Soul Karmas (BL)

Chapter 325: Claude Protective Mode Activated.

Chapter 325: Claude Protective Mode Activated.

"Shhh Baby, it's alright, I'm here now. As long as I'm alive, no one else will be able to bully you. However, you just need to always stay by my side since eventually there are still some foolish people looking for death."

Claude has gently embraced the shivering small body on his arms while quickly feeling the slight wetness in the side of his neck before being followed with a hiccuping sound, which has swiftly caused his entire body to tense up in great alarm before being followed with unimaginable anxious feelings.


Noel is Crying???


Claude sky blue eyes have almost change into an entirely different color when a bright dazzling golden light has erupted from his body, it was simply enormous and powerful, completely showing how intense his emotion was to the point of his blue pupil's glowing golden.

And despite not knowing the entire situation is, Claude's cold penetrating eyes have directly swept the entire Hall before quickly stopping in the group of Herbert Family members laying down in the corner of the place and causing his face to promptly twist into a bone-chilling cold expression.

The Herbert Family it's related to those two people again?

Can they just disappear in their life and stopped causing them constant trouble? Just leaving them in their peaceful life isn't that too much to ask for? 

Why do they keep getting in the way of fulfilling his desired wish to secure his young partner a happy, safe, and content life by staying on his side???

"... You guys didn't listen to my warning right? Did you think I'm just joking around? Is that it? Or you simply despise me? Alright! I, Claude Franc, will declare here and now in which my Franc Family will be enemies to the Herbert Family and it wouldn't just end in my generation! Until one of our families disappeared, this great enmity would remain forever!"

As for how miserable the group of people situation was, Claude doesn't care any of it since he was completely going insane from anger, especially when his young partner has always been strong and powerful, so the impact of holding his shaking body while sensing him cry has easily caused an unimaginable level of hatred.

"Claude! Please calm down! Be careful with your words!"

Samuel has instantly rouse up from the intense power he was being crushed with, after all, such a vow and declaration isn't something to joke around! Especially when the fight between the two influential and powerful bloodline families who carries the power of Demon and Angel are going to cause turmoil in the organization order!

Particularly when in the entire Franc Family, they basically adore and worship 'Claude' to the point of acting with irrational minds! If the Herbert Family is known for their proudness and act of intimidating people to follow their command with the attitude of an Emperor then the Franc family is basically a bunch of lunatics!

"I am calm. From the start, aren't they always trying to contend against me? I don't care if they wanted to replace me with their treasured Young Master, be it in reputation and status, I wouldn't bat an eye regarding those useless things. However, it's an entirely different matter if they dare to treat my partner the same way."

Claude figure quickly disappeared and suddenly appearing at the groaning people who remain laying down on the ground and tilting his head down with a growing unhinged glint flashing on his sky blue eyes glowing in thick gold color.

"Who made them bully my Baby?"

Shortly, a golden light began to sweep to the severely injured people in the ground, quickly healing their injuries and returning back to health, however, Samuel's dread expression didn't ease down at all because he knows full well that Claude wouldn't be so forgiving, especially when it's all about his young partner.

"Sir Claude! The child is simply lying! The Herbert people severely injured are the full proof! The child in your arms has cruelly made them like that!"

Suddenly, a dark halfling who was helping the injured people before and has a close relationship to the Herbert Family couldn't help but reveal the entire truth of the whole situation causing Samuel to grimace while letting the person shut his mouth tight with a sharp warning because reasoning to Claude in his dangerous state of mind is simply absurd.

"Oh so what? Just because a person is being bullied doesn't mean the victim couldn't fight back. These people obviously cause my Baby to feel uncomfortable to the point of making him cry! Such precious existence, how dare they lay their dirty hand on my precious partner?"

Like Samuel has already assumed, Claude wouldn't care about anything else as long as it was related to his young partner, the blonde man is absolutely being unreasonable and illogical without a hint of worry and hesitation about the consequences of his actions.

When everyone's face has turned eerily pale from the events that have happened within a short time, the golden light power from Claude didn't disappear after healing the injuries of the group of people before it suddenly turned entirely different when the light of power color has turned eerily dark while the sacredness feeling has simply become dreadfully gloomy.

In just a split second, everyone was finally able to learn the reason why when the group of people has suddenly tremble and writhe in the ground while their mouth remains open wide although covered with golden light, appearing to have locked off the loud screams from being let out.

Anyone can easily tell that the group of people was simply being tortured with their twisted expression, in which to their horror has quickly figured out that it was a cycle of cruelty when they understood what the effect of the blonde man light power is.

Usually, the light power wouldn't give bad effect besides the existence of Fallens while remaining safe to be use even after an individual is healed back to the perfect shape, however, from what everyone is witnessing, Claude light power is extremely abnormal and terrifying.

After healing, the light power continues to advance and improve the group of people's state of health in which has soon completely overwhelmed their bodies' state, enhancing it to the point of damaging their bodies to the breaking point from merely using the powerful amount of light power flooding in their system.

Which led to their bodies beginning to give up, wilting, and losing vitality at a scary level before the light power has miraculously ready to reheal their failing body, which soon has lead to another repeat of torture.

It was simply a true sense of a repeated cycle of torture, completely making everyone who figured it out to feel extremely terrified with how abnormal the blonde man was using the sacred power of light meant to save people into something terrorizing and destructive.

The blonde man's use of the light power was applied to simply cause pain to another individual, a completely unique way of using it and completely submerging all the people's perception of utilizing the light power and effectively challenging their long time views.

It was absolutely terrifying how the beautiful blonde man was using the power meant to save and protect!

"Unlike the other light Halfling, my light power is extremely potent and deadly. Feel honored, you guys are the first people I have used this ability since no one has ever managed to make feel so angry in my entire life."

Claude ruthlessly stares at the group of people writhing in unimaginable pain, which can only let out a weak sob and gasp since their mouth was shut tight in order to stop them from trying to commit suicide from the unbelievable torture they are experiencing while at the same time saving the young boy in his arms from hearing such ugly sounds.

"Honestly, I want all of you to die, however, I considered how easy it was if I were to do that. So, I will just let all of you feel this pain for as long as you are alive. It will be the greatest punishment for bullying my Baby and committing the crime of making him let out even a single tear."

Snow who remains quiet while having his arms wrapped around the blonde man's shoulder slowly blinks his eyes after witnessing how his future lover has reacted from his sudden idea of wanting to induce pity in the Game Map skill view.

Such ruthlessness, cruelty, and brutality was simply amazing and touching, and how could Snow feel fear and dread when he fully understands that the blonde man was simply doing all of this for his protection?

The longer Snow learns and observes the beautiful blonde man, the more he is discovering how Claude is becoming his ideal lover from what he required for a partner to have.

"Baby, I bullied them back for you."

"... um"

Snow felt a gentle pat on the back of his head while the arm on his body has tightened more, making him have the entire notion of being completely wrapped in strong protection and security where nothing would be able to harm him.

"... Brother Claudeyou are so good..."

So there is a reason why the 'me' before has simply chosen you as a permanent lover since you never failed to amaze and please 'us'. 

Snow couldn't help but inwardly sigh while there was even a notion of his missing heart skipping despite remaining hollowed out, and after a while, he lightly moves his head in order to place a gentle kiss upon the smooth cheeks of the blonde man before quickly returning back to gently embracing the man broad shoulder while placing his chin on top of it.

"Brother Claude let's go... to our home"

"...! Yes, I'll take you back to our home now!"

After everything that happened, Samuel and everyone has remained completely silent, they didn't even try to stop the two abnormal Halflings from leaving because of the unstoppable fearful feeling in their heart while dreading their reactions if they tried to even get in their way.

And the whole time, Snow remains in the arms of his future lover while being carried away, however, his attention was entirely focused in the direction of the unconscious Brian who is fortunate enough to have a responsible halfling both in dark and light treating his contamination despite what has happened.

Although, Snow can see the result of losing the World Will favor or blessing since Brian and Ange, who he has sense in another Hall where his future lover has left, has now met an accident with severe injuries without acquiring some extreme luck against their situation.

Soon, Snow murky brown eyes have quickly glanced away and stopping upon the tall Demon who have remained silent while carefully observing the entire situation with utmost seriousness on his handsome face while a certain light was brimming upon his deep red eyes.

'I'll see you again Mr. Demon~'

Snow has mouthed a voiceless sound to the tall Demon who has quickly met his gaze and perfectly knowing that the Demon to be able to understand what he just said by reading the movement of his lip.

'... mine don't touch'

Of course, even though the blonde man isn't his official lover, Snow didn't forget to show his possessiveness and tightening his hug around the blonde man's shoulder while turning his head to the side to place his face upon his future lover beautiful neck, just close to the vital part, which as always the man has remain unguarded.

"Hm? Don't Worry Baby, in my place, there will be no one to easily bother us."

Although the blonde man seemed to have perceived Snow actions as a form of unease since he once more felt the gentle pat upon his back along with a soft comforting voice near his head.

"...Brother Claude, I'm hungry... I want to eat the foods you make"

"Hm? Alright, wait for us to get back home and your Brother Claude will make a lot of food enough to make your tummy rounded!"

"...You want to make me fat?"

"Huh? No, Baby, you are so thin! You just need more meat in you! See? Not enough meat! Besides, you will feel nicer to hug if you get more healthy I'm sure you are going to become more adorable and cute!"


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