Seduce The Villainess (GL)

Chapter 275 The Hunter Who Killed Immortals (26)

(Mount Xilean- Holy Sword Sect)

Xu Lu could understand why the ordinary civilians of the continent saw cultivators as gods.

As she stood on the deck of the floating golden boat, she could see the headquarters of the Holy Sword Sect slowly come into view.

Massive mountain peaks rose up towards the heavens and were surrounded by fluffy white clouds.

Gigantic cranes, small dragons and other fantastic creatures soared through the air with cultivators on their backs.

The mountains were all covered with lush greenery, flowers and plants that enhanced the natural beauty of this place.

One could see large palaces at the top of each mountain made from pure white marble and other rare materials.

Tiny ant-like figures scurried up and down the hills.

Some walked while others flew using swords that hovered in the air beneath their feet.

The entire sect bore a striking resemblance to what Xu Lu imagined Mount Olympus would look like if the Greek gods were real.

The saintess lightly touched the edge of the metallic mask that covered her face and let out a small yawn.

Fu Qiu had stayed inside his cabin while Cao Ji and Lin Kun were talking by themselves at the front of the deck.

Xu Lu glanced at them for a moment and then returned to her own thoughts.

The mission was a resounding failure.

Shen Guo was dead, and they had not found the ruins inside the Gobrean Jungle. Well... at least not officially.

This was not a good start for her life as a saintess and Xu Lu trembled slightly as she thought about what her master would do to her.

She needed to start preparing now.

But where could she learn about the demonic path without instantly raising suspicions?

She could not cultivate the demon way... at least not yet.

Wait... did she even need to?

Xu Lu closed her eyes and carefully recalled the contents of the original Xu Lu's wish. She wanted to stand on the top of the younger generation and join the demonic cult.

Technically her wish did not say that she needed to cultivate devil qi. Xu Lu reopened her eyes and silently readjusted some of her plans.

The golden boat flew towards the large gates that signified the entrance to the Holy Sword Sect.

Outer disciples wearing plain blue robes stood on either side of the gate not to provide protection but rather to stand as symbols.

Lin Kun took a talisman out of his robe's pocket and a beam of white light erupted from the center of the paper.

The outer disciples nodded, and the boat passed through the gate without any problems.

Seeing that they would arrive soon, Xu Lu walked towards Lin Kun to tell him of her plan.

"Drop me off at the punishment hall," Xu Lu coldly spoke.

"The punishment hall... but... there is not need to..." Lin Kun was startled and tried his best to persuade the saintess not to go.

"No. My mind is made up. This mission failed due to my poor leadership. After you drop me off, go to the mission center and inform them of the results," Xu Lu continued to speak.

Her tone of voice was calm... almost relaxed. It was as if her words were talking about someone else and not herself.

Cao Ji stood by and did not say a word since she could feel Xu Lu's eyes glance at her location with an unspoken warning.

"If you insist..." Lin Kun said reluctantly.

He wanted to form a closer relationship with the saintess but clearly that had not happened on this mission.

Still he had time on his side and eventually his charms would wear her down until she agreed to become his Dao partner.

He gazed into the saintess' eyes and froze as two brown irises stared at him with no emotion in their stare.

Okay... maybe not... Dao partner.

Lin Kun trembled violently as he felt the urge to flee. Xu Lu smiled beneath her mask and withdrew her killing intent.

She had noticed a brief surge of lust in Lin Kun's eyes and wanted to stamp that shit out immediately.

The only person who she loved was Camilla.

After a lifetime spent together, Xu Lu was unsure if she would be able to love anyone else. Well not like it mattered.

Her mission was not to find a lover.

Her mission was to fulfil the original Xu Lu's request and then kill the villainess of this plane.

Xu Lu nodded at her two scared companions and then returned to her corner of the ship. She leaned against a nearby wall and looked down at the ground.

From up here in the sky, it was like looking down from the window of a plane.

A perfect bird's eye view of the sect that she would eventually need to abandon.

Xu Lu knew that she had a long and difficult road ahead of her. At least her action of immediately going to the punishment hall had two effects.

The first was that it would somewhat restore her reputation and the second was that it meant that she would not have to see her sadistic master.

And she was not worried about what would happen to her.

The punishment hall could not be worse than what she had endured at the hands of the demon cultivator who had disfigured her appearance.

Xu Lu spotted a large dark building nestled between two mountains that were oddly barren and dusty.

"We have arrived... saintess are you sure that..." Lin Kun's voice trailed off as Xu Lu jumped off the ship without hesitation.

She fell down through the air and could feel a strong wind brushing against her face.

The saintess weaved a thin strand of qi into her sword and the blade surged out of her sheath.

She adjusted her body in the air thanks to her enhanced senses and managed to plant her feet firmly on the flat part of her blade.

Xu Lu flew towards the black building and as she got closer she could sense a gloomy and desolate atmosphere coming from inside.

She could see a plaque hanging on the doors leading to the interior of the hall and two words were written on its wooden surface.


There were only a few cultivators walking outside the building and they all wore navy blue robes with scarlet threads woven into the edges of the fabric.

An elderly man stood silently at the entrance of the punishment hall. His aura was as vast as the sea and Xu Lu's brows furrowed slightly as she approached him.

The saintess hopped off her sword and landed on the ground with a graceful step. She walked towards the elderly man without hesitation and politely bowed her head.

"Greetings elder," Xu Lu calmly spoke.

"I have come to receive punishment for failing to complete my mission."

If the elder was surprised by her words, then he did not reveal a trace of emotion on his wrinkled face.

Instead he gestured with his hands and the doors to the punishment hall slowly opened. Xu Lu nodded once more at the elderly cultivator and stepped inside.

The interior of the punishment hall was filled with cells.

Most of the cells were empty but she could see a few of her fellow sect members sitting inside with their heads bowed.

Beads of sweat ran down the sides of their foreheads and they appeared to be in a great deal of pain.

The cell doors closest to Xu Lu swung open as if beckoning her to enter inside.

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