Surprise! The Supposed Talent Show Was Actually–?!

Chapter Ch82.2 - Going All Out

Chapter Ch82.2 - Going All Out

translator: xiin

editors: apricot & juurensha

The contestant watched as the stage manager took care of the vines and finally couldn’t help but speak up, “What exactly is this...”

Stage manager: “Giant ironwood, injected with pitcher plant, catnip, and flytrap genes. Hey, don’t poke it, they’re still young little girls who’ve just come out of the nursery. They have mimosa plant genes too!”

Contestant: “This nursery is really big...”

By the time the contestant had dried up the mucus on his body, the 25 students from the previous group had already completed their evaluations.

That trainee greeted Wu Jin when he came out. Wu Jin immediately remembered this big brother––he’d forced him to down several cups of water during the Temperance card instance, and he’d then been eliminated by Jingyi’s double c.

Blood Pigeon came out of the glass enclosure, removed his breathing filtration equipment, and beckoned for Wu Jin and the others to settle down around him.

“The fourth elimination match arena.” Blood Pigeon knocked on the glass enclosure, “Will be in a terraformed late Cretaceous period environment. Any creature you encounter will be a product of genetic restoration and is the private property of the sponsor company. They cannot be damaged, and there is only one type of gun and bullet in the game. Understood?”

The trainees all nodded in unison.

Blood Pigeon pulled up a virtual screen, “In the competition, you will be able to obtain almost any high-tech equipment you can think of––off-road vehicles, first aid sprays, and even precision gliders, thermostatic pods, and hormone detectors.”

Even before everyone could start getting excited, Blood Pigeon added, “However. Your greatest enemy is the environment.”

A circular disk was projected out in mid-air.

“During the Cretaceous period, the oxygen content of the air was 28%, which is 21% higher than the current oxygen level of the blue planet. Carbon dioxide levels were six times higher than they were prior to the first industrial revolution.” Blood Pigeon casually pointed to a trainee, “Tell me, where does the problem lie?”

The trainee pondered out loud, “Natural oxygen, it should be refreshing?”

“......” Blood Pigeon told him to sit back down, “You’re wrong. There will be oxygen deprivation.”

“High concentration of oxygen can lead to a transition in air exchange, accelerating carbon dioxide poisoning. Secondly, high carbon dioxide pressure in the human body will inhibit the movement of gas in the alveoli, penetrate the cerebrospinal fluid barrier, binding with the carbonic acid in the blood to make it more acidic, and further reduce its ability to bind with oxygen.”

“Once you no longer have the assistance of breathing equipment, your survivability will be greatly reduced.” Blood Pigeon took out the equipment he’d just removed and gestured to it, “This is your initial equipment. It will only support you for 6 hours, and then it will need to be replenished regularly.”

Wu Jin soon figured it out.

&#k2013;&#k2013;The breathing filtration equipment played a decisive role. In the fourth elimination match, supplies would be far more important than they’d been in the first three games.

After Blood Pigeon finished explaining, the program crew began to distribute the equipment.

Blood Pigeon: “Today’s training content is a 16 minute sprint through an obstacle course while wearing the filtration equipment. Once you step on an obstacle, the vines will attack within two seconds. If you understand, then go to the right to line up and prepare. There will be a group class before the sun goes down, and those who haven’t trained well will lose face in front of everyone&#k2026;”

Wu Jin looked up.

Group class in the afternoon...

Halfway into their session.

Wu Jin made his way out of the vines without having encountered any of the obstacles. Blood Pigeon corrected several of his movements, then nodded slowly in recognition of Wu Jin’s hard work, “Little Witch can leave first. Review your foundation on dodging and evasion when you go back.”

Wu Jin quickly asked, “Instructor, can I go through the course a few more times?”

Blood Pigeon was surprised and pondered out loud, “The practical application for this obstacle course training isn’t very high. If you have time, you should spend it on close-combat fighting––”

Wu Jin responded cleverly, “Just, I just want to strengthen my muscle memory.”

Blood Pigeon understood and didn’t take away Wu Jin’s breathing equipment, allowing him to continue weaving his way in and out of the vines.

The group training passed by in a flash.

Close to sunset, all 250 trainees finally gathered together in front of the enclosed vine area.

The 16 minutes of obstacle course training wasn’t difficult, and the attack frequency of the vines also gave players a certain period of time to react. After mastering how to breathe with the filtration device, many trainees had already made a breakthrough––at least, they were no longer caught and rolled up by the genetically modified green tentacles.

On the Crosson hillside.

Thin Fire stood in front of the vines and took selfies, while Caesar searched everywhere through the crowd for Red. Red, on the other hand, was hiding in the shade of the trees and communicating on his terminal.

“It’s a prehistoric creature instance! Hey, big brother, I’m telling you, there’s gotta be a huge––oversized––guinea pig!”

“If we roast it, it’ll be a huge––oversized––roasted guinea pig! Hey! Big brother, don’t hang up, don’t hang up, I’m just kidding, okay...”

In the middle of the video call, Red suddenly looked cautious and looked left and right before quietly touching a corner of the terminal, “Is Brother Wei about to enter the fourth course of treatment?”

“Alright, alright, I got it. More contact with the outside world, emotional stability, positive guidance, the comfort of his therapy companion... comfort? Ah? The cat is already on its way by courier?”

A moment later, Red shot out like lightning, grabbed a staff member, and asked, “Hey, are we allowed to raise cats on the base? Oh, it just needs to be registered? What breed? I don’t know what kind of cat it is, it’s the kind that can piss people off!”

On the podium, Blood Pigeon raised his loudspeaker and urged the trainees to line up, “It’s the same as earlier. 25 people per group to complete the vine obstacle course. We’ll be checking today’s training results, and the one who makes it across the fastest can decide on the canteen menu for tomorrow––”

The trainees beneath the podium instantly became rowdy.

‘Stir-fried frog’, ‘stewed pot chicken’, ‘braised pork’, ‘crab soup dumplings’, and so on rang out endlessly. Taking advantage of the chaos, Wu Jin jumped around left and right amidst the crowd, finally squeezing towards the front of the group and coming to a stop a few people away from the big boss.

Wei Shi looked towards him from afar.

The youth blushed slightly and pretended that he hadn’t noticed the big boss. The small curls were pushed back to reveal his forehead, and the little round face that was usually soft and cute looked neat and handsome.

Wu Jin was a little nervous, but he soon calmed down. In order to show his ‘more mature’ side in front of the big boss, he’d specifically taken care to roll up the sleeves of his training uniform the way the big boss did.

He was almost exactly like a teenager who wanted to attract girls’ attention on the basketball ball court at school.

On the podium, Blood Pigeon soon named a group of people, Wu Jin included, to go and prepare to enter the obstacle course. Blood Pigeon instructed, “The rules for the game is that there are no rules. Alright, Instructor Ying will track the time––”

Wu Jin had been preparing for a long time. He dashed out with a swish.

He’d gone over the vine obstacle course several times more than the other trainees and had long become familiar with it. He’d even mastered some special tricks––using the two seconds of plant reaction delay and positioning to hold back other players from the same group while simultaneously keeping the obstacles in front of him clear.

The audience off-stage soon became excited.

Caesar’s voice was as loud as a bell and more obvious than anyone else’s, “Holy sh*t! Little Witch is pretty good!”

Even Ming Yao praised Wu Jin, clapping his hands––halfway through, he seemed to suddenly think of something and looked towards his own captain. Zuo Botang laughed, “Your hands are your own. What are you looking at your captain for?”

Inside the vine area, Wu Jin jumped up and down between gaps in the vegetation, crouching down abruptly after being slashed at by the vines. With a flex of his powerful abdominal muscles, he bounced back up quickly, and after leaving their range, he stepped accurately onto the next patch of vegetation––two vines that had been attacking Wu Jin suddenly collided together.

His shoulders and arms shifted, and the training combat jacket that had nearly slipped off was once again pulled on properly, the fabric rustling with the wind.

Wei Shi squinted his eyes.

Caesar continued to boast about him, and even Thin Fire whistled from far away.

Ying Xiangxiang covered her heart theatrically, “This tactical maneuver! I don’t care whether or not it’s able to kill a prehistoric behemoth––it was able to murder the hearts of hundreds of millions of girls through the screen! Life has finally made a move on me, this 17 year old kitten!”

When Blood Pigeon opened his mouth to question her doubtfully, she added, “You keep quiet.”

At 9:12, after making a round through the obstacle course, the end of the course finally appeared in front of Wu Jin.

Beneath his feet was a designated minefield covered with flags.

It would take a minute and twenty seconds to pass it.

Of course, there was another, riskier method––

Wu Jin suddenly saw Wei Shi standing in the crowd.

Intense exercise, increased blood flow, and overflowing dopamine as well as adrenaline made his choice for him within a split second.

He wanted to shoot a three-pointer in front of the big brother he had a secret crush on.

Wu Jin leapt up and grabbed the vines, sprinting backwards and using the momentum to swing through the sky, crossing the barrier marked by numerous flags, avoiding the green tentacles that roared past, stepping on the late afternoon, early autumn wind––

The end was just one arm’s length away.

Juurensha: Awwww Little Witch trying to show off.

xiin: ahhhhh the second hand embarrassment is killing me

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