Soul Karmas (BL)

Chapter 322: Samuel Perfect Understanding Regarding Claude Attitude To A Certain Someone.

Chapter 322: Samuel Perfect Understanding Regarding Claude Attitude To A Certain Someone.

"Baby, do you think our situation is like those in movies? Everyone is always trying to get in our way. Be it inside the forest before and even after finally going back to my place, trouble just keeps happening."

"Oh is that so? Hm you make sense."

Snow couldn't' stop the sleepy yawn escaping his lip since Claude has been talking nonstop while on their way back to the main headquarter of the GS Organization rather than the closest branch located around their Country.

"It's true! All I want is for the two of us to stay together without any added extra. I was even so excited about showing the room we will be using after getting back home."

"... our room? You mean I won't have my own room to use?"

"Of course, you will stay in my room, what to do if someone suddenly kidnapped or try to kill you? I hate to admit it but I'm extremely famous and now I finally found a partner, what do you think those people who have been envious and resentful because of how amazing and powerful I am? Baby, they will target you!"

Snow expression didn't even change after hearing such narcissistic and shameless words coming out from Claude's mouth since unfortunately, he is already getting used to his future lover paranoid and obsessive side that has been showing the longer he stays by his side.

"It's true, Baby believes in me. I am doing this all for the sake of our peaceful life. After all, I still want us to stay together for a very long time."


At this time, Snow doesn't have the energy to perform his usual mouthing back as repeated yawn continues to escape his lip, nonetheless, he knows that he needed to at least reply back to Claude chatty attitude.

After all, Claude might look alright and finally happy from the outside appearance but the discomfort, unease, and paranoia still remain inside him.

Snow seemed to be able to sense the individual negativity after being turned to a Half- Fallen, it might be because of a contaminated affinity regarding the dark side of every existence that lives and Claude basically radiated such dark emotion.

Such a fragile and delicate future lover needed Snow attentive and thoughtful care, which somehow remind him of the second world memories, it was the time where Qing Ye has unexpectedly fainted after mentioning having a daughter, honestly, that memory has been ingrained deeply in his mind.

However, after a while of answering every time Claude speaks, Snow was unable to continue opening his eyes, especially when Claude's smooth and soothing voice somehow appears as a lullaby in his ears causing his murky brown eyes to finally shut close.

Snow usual sleepiness and tiredness have completely taken his consciousness away.

And in a few seconds, Claude has eventually stopped talking after sensing his young partner finally falling asleep before a soft sigh couldn't help but escaped his lip while his darkened sky blue eyes couldn't help but brim with various complexity of emotions.

"... Baby, you are so good what to do if someone managed takes you away from me?"

Claude couldn't help but tighten the gentle embrace on the small body on his arms before turning his head sideways to stare dazedly at the fast-moving scenery outside the car window.

Fortunately, the GS organization has set up an array of privacy so the people driving the car and sitting in front wouldn't know what is going on to the people sitting in the back when privacy is needed to be used.

"... Hey, who are you?... how can you easily affect me?... Why do you make me feel this way?"

It is the first time Claude has lost control of himself, he didn't even consider that he has that sort of side, that urge of destruction and the overwhelming murderous intention was a surprise, after all, he understands how weak he is when it comes to emotion.

At a young age, Claude has been having trouble feeling stronger emotions, even after growing up, no other people can easily affect him, but somehow, a person has appeared and exist to make him feel strong emotions to the point of becoming insane and performing unquestionable actions.

"Well, I don't care either way all I know is that I don't want to let go of you."

And that reason is enough matters for Claude to comprehend, whoever and whatever his young partner identity is, even knowing how mysterious and suspicious the young boy appeared to be the longer they know each other wouldn't affect his decision.

Letting out a deep sigh, Claude has lean his head down before placing his face upon the soft brown hair of his sleeping young partner sitting on his lap and murmuring in a soft voice, which couldn't hide the insane amount of possessiveness it contains.

"Baby, since you appeared then keep staying I won't allow you to disappear in my life anymore."

As the car drives off, Claude continues to hug the person in his arms like he is guarding the most treasured existence he cherishes and adores with all his might and after two hours, they finally arrived in the GS headquarters, which is established in a private land a few distances away outside the City S.

And Snow who woke up while being carried in Claude's arms after getting off from the car has begun to observe the entire surrounding.

Although Snow was in a modern world with the existence of a Demon, Angel, and Fallen, all the building was made in a mix of ancient setting and modern technology which was honestly unusual and fantastic to view.

However, before Snow can observe the place they are walking, which is an elegant path with a beautiful huge garden around with blooming flowers and trees, a woman with a mix appearance of Asian and foreign race along with chaotic clothes has suddenly rushed over with enthusiasm and excited expression on her beautiful face.

"Claude! Thank goodness you are here! Samuel, don't block my way and allow him to come with me!"

Samuel who has been silently leading the way has suddenly changed his calm and steady atmosphere, switching to a cold one while facing the beautiful woman with a hard expression on his usual professional face.

"Ms. Annette, Claude is on the way to receive a punishment. I'm sure it is already well known in the entire Organization about what happened. So, tell me why do you want to take him away? And please, show proper respect toward your coworker and conduct yourself with a decent attitude."

"Baby, watch, that is the appearance of a person who has failed to woe a woman and has been sour and grouchy after being rejected."

Suddenly, Claude has started whispering in Snow ear, completely letting him know the reason why Samuel has started to have a hard and stinky attitude toward the beautiful woman that has called out to his future lover with an expression that made Snow slightly irritated.

Wait... Brother Claude, so, you also like to gossip?

"Samuel! I don't have the time to deal with you! Let Claude come with me! The higher up has already given the order! We need his help to heal our critically injured people! And, Samuel comes with us too, we need everyone's help right now!"

"Wait, what happened?"

Samuel quickly changes his attitude toward the woman named Anette before signaling Snow and Claude to follow along as they directly rushed to the location where the injured people are sent and along the way, the beautiful woman continues to explain what is happening.

"A rare Fallen has appeared, it was a rare A-rank with unusual ability! However, what made everyone confuse was the fact that our usual Fallen detector didn't discover his existence. So it was already far too late to know that our people located around City S was being attacked and killed!"

"An A-Rank with undetected ability!?"

"Yes! We have large casualties this time while base on the investigation, some other people have become a complete Fallen before being consumed by the A-Rank Fallen. We feared that it is already on its way near S Rank so it has been repeatedly attacking our people."

Snow eyes quickly narrowed down after hearing what the woman has revealed, especially when the evolution of becoming S rank was mentioned.

It wouldn't do for Snow well-being if that were to really happen, after all, despite being a Half Fallen, he is an A-Rank too, which means his life would be in danger when facing a higher Fallen since there is also the fact that he would be targeted to be consumed in order to become powerful.

Although Snow didn't have his special core but a new vessel was made to store his Fallen power, an object that a normal individual who doesn't have a special core after becoming a fallen usually used, which was in the shape of transparent jade with a vile aura inside, and it usually located between his eyebrows, which has been completely hidden from the start.

"Claude, all of us know you don't handle with people treatment with your light power but as long as you helped us heal them this time, then your punishment will be decreased! The people we are saving are mostly members of powerful and influential families in our Organization!"

Soon, Snow, Claude, Annette, and Samuel have arrived in a large place filled with numerous injured people, which two different kinds of places where the victim is separated from by using a powerful array, it was in order to keep every single people isolated and being affected by others.

"Heal their severe injuries and treat the people who can still be saved from becoming a Fallen, as long as you help us then no matter how much Brian's family requests a harsher punishment wouldn't work! Even some of those higher up who favor Ange wouldn't be able to do anything to you!"

"Anette, no matter how much you talk, it wouldn't work out, watch how I easily do the work. Claude, if you help them, then I'll request you to be locked up to your Cafe in the outskirt of City S rather than the room prepared in the GS headquarter. I wouldn't even allow anyone to bother your wonderful time with your young partner and lastly, I'll help you inform everyone about finally having a partner."

Snow lip twitches watching the suddenly proud Samuel completely showing off his new understanding on Claude, which quite frankly has worked out so well much to Anette utter disbelief.

Just look, Claude who has been showing a faint expression while Anette continued to speak a reasonable proposal has quickly brightened up after hearing Samuel's unusual offer.

"Claude, no one else will easily dare to touch or steal Noel away from you when they finally meet him."

Snow future lover person is such a hopeless person, although, he couldn't stop displaying an extremely bright smile on his face along with a fond expression.

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