Soul Karmas (BL)

Chapter 321: Snow Action Of Making His Future Lover Happy.

Chapter 321: Snow Action Of Making His Future Lover Happy.

Snow felt a surge of anxiety seeing the blonde man unexpected reaction, especially feeling a bit discomfort to have suddenly caused his future lover to show such a distressing expression.

is this the effect of having a halfling partner? Or is it the distinct instinct of their growing connection in few lifetimes for the two of them to react like this?

As various thought swirls in Snow mind, he has swiftly raised his small hands to gently hold the blonde man's beautiful face before speaking in a soothing voice.

"Shhh. Brother Claude, it's alright. I'm not angry! I just don't feel well besides, I won't ever hate you. If you don't believe me then you can just go ahead and attack him or even the two of them! I won't even feel sad if you accidentally killed them!"

"... Really?"

"Yes, I promise. Brother Claude, you are the one I like the most now."

Snow gently smiles while his murky brown eyes curve in a crescent moon before leaning his face closer to gently press their forehead with each other.

"Brother Claude, I'm going to even promise to never look for a wife in the future anymore."

I'm just going to wait for you to do all the work and asking to be my wife

"Besides, I suddenly notice that you are truly special. Brother Claude, I won't ever let you go in my life."

You are my future lover, especially when I also require your help with the new mission I have received from the World Rule Will.

"So, don't be sad and no need to fear. You already possess my attention. So, lets me finish what I want to do so we can get to know each other in a friendly and quiet place alright?"

After soothing and calming his distress future lover, Snow has gently lean away while gently patting the blonde man's smooth cheeks before turning around and suddenly appearing in front of Ange by using his dark power to quickly move fast.

"Ange, give that item back to me."

Snow has already stopped using the original Noel nickname toward Ange and it was in order to soothe and comfort his future lover paranoid possessiveness while silently raising his small hand, waiting for the young man to give the feather bracelet.

Even though he likes to tease and bully the blonde man, it doesn't mean that he wanted Claude to feel uncomfortable, sad, and distress.

Besides, Snow has already caused the two young men enough trouble for today, he can only stop for the time being since he needed to focus on the emotional Claude.



Snow has just calmly watched as Brian performs a protective gestured toward a confused and extremely guilty Ange that wanted to step forward with a sad expression on his face.

"... After everything that happened, Brian and Ange since our situation has come into this then let completely break off the connection between us."

"Sorry SorryNoel Sorry I didn't know Sorry I just..."

Snow remains quiet and calm despite the sobbing Ange who is unable to fully explain his emotions, the combined guilt of betrayal, and learning the original Noel romantic emotion is taking a great toll on his mind.

Even Brian's continued comfort seemed to have low effect causing the man to shoot a fierce glare in his direction.

However, Snow only has a faint expression, unlike the original Noel that would have already started comforting the young man while gently shaking his raise hand, waiting for the object to be given back with a bit annoyance emerging within him.

"Give it, Brother Claude is waiting for me."

Hurry up! Claude still needed his tender care.


"No... Brian I'm alright"

With another choking sound, Snow finally saw as Ange begin to remove the feather bracelet on his wrist while he was completely ignoring Brian's suppressed anger, although he was prepared if the young man suddenly decided to rushed out to attack him.

While also tucking what he observes in the back of his mind about Brian less control of his emotion and actions when it comes to his lover, at least Snow has known another useful information gainst him.

"... here"

After all the trouble that has occurred, Snow has finally got the secret token of love that the original Noel has given to Ange and in a few seconds, he silently took a few steps back before violently crushing the bracelet on his hand with the help of his dark power without showing any emotion on his face.


The breaking sound of an artifact tool created by important material with a rare black feather added into it was so glaring in everyone's ear, particularly the wide eyes expression on Ange face along with Brian who couldn't hide his surprise because he knows fully well how much his friend loves his lover.

Nonetheless, there is only one person who is completely happy at the unexpected action of the young boy.

"There we go"

After knowing such an object exists, Snow has finally managed to destroy it, after all, he will never allow any ambiguous item to be held or use by the person he doesn't accept.

"Whatever happened after then no hard feeling. Remember this, I will make sure you two experience what I felt beforeand I'll definitely fulfill the words I spoke the last time we saw each other. Ange Brian you will pay for what you have done."

Karma to its finest!

Snow tilted his head to the side in an adorable manner while flashing a nasty grin on his face causing Ange and Brian to instantly become alarmed by his word.


Snow has disappeared after a gentle wave of his hand, the broken pieces of the feather bracelets falling down in the ground before it completely disappeared.

"See? Brother Claude, don't feel uneasy anymore alright? I just want to cut off such a relationship toward him. Besides, I can't allow such an object to continue existing right?"

Soon, Snow has quickly appeared before a delighted Claude with his hands placed behind his back while gently swaying his small body with a 'praise me' expression on his slightly chubby face before peering up with his murky brown eyes along with the fluttering of his long eyelashes.

"I understand... Baby, I'm sorry. I'll control myself better next time."

why don't I believe that sentence?

"Brother Claude, I'll even make you a better artifact tools when I have the time, and I'll create a bunch of it too! Of course, no one else but you will own it!"


Snow still has those numerous black feathers stored in his inventory bag, at least, he is quite sure that everything he will be creating would only belong to his future lover.

It's also a great way to build up his status in the GS organization where most of the dark halfling choose in creating tools base on their dark power rather than making bless food where light halfling is better suited for.

Snow will be the best dark halfling creator of artifact tools while his future lover is the best light halfling chef, such a perfect combination between the two of them.

They truly match each other.

Of course, there are also halfling who can only use their power to fight while the dual type of skill, just like Claude, is a rare one among the Halfling.

However, the warm atmosphere between Snow and Claude seemed to end since Samuel and the same group of people from before have swiftly walked over their direction, stopping Snow from further making his future lover happy.

"... Claude are you calm now? Please, come with us back to the Organization."

That alert appearance, that sentence usually use by the law enforcement coming out from Samuel's mouth completely indicates trouble. 

Well, Snow understands that Claude is now facing the consequences of his actions, after all, suddenly attacking Ange with an intent to kill isn't a good thing to do, especially when some of the important people working in GS organization was able to witness it.

Particularly when different from Brian born in an influential family with demon blood in their bloodline, Ange is the child of an Angel that has once come in the Realm of Mortal despite growing up without a parent by his side.

Fortunately for Snow, Ange Mother couldn't stay in the Realm of Mortal after Ange's birth and couldn't easily get back from the Realm of Heaven, so there isn't another trouble he needed to face.

"... Noel, please also follow along with us..."

"...? Wait! Why are you taking my Baby too? He didn't do anything wrong!"

Snow has quickly stopped the blonde man from doing another crazy action by gently holding his left hands since he understands Samuel's decision, after all, the reason why Claude has acted out so crazily was because of him.

"It's alright Brother Claude, I'm not afraid. By the way, can I request to stay in the same place with Brother Claude? After all, he is my partner, so my request can be allowed right?

"Yes, you can, and no need to worry about your situation. You won't receive any punishment for what happened. I just need you to come with us during the procedure. As for Claude well, at least, he won't lose his life from what he has done..."

"Well, Brother Claude is outstanding and powerful so nothing extremely serious will happen to him."

If Claude's situation turned out to be dangerous, well, he will just take him away.

Big deal, Snow will let out his fallen subordinate and cause a rampage, he has the ability, especially now that the World Rule Will wouldn't get in his way.

Honestly, Snow didn't expect to experience this kind of situation where Claude will be receiving punishment by the GS Organization and secretly planning a similar jailbreak situation.

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