Soul Karmas (BL)

Chapter 323: A Double Surprised! Another Unexpected Situation.

Chapter 323: A Double Surprised! Another Unexpected Situation.

"... Arghh! Alright! Claude, some of our patients are in a critical condition, so save whoever you can. Unfortunately, we can't save everyone at the same time especially when some of their injuries are contaminated while others are also becoming a Fallen, so our people are now split up."

Anette directly ignored Samuel's help, particularly the wonderful method of handling Claude which is well-known for being complicated, there are just too many tasks for her to do being the main head regarding treating both injured and the contaminated people.

"Baby, stay in a safe place and wait for me to finish treating them. I promise to quickly take you back to our future home when I'm done."

Snow was gently placed down in the ground before tilting his head toward Claude who was showing a reassuring expression on his face while secretly noticing the arrival of Lisette and Arnold a few seconds later, which was quickly ushered to help the injured people.

Before Snow has glanced at the chaotic and busy people trying to save all the people they could around the place with a curious expression on his young face.

Soon, a flash of calculated look swiftly appeared on Snow murky brown eyes before quickly turning his attention to Samuel who has turned around to stare at the disappearing back of the beautiful woman with a complicated expression on his face.

"I'll help restrain and slow down those contaminated people from becoming Fallen while Brother Claude will go healed those critically injured as I wait."

Different from the Light Power of being able to purify, heal, and bless an individual with a different status, the Dark power is more in restraining, sealing side, and recognized for their destructive attack.

"Baby are you sure? There is no need for you to do that you know? Dealing with contaminated people are harsher than healing someone injured by it."

"Don't worry Brother Claude, I can take care of myself. Believe in me, your partner is strong and powerful didn't you already witness it before?"

Snow showed a gentle smile toward his worried future lover, pacifying his concern and worries before his expression has suddenly turned shy with his chubby cheeks flushing in an adorable pink color while widening his murky brown eye which brimmed with full of expectation.

"Besides, I couldn't wait to go home together with Brother Claude."

"...! Baby, just wait! I'll quickly finish treating those people!"

"Um, I believe in you."

And so, Snow watched in amusement as an extremely motivated Claude rushed over to the location of where the critically injured people are situated while his light power is already brimming outside his body before even arriving at his destination.

"Uncle Samuel, please take me there now."

Snow amuse expression was swiftly replaced with indifference, completely having no energy to continue being friendly and nice to other people when Claude wasn't by his side, besides, some of those people he is about to help might provide him some sort of favor or simply offering heartfelt gratitude.

It is the only reason why Snow has decided to help the people who might post a danger to his life in the future, well since they couldn't handle an A-Rank Fallen too then it wasn't dangerous enough for him to worry about.

Or else Snow would just watch while all of them die without feeling an ounce of remorse and guilt regarding their situation.

Shortly, Snow was guided to the injured people were they are contaminated with the vile aura, which Samuel has quickly explained to the other dark Halfling enforcing a restrain with their dark chains about what Snow is there for before starting to help in purifying those people that can still be saved.

And Snow witnessing some of the contaminated people being saved, he couldn't help but remember how pitiful the original Noel is since there has been a possibility for him to be saved if Brian and Ange have just shown mercy after taking his special core, where Ange could have used a different and gentle method than the cruel actions they used.

It's just too bad that such a painful situation happened, Snow has taken a deep breath after feeling the original Noel slightly stirred within him before waving his hands as numerous dark chains have begun to completely wrap up every single person struggling crazily from keeping their reason intact because of the vile aura.

The huge amount of dark power Snow has used was absolutely unimaginable to possess, which is unexpected enough to cause every single person who witnesses the amazing scene to widen their eyes in utter shock while letting out a surprised gasp.

"... what are you doing? Hurry up and treat them."

Snow eyebrow wrinkles when everyone remains unresponsive which has caused Samuel to quickly woke up from his astonishment before swiftly taking the lead and began to order the people around to quickly hurry up and deal with the contamination.

And the entire time, Samuel's entire body was completely tense up after sensing a sharp gaze struck in his direction, which has definitely belonged to the young child who just showed an unbelievable amount of dark power a moment ago.

Fortunately, the dangerous gaze has quickly gone away making Samuel release a sigh full of relief while inwardly promising to never whisper the word 'little monster' again since the young boy has a rather sharp hearing.

After Snow has decided to forgive the frightened man since he didn't find his word degrading enough has begun to bring out a wide soft couch from his inventory bag before being followed with a fluffy blanket and the familiar small red apple pillow that he usually hugs in his arms.

Soon, a square table within arms reach near the soft couch has appeared next, then a porcelain plate is placed on top of the table before juicy and delicious purple grapes were arranged on it.

And after making sure that everything is prepared, every single people secretly paying attention to every movement he takes the entire time has watched as the young boy basically sat on the comfortable couch while quickly wrapping his small body with the fluffy blanket before picking up a piece of those delicious looking grapes filled with aura and eating it with a happy squint of his eyes.

Suddenly, the entire atmosphere of the supposedly dangerous, chaotic, and serious situation has completely changed just because of the young boy's actions.

The desperation from before has completely disappeared since everyone has suddenly noticed the way those dark chains wrapped around their people's bodies was so powerful and effective, completely restraining the vile aura from further contaminating the people from becoming a Fallen.


Another unreasonable, troublesome, and difficult person appeared powerful too...

Samuel's lip twitches before taking a deep breath, completely admitting to the fact that this young boy is definitely a perfect match with the troublesome and insane Claude, both of them are completely monsters in their own right, fortunately, they aren't their enemies or else he feared what will happen to the Realms if they started going against them.

Soon a few minutes pass by and the entire situation in the contaminated area was perfectly calm and steady, both the dark and light Halflings suited with treating the vile aura was for once working in great ease and excellent efficiency.

As for in Claude situation, Anette is now displaying a worshiping expression on her face while watching as an insane amount of enormous and vigorous light power was shining brightly in every corner of the entire hall, miraculously healing the critically injured people affected with the vile aura, which was supposedly harder to treat.

Although there was an annoyed expression on the beautiful blonde man face the whole time he was treating the injured people however it doesn't stop Anette from appreciating such a powerful person.

Shortly, a figure has rushed over from the outside before whispering in Anette's ears causing the beautiful woman's entire expression to practically lit up in happiness and extreme relief.

"Really? Thank God! These two people are basically a miracle given by Heaven to help us!"

However, the world seemed to be against the GS Organization today as another person has soon rushed over while shouting in great panic.

"Another batch of critically injured people has arrived! The A-Rank Fallen has suddenly appeared and crazily attacked the people on the way back in the Organization! And this time is far more serious than the last time!"

When other people were frantically sent over, Snow movement of picking a piece of juicy grapes has suddenly stop when the familiar figure of Brian being carried inside by a group of strong and important people causing his eyes to flash in great surprise before it quickly turned into a gloating emotion after sensing the vile aura trying to spread frantically on the young man body.

Karma sure has acted fast... 

However, before Snow can watch more in amusement and delight regarding Brian's bad situation, especially when he didn't see Ange coming along, having 80% guess that something bad has also happened to him when a tall figure dressed in a long dark coat has suddenly blocked his views.

Snow has slowly raised his head over to clearly see which person dared to stop his entertainment, but, only to suddenly meet the familiar red eyes belonging to a certain race staring down at him in absolute surprise.

It was a handsome man with sharp features which is giving Snow a feeling of familiarity, and his doubt was quickly answered in a split second when the man has called out his name with great familiarity.


It was a demon from the Realm of Hell and should be the present representative this time on helping deal with the problem in the Realm of Mortal, and someone who serves one of the Lords in the Realm of Hell, which was the original Noel father.

now then this is another surprised even the original Noel didn't know that this man has appeared on the Realm of Mortal as a representative of their Demon Race or else the client ending might have been completely different. 

So what should Snow do with this unexpected situation?

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