The Cry of the Phoenix Which Reached the Ninth Heaven

Chapter Volume 2 30

Chapter 30: The More Beautiful the Woman is, The More Poisonous She is

"You know how to make medicine?" Yao Mowan was rather shocked.

"This is one of the required courses for the hidden guards of the Yin clan," explained Yin Xue. Yao Mowan was delighted. Obtaining Yin Xue was like obtaining the help of a god!

It seemed like she really had to thank Yan Nansheng sometime. However, since he was still brooding, she had to strangle this plan before fully forming it, lest her sincerity ended up being taken as flaunting.

When Ye Junqing woke up, he immediately ran to Guan Osprey Palace's main hall.

"Prince is awake?" When Ye Junqing walked in, Yao Mowan was in the middle of teasing Jewel with a ball of string.

"What exactly is going on? This prince remembers walking into the room and seeing you lying there?" Ye Junqing sighed in relief when he saw that Yao Mowan was fine, then he became confused.

"Prince almost ended up with the crime of humuliating your sister-in-law! Fortunately you have Mowan to protect you, otherwise you really wouldn't have been able to wash away that crime even if you jumped into Yellow River!" Yao Mowan tossed aside the ball of string and stood in front of Ye Junqing in a dignified manner like the Savior as she waited for his thanks.

"Humuliating my sister-in-law… It was Ye Liyu! This prince had always thought of him as a coarse person, but who would've thought he'd resort to such descipable means as well!" Ye Junqing finally realized the situation and his brows furrowed.

"He's not the one despicable, it was Yao Suluan. The drug used on you was her doing. That's why it's said that the more beautiful the woman, the more poisonous her heart is," reminded Yao Mowan.

"Then did His Majesty see us…" asked Ye Junqing worriedly.

"Are you dumb? If His Majesty had seen us, would you still be able to stand here and talk with Mowan? Mowan is a fool, so if this kind of thing happened, it would naturally not be Mowan's fault. However, Prince, you'd definitely be pinned with the full crime. Even if you aren't punished with the death fo a thousand cuts, you'd be given the punishment of being dragged to shreds by five horses. Could it be that you truly don't understand Ye Hongyi's intention in having you reside in Guan Osprey Palace?" Yao Mowan's words were so direct that they hurt.

"In reality, there really is no need for him to do this…" This implication had never occured to Ye Junqing.

"However, he is like this." Yao Mowan poured a cup of tea and passed it to Ye Junqing.

"This prince won't let Ye Liyu off for this!" The more Ye Junqing thought about it, the more irritated he became. He put down the cup of tea and turned to leave.

"Where's Prince going?" asked Yao Mowan.

"To look for Ye Liyu! This prince must teach him a lesson!" said Ye Junqing angrily.

"En, Mowan agrees with Prince's opinion. Alright, go, he's in the imperial prison." Yao Mowan nodded slightly in approval of Ye Junqing's plans.

"The imperial prison? Why's he in prison?" Ye Junqing stopped walking when he heard this and turned around to head back to where Yao Mowan was.

"His Majesty personally witnessed Ye Hongyi having sexual intercourse with Yao Suluan in that small room. It was already benevolent of him not to kill him on the spot." Yao Mowan slowly sat down by the table as she said this lightly.

"Why would they… As expected, the more beautiful the woman, the more poisonous her heart." Ye Junqing looked towards Yao Mowan in realization, then nodded in firm agreement. Yao Mowan had truly voiced what he was feeling.

"Prince feels that Mowan's actions were inappropriate?" Yao Mowan heard the connotation in Ye Junqing's words and looked over at him with her brows raised.

"It's inappropriate towards other people, but very appropriate towards them!" Ye Junqing took a deep breath. Although he was now idle, it didn't mean that anyone could trample on and insult him as they pleased! Even if Yao Mowan hadn't done this, he still would've found a chance to beat Ye Liyu up until not even his mother could recognize him!

In the dim and dark imperial prison, from time to time there would be the sight of a rat stealing the scraps of food left by the prisoners. A man dressed in black walked slowly to the innermost cell, then stopped in front of the iron bars. The jailer next to him respectfully took out the key. His hands trembled as he hurried to open the jail. To have been able to see the dragon countenance in this lifetime made even death worth it.

Once the jailer opened the door, the man in black waved to dismiss him. Ye Liyu was currently leaning against the rough stone wall, his eyes dull.

"Was it worth it to ruin your future for a woman like that?" A cold voice arose. When Ye Liyu heard this, he looked over in surprise.

"Imperial Older Brother? Liyu has made a mistake, but this matter isn't what you think it is! No matter how audacious Liyu is and no matter how much Liyu desires Consort Li, Liyu still wouldn't do that sort of thing behind Imperial Older Brother's back! This subject brother has been framed!" Ye Liyu abruptly got up and knelt on the ground. He just knew it! Imperial Older Brother wouldn't throw him into the prison and abandon him like this!

"If we didn't believe you, would we come all the way here to visit you? There's no one in this world that understands you more than we do. We know why you had us transfer you to Secluded Province back then. We knew from a long time ago that you liked Yao Suluan. If you were going to betray us, why would you have waited for seven years? Alright, tell us, what exactly happened?" Ye Hongyi had mulled over things carefully on his own before deciding to make this trip.

"It was Yao Mowan! Imperial Older Brother, you've been tricked by her! Yao Mowan isn't a fool at all! She had fed this subject brother a soft fragrance pill. This subject brother wasn't able to resist the effects of the drug, which was why this subject brother did that to Consort Li!" Ye Liyu's eyes were filled with fury as he exposed everything.

"Our patience is limited! We'll give you one last chance! Tell us what exactly happened!" Ye Hongyi refused to accept Ye Liyu's explanation. In his opinion, everyone in the world might lie to him, but Yao Mowan would never lie to him! How could he not understand the person he had shared so many nights with?

"Imperial Older Brother! Why won't you believe this subject brother? She really was behind this! She also has a helper whose martial arts is extremely strong. If this subject brother's guess isn't wrong, she was also behind what happened to my residence! Imperial Older Brother, Yao Mowan's too dangerous! She has definitely approached you with a motive!" The more Ye Liyu spoke, the more stirred up he became and he reflexively got up.

"Enough! Ye Liyu, you're too stubborn! Yao Suluan, that wretch was the one that told you to say this, right? That wretch actually dared to use you to hurt Wan er, it's intolerable!" Ye Hongyi's eyes were extremely cold.

"Imperial Older Brother… everything Liyu said is true… Why won't you believe me?" Ye Liyu looked towards Ye Hongyi in frustration even as his heart turned cold. Imperial Older Brother must've been poisoned by Yao Mowan, to the point he was beyond saving.

"If you weren't our biological brother, we would've executed you on the spot back then! No matter what you say now, what happened with you and Consort Li has already spread. Defiling a woman of the palace is punishable by death. We'll have someone take your place at the execution. From now on, there no longer exists the person known as Ye Liyu, you're on your own!" Ye Hongyi glanced with disappointment at his closest blood brother, then turned around and left without hesitation.

"Imperial Older Brother… Liyu has one last request. Please don't make things hard for Suluan, this has nothing to do with her." Ye Liyu knew that no matter what he said, he couldn't salvage this situation. His only request was that Yao Suluan would be able to make it through this unharmed.

Ye Hongyi's face was dark as he faced the iron door. Yao Suluan, that wretch! She had ruined his only brother, so he swore he would make her regret manipulating someone she shouldn't have used!

After Ye Hongyi disappeared from sight, Ye Liyu slumped to the ground. Wind swept past. All Ye Liyu felt was a slight chill on the back of his neck before he passed out.

Some time passed. By the time Ye Liyu opened his eyes, he found that the person he hated most was currently sitting in front of him leisurely.

"Did His Majesty believe Prince's words?" Yao Mowan lightly blew on her freshly painted nails as she glanced at Ye Liyu.

__________Credits: Translated by Chiyomira

[Chiyomira's Corner]Enjoy~


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