Junqing took a deep breath and chanted to himself that a good man didn't fight with women. Fine, he admitted that he wasn't a match for Yin Xue. Just as Ye Junqing was about to turn and storm off, he heard a cat.

"Jewel? You even brought a cat!?" When Ye Junqing saw a snow white kitty crouched at the door, his rage surged up again. Did she take this trip to be a vacation?

"So Si Qing's big sister's called Jewel?" A clear voice came from the door accompanied by a faint fragrance. A figure in white appeared at the entrance like a moon diety that had descended to earth.

He had handsome refined looks that were like carved jasper. Feng Yihan leaned over slightly with a faint smile to pick up the kitten called Si Qing and walked slowly towards Ye Junqing.

__________Credits: Translated by Chiyomira

[Chiyomira's Corner]Enjoy~


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