Sword Devil Also Dual Cultivates?

Chapter 121: Rusty Sword Cliche

Chapter 121: Rusty Sword Cliche

"Yes, this is it. The weapon store that is under Battle Dragon Sect."

The store in front of them was in a bad situation. There was no board with its name. There was not a single weapon to showcase at the front. And, the person sitting behind the desk was an old man.

Qin couldn't help but turn his head at other stores. There were many stores and each of them had a beautiful lady behind the desk. This was a perfect way to attract young and hot-blooded young men to their shop.

Unfortunately, this store didn't have one. Although Qin was confused, he still followed Yue Bin to the store. After they entered the store the old man behind the desk raised his eyes and asked "So, what do you need?"

His tone was pretty irritating to hear. Yue Bin slightly leaned closer to Qin and whispered "This old man is from Tu family. Since this is their area, they don't allow others to take control of it. Of course, there are some terms and conditions that the Tu Family must meet including not being rude to the customer."

"Well, I can't say he is rude but he isn't cheerful which explains his origin." Qin nodded his head replied. Then, he took out the token from his spatial ring.

When the old man saw the token, his eyes narrowed. He stared at Qin and asked, "You are Qin Che?"

"No, my name is Yue Qin." Qin shook his head and answered without any change in emotions.

The old man clenched his fist and shouted "Bastard Qin, do you take me as a fool?"

Qin nodded his head and answered "Yes!"

"You!! Is this what your sect taught? Is this how you talk to your elder?" The old man instantly released his pressure and showed his cultivation. It was Essence Transformation Realm.

"No, they taught me something else." Saying so, a sword suddenly pierced the old man's forehead. When the old man died, his eyes widened. He saw that sword. He tried to catch it but it was too fast. It pierced his forehead before even he could make a move.

"You Are you serious?" Yue Bin stared at Qin with confusion and asked. She didn't expect Qin to spike the old man inside the store. And, there wasn't even a huge conflict between them. But, Qin didn't speak too much.

He walked near the council and saw his picture with his name on it. This picture was under the desk so it wasn't visible. But, when they entered the store, the old man stared at him and looked at the picture once. And once he saw the token, he confirmed Qin's identity.

"Do you think they will try to kill me just because I beat one of their children?" Qin took the picture in his hand and asked while turning his eyes at Yue Bin.

Hearing his words, Yue Bin narrowed her eyes and instantly understood the situation.

"You mean they already know your relationship with Tu Zhu?"

Qin wasn't surprised when she asked. He had already told her about Tu Zhu and Great Tan Bloodline.

"Yeah! That man was from Tu's family. They have this picture and my name on it means they are trying to kill me. And, to kill me means offend Battle Dragon Sect. I don't think that child from their family can be the reason for them to openly kill me."

"But, the question is, do they know about Tan Family Bloodline, or is it just to find out the reason behind his disappearance?" Qin fondled his chin and muttered to himself.

"I don't think latter is the reason. If they want to find out about his disappearance, they could simply ask you. They wouldn't try to kill you. I think they know about Tan Family Bloodline and also know that you have it."

"That means they are trying to get that bloodline with some special method using their treasure?" Yue Bin shook her head and revealed something that piqued his interest.

"Treasure? What kind of treasure do they have?" Qin asked.

"I am not too sure since this is just a rumor. But, it said that they have a special cauldron that can forge the Spirit Weapons with a little bit of knowledge of forging. This cauldron can also be used for alchemy and even condensing the talisman paper. This cauldron is so powerful that even Yu Family and Zhen Family have their eyes on them."

"Unfortunately, nobody has confirmed it so it is just a rumor." Yue Bin shook her head and answered.

Qin deeply thought about her words. Suddenly, a few words rang on his mind.

'Brother Qin, if I have a powerful cauldron I can forge Spirit Rank Pills for you. Hahaha! I might be able to forge Earth Rank Pill if we can find the necessary ingredients. Unfortunately, this city doesn't have such a cauldron.'

These were the words Guo Min told him. He knew how important the pills are. The Healing Pills that he uses most of the time can be pretty handy in the battle. Although he rarely engages in a battle that he can't win, he does know how to be cautious.

Qin fondled his chin and thought 'After Secret Mansion, I should probably ask for Guan Xing's help to sneak into Tu Family. I can't stay low-key after the month so I might as well start doing it now.'

'But for now, let's find a perfect weapon.'

Qin turned around and walked towards the weapon. Yue Bin sighed after not getting a reply from Qin. She was trying to adjust to his mentality.

"Hmmm! Interesting."

"Young Master, go to your left and pick up the half-broken rusty sword." Xiao Lan's voice startled him but he quickly followed his instruction and picked up the rusty sword. It was kept in a bin. It only had half of its body from hilt to the middle.

This made him quite curious. Because he couldn't sense anything unique from this sword but he know Xiao Lan won't bullshit him.

"Young Master, when your father started his journey of swordsmanship, his master gave him a sword. That sword was pretty common. It was nothing extraordinary but it had one key function."

"That was devouring. His sword could devour any metal, any kind of sword to improve itself. And, due to your father's intent ruthless Sword Dao, that sword became the Terrifying Slaughter Sword. Now, that sword is in the hands of someone else."

"So, can you guess why I asked you to take this sword?" Xiao Lan revealed some information about his father, leaving him stunned, and then asked him a question.

Qin tilts his head in confusion and asked: "Is this sword related to my father?"

"No, of course not! Why would you even think of that? Your father's sword is a Terrifying Slaughter Sword. How could it reduce to this sword? It's about the function." Xiao Lan speechlessly answered Qin as he mocked the broken sword.

"You mean this sword can also devour other swords or metal?" Qin asked after understanding his point.

"Yeah! But, the creator of this sword couldn't perfect it. It's just like Qiao Fu. In her previous life, she was hungry for sex. But once she got a chance to fill that hunger, her body became obsessed with it. And soon, she was reduced to a slut who can't live without sex.'

"This sword is the same thing. When the blacksmith created this sword, he couldn't control its hunger. As it devoured more, those metals and swords became its obsession. But, there is always a limit. Unfortunately, those who can differentiate between limit and the obsession will be reduced to astray."

"The main point of devouring is to sustain the ability of the sword with the master. There are two kinds of swordsmen. One is your father and another is my master. Of course, there is a third kind. But, just like we ignore the third gender, let's ignore the third kind as well."

"Your father's strength comes from his sword, ruthlessness, comprehension of several daos, and cultivation. But, my master's strength comes from his mastery of the sword. That means he can turn grass into a sword. But, not everyone can be like my master. No, to be exact, only one person has ever been closed to become like master."

"Unfortunately, she is too much devoted to her husband than her sword. That's why most people change their weapon or even try to upgrade it. Changing a sword is hard because when you grow up with a sword, you will feel attached to it."

"As for upgrading it, it's even harsher. You need to find the higher level of materials that are used in your sword. But, devouring solves this trouble with ease. If you become stronger, you find better metal or even swords. Then, you can let your sword devour it thus making the sword stronger."

"The creator of this sword couldn't perfect the devouring function and this sword kept devouring to the point where the master of this sword couldn't even contain its power. As for what happened next, well who cares?"

"This sword is at the trash bin now, so whatever it might have gone through doesn't matter. But, you can indeed take this sword. Your friend is also a blacksmith, so he might be able to forge a sword with this broken sword and star core."

"And, I will also help to recreate the perfect Devouring function in the new sword. So, what do you think?"

Hearing his question, Qin sighed and asked "Why do you even ask when you already know the answer?"

"Nope, I don't know what kind of thought you have in your brain. You are the only swordsman in this world that I can't read."

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