Soul Karmas (BL)

Chapter 298: Snow And Lou Fang Words Of Love In Their Own Way.

Chapter 298: Snow And Lou Fang Words Of Love In Their Own Way.

In a beautiful pavilion that is the place in the middle of a beautiful lake while surrounded by blooming white lotus flowers, the majestic figure of the Emperor has carefully knelt before the slender figure of a delicate person with close eyes sitting upon a comfortable chair.

"Baby! You are finally conscious? Why aren't you awake? Is something stopping you? Or something bad has happened? Baby, is there any way I can help? Just tell me and I'll do everything within my power!"

"My love, calm down. I'm absolutely alright, nothing is wrong. I just need to be in a deep sleep for a bit longer because of a side effect of the medicine that saves my life, once I'm done, I'll naturally wake up."

Snow who has quickly remember to use the Game Map features to stalk a person before after specifically choosing a target has changed his mind about borrowing Flake's eyes and was now using the permanent skill features to always watch his lover during his conscious moment since he still needs to sleep despite already being in a coma.

"As long as you are alright. Baby, as long as you are by my side, I could wait for you forever if I have too. Just please don't leave me... I couldn't take it if I didn't sense that you are still breathing on that day I would have taken my life in that instance. Baby, you have become my life after I met you. I couldn't live without you any longer, so please, don't die on me."

"I understand, My love, do you know? You have always spoken the same loving words and strong statement every single time we meet each other in every world that I travel so far."


Snow raises his imaginary lip while his finger twitches a bit causing the Emperor to quickly take a desperate grasp upon it like a drowning person despite showing a confused expression while at the same time finally beginning to figure out what he meant just by hearing what he has spoken.

However, Snow didn't stop speaking in their mind link and has continued on without any hesitation, completely believing that his lover's affection toward him will never change no matter what happened.

"The body I reside is named Su Yao however, I am a Granter, a soul that fulfills a specifically chosen person wish and regret in their dying moment. And I am new Granter, just like that Fake Song Meilin who is in the same Granter as I am that just happened to be in the same world."

Snow couldn't help but stopped for a bit after suddenly feeling the shaky gentle cares of the Emperor beautiful fingers upon his cheeks while solemnly gazing at him with those affectionate silver eyes that remain unaffected by what he was speaking, causing an overwhelming warmth to emerge within his beating heart before continuing on with his revelation.

"My love, this is my fourth world, although you don't remember it. However, I always meet you, or more likely your soul that lives a different life every single time I use a client's body to fulfill their wishes and regrets as a Granter. And you, my love, always manage to make me fall for you every single time."

"Of course, no matter what happened since I can only belong to you, then, you can only be mine."

Snow lip bent up at the overwhelming self-confidence and conviction upon his lover voice after uttering those words out, especially those familiar possessiveness and obsession brimming upon those beautiful silver eyes.

"My love, this is my first-time revealing this information to you, among the 'You' that I met so far, you will become the first one that managed to make me utter these words out. Hello, my love, I am Granter Snow, I am glad to have met you in my life."

"Snow such a lovely name"

The Emperor that just heard such shocking information has completely remained indifferent toward the rest of the detail, while completely focusing only on the most important one that causes a loving smile to appear on his face.

"Snow ah, Snow, a truly wonderful name."

After uttering the real name of the person he has truly fallen in love with, Lou Fang can basically taste the sweetness upon his lip every single time he utters his lover name, especially feeling the overwhelming love in his heart that began to crazily grow in every single second.

"Snow although I don't remember the lives you spoke off, however, I truly love you with all my heart. In this life, I, Lou Fang, can only love you as Lou Fang could do and I will never be able to become the same way as those people you remember."

Snow couldn't help but smile wryly when he basically saw the jealousy and challenging emotion glinting in his lover silver eyes that refuse to lose to the person that Snow met in the three worlds so far, however, it's understandable, even though its the same soul, however, the personality and identity are never the same in every world.

Every single one of them is a special existence that couldn't be similar despite having the same soul.

It's also one of the reasons why Snow has preferred to let his feeling disappeared every time he leaves the world, even despite already knowing that he has wholeheartedly chosen that soul to be his lover for eternity.

Because that overwhelming love Snow felt for his lover in that world solely belongs to that 'Him' alone, of course, if his lover one day remember every single life that they have met and fallen in love with each other, then all of those loves will also solely belong to the complete 'Him' that carries the unique existence of all Snow lovers.

"My love, I understand. Although, you have been my lover for the last three worlds so far, however, the 'I' in that world has loved them and the 'I' before you don't have any emotion toward them anymore, only nostalgic memories. Every time I arrive in a brand new world, I begin to once more experience the feeling of falling in love which only happened when I meet you."

Although, it might be a bit cold to state the genuine fact that you don't love the basically previous life of your lover after arriving in a new world, however, Snow wouldn't lie to his lover about it.

However, Snow lover is always different from normal people since he just saw the way that the Emperor has let out an extremely relieve sigh, well, it's definitely isn't great to also learn that you have fallen in love with the person only just because you are basically seeing his previous life existence rather than the living person standing before you.

So, you won't be able to love me if I wasn't the person you love in the previous life?

How will you be able to answer or reply to that question if the person you love has asked that after learning the entire truth of why you started loving him in the first place?

It's like some sort of a substitute, although that is only Snow opinion regarding it since other people definitely have different ways of interpreting and understanding the entire situation.

"...Baby, I'm extremely selfish, I only want all of your love to be mine, to belong to Lou Fang alone and no other people, even if its the life I live with before just like you mentioned, I will feel hurt that you only love me because of them. It's extremely great to know that you love me as Lou Fang, I am truly glad, happy, and content after hearing those words." 

Snow saw his lover entire feature become so bright after finally hearing what he really wanted to 

Learn the most, before suddenly feeling the soft and warm touch upon his finger since the Emperor has bowed his head and began to give a gentle kiss upon it, along with an overwhelming loving expression on his face.

"Baby... I couldn't wait any longer, although I wanted to wait until the day you wake up, however, I wholeheartedly desired to let the entire world know and witness the moment that I take you as my official partner for my entire life. So Snow, please allow me to marry you and declared you as my Empress?"

Snow felt his close eyes began to twitch for a bit and causing his long eyelashes to slightly flutter before finally replying in a tender voice filled with overwhelming love along with a hint of possessiveness and obsession within it.

"Ah of course my love, I would love to. I couldn't wait for the entire world to know that I belong to you and you belong to me alone."

Shortly, the Emperor marriage to Snow has been officially announced the same day and has begun to spread widely to the entire Moon Empire, and contrary to what Snow has expected, the entirely common people feel sympathy to their wise and enlightened ruler rather than becoming angry during the tense situation because of the Neighboring Empires actions.

While their admiration toward the Emperor has simply raised up by his decisive decision to marry his lover despite never knowing when she will wake up once again.

Such overwhelming loyalty and determination have cause everyone to give their blessing to their powerful Emperor and at the same time praying to Heaven for the sleeping Wen Yao to finally wake up.

There is also the fact that almost all the common people are extremely angry and furious about the neighboring Empire's actions, completely knowing what happened during the Birthday Celebration and what has lead to the chaos in their Empire borders because the Emperor has fearlessly chosen to reveal the circumstances rather than keeping it a secret.

And it showed that the Emperor's decision was extremely wise because the neighboring Empires couldn't use the situation before in order to cause unrest to the common people of the Moon Empire.

Almost everyone was entirely in the same mindset about what they thought relating against the Neighboring Empires that was planning into a war against the Moon Empire rather than adding more trouble and creating commotions to the already tense situation.

Although the royal court official has an entirely different view than the common people regarding the Emperor marrying an Empress that couldn't wake up no matter what they tried to do.

However, when they have gazed upon the determined silver eyes of their Emperor that have declared such a shocking statement, all of them have understood that no one can stop his decision, and if they truly push their own selfish or righteous opinion, in that instance they absolutely perceive that the Emperor will rather give up the throne if they continue using the reason that he was an Emperor and couldn't do such a shocking matter.

Yes, their Emperor is extremely determined to let go of the Empire he extremely worked so hard for the past years if they continue to push his bottom line.

"Your Majesty! We will continue to pray for the Empress to wake up soon! We absolutely believe that Heaven will never be cruel to his Majesty and we genuinely wish you eternal happiness with the Empress!"

"Your Majesty! We wish you eternal happiness with the Empress!"

Your Majesty! We wish you eternal happiness with the Empress!"

Soon, the same sincere words are repeatedly spoken by the common people that were standing outside the Palace, their voice was so loud that it has passed over the Large Open Gate and ringing loudly inside, this just showed that the Moon Empire people completely adore and love their Emperor.

"Snow do you hear that? My people are happy about our wedding day and honestly wish us eternal happiness. Baby, as long as you are by my side, I am already extremely happy."

"My love, I also feel the same way."

Snow that was dress in an extremely elegant and magnificent dress embroidered with a beautiful phoenix befitting for an Empress is quietly resting in the arms of his lover while feeling the gentle kiss upon his forehead.

"Come, I'll carry you to the Wedding Hall now."

Snow watched in the Game Map features that the Emperor is handsomely dressed in a majestic and dignified red wedding robes embroidered with gold dragon pattern has begun to walk away while carrying him into his arms.

And when they finally arrive at the location, Snow saw that his mother Yue and younger brother Yu have had tears up as soon as they gaze upon their figures.

Xia Yue and Wen Yu felt so happy and sad to Yao's wedding day with the Emperor today while at the same time feeling extremely grateful for the Emperor's conviction and determination to stay by Yao's side no matter what happened.

"My child, today is your happy day. Mother is extremely relieved that you are much better in choosing your partner in life, and I am also extremely happy about that. So, please, wake up soon, you served such happiness."

"Wah please quickly wake up. Little Yu misses you so much."

Snow felt at ease when he saw his family in this life, after all, he doesn't need to keep watching over them anymore because after he won his fight with Granter Lily, the world itself will make sure that Su Yao wishes and regret will be fulfilled.

Everyone that Su Yao treated as a family will have the World Rule looking out for them, it is going to be guaranteed ease and happy life, so he doesn't need to even deal with their problem anymore and could simply focus all his entire attention to his lover.

And soon, everyone watched as the handsome Emperor filled with rare gentleness on his usually stern and cold expression has begun to walked on the red carpet in a calm and steady manner while carefully holding their Future Empress into his arms which such tenderness.

While those who still felt against throning an Empress that was unable to wake up has finally let go of their stubborn insistence after seeing their Majesty express such happiness before quickly feeling envy to witness such pure and clear conviction of love that the Emperor has to his lover, especially when they remember the pledge and vow he has spoken on that fateful day.

After all, they have also been young once upon a time and have experienced such strong and pure emotions, however, it just too bad that their love didn't last long or remain the same at the passage of time.

And when the Emperor has sat on his throne while letting the sleeping Empress sat upon his lap has finally declared that Wen Yao is now officially his wife and Empress of the Moon Empire causing everyone to quickly bent their straight back and showing a respectful bow to the Royalty before them.

"Congratulation, your Majesty! Congratulation, her Highness! We wish the two of you eternal happiness!"

And with that, Snow and Lou Fang have now officially become a lover, the Empress and Emperor of the Moon Empire, which happened to be just the start of their legendary love that would be well known throughout the following generations, of course, along with their epic and excellent actions that lead the Moon Empire to reach its peak that was called by the Historic as the Golden Era.

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