ReLife Player

Chapter 136

Chapter 136

Unlocked chapter (1/1)

Ty Tom!

[A Windless Day]

October, that day was approaching.

The Korean Mana Management Organization located in Jongno District.

The building was remodeled from the main building of the Seoul City Hall, which had been transformed into the Yellow Dungeon during the <End of the Century Destruction>, while preserving the landscape of Deoksugung Palace.

5th-floor common conference room at the building.

Players who possessed an unusual amount of mana, despite not carrying weapons, were seated.

Those gathered in the common conference room included the central figures responsible for mana management, as well as the leaders of clans that had received S-rank and A-rank qualifications in the New Year, and representatives of small-scale player alliances.

Now, lets begin the briefing for the Uijeongbu Reclamation Battle.

Those present in this meeting were individuals who held command authority in the upcoming Uijeongbu Reclamation Battle in mid-October.

However, not all of them had equal authority.

The common conference room was structured to categorize those with command authority into three groups.

First, tables were prepared where six people could sit on both sides near the screen.

Then, there was a seat that faced the screen, where twelve people could sit facing each other.

The seat facing the screen was reserved for Im Gaeul, the Fairy, who held the highest command authority in the Uijeongbu Reclamation. Currently, she was absent from the meeting due to other commitments.

In practice, those planning and leading the Uijeongbu Reclamation were the Twelve Seats.

Of course, not all Twelve Seats were present.

The Twelve Seat <Divine Spear>, Nam gung seong, had lost his left arm in the process of defeating the second-rank Overranked Leviathan, and was recuperating in Cheongju.

The reason he still occupied one of the twelve seats, even though he was effectively retired, was so as not to adversely affect public opinion on the recapture of Uijeongbu.

The twelfth seat, Yoon Sung-jin <Index>, was also absent.

Alone to oversee the flow of mana throughout Seoul, he rarely ventured outside the top floor of the government building unless it was for a specific reason.

Finally, the Twelfth Seat <Demon Bullet> Son Ji-hee was monitoring Uijeongbu.

The reclamation force will depart from Dobongsan Station, enter the outer ring road of Goo, cross Jangam Bridge, and overlap with Pyeonghwa Road, where it will split into two divisions.

The people seated in the middle of the common conference room, including the man who stood up from his seat, were officials from the Mana Management Organization.

While they were the second-highest in terms of command authority, the majority of their roles focused on administration and logistics.

They would likely not be directly commanding divisions in the liberation battle.

Those with real command authority were the ones directly leading the situation and managing the clans within the divisions.

Seated at the head of the table, they listened attentively to the briefing.

Here, Division A will occupy Uijeongbu City Hall by passing through Pyeonghwa Road via Ho-won High School. Division B will head to Uijeongbu Station and subjugate the monsters.

Through this, Division A and Division B will put pressure on Uijeongbu City Hall from both directions.

Division As role will be the first wedge to successfully conclude the reclamation battle.

Division B will pass through the route where Mangwol Bridge and Line 1 used to run, entering Hwaryong Station. Here, Division B will be split into B, C, D, and E.

The clan leaders closely examined the Uijeongbu map being presented by the Director of Intelligence.

They had the authority to organize divisions and command the clans within them, and they were all lost in thought.

Which division should they choose to minimize damage and maximize gains?

Division A carried the highest risk.

Division As role was to attack the enemys core without any supply support.

While Division A received the largest number of personnel allocations, the fact remained that they had to take on the greatest risk.

If they were thinking about the future of their clans, there would be no one here willing to support Division A.

Unless they were insane.

A is going to be fun.

The clan leaders immediately turned their attention in the direction of the voice that had just been heard, their suspicions pointed toward each other.

Although they didnt reveal their emotions, they directed their gazes toward the source of the sound.

The man munching on the candy was a Sublord of the Blaze Clan.

Fight-madcrazy bastards.

Muttering to themselves, the Clan lords glanced over at Kang Hyun-chul, one of the Twelve, sitting across from them.

He ran a hand through his red-dyed hair,

A, were taking that. If I cant have it, I wont stand still.

It was the Blaze Clan after all.

A clan that had only been around for a few years, but had earned an S- for completing missions that were often so dangerous that they cost them their lives.

The assembled Clan Lords were relieved to see a clan of lunatics willing to take a risk.

There was still one more spot open in the A-division.

Division B will set up camp at Hwaryong Station.

Hwaryong Station is the last line of defense in the battle to retake Uijeongbu, and we plan to use it as a supply base.

Therefore, Minister Moon will be in charge of supply and will oversee the B Division, which will protect the last line.

A supply base.

In a battle where you dont know how long it will take, supply is crucial.

Moon Joon <Unbreakable Shield>, a living myth in South Korea, would not allow the last line to collapse.

As important as the role was, it was also relatively safe.

However, the Clan Lords didnt want to be in charge of B Division.

Uijeongbu was nothing short of a treasure trove.

Once the dangerous variable called monsters was removed, the treasure, abandoned for over 30 years, would welcome the recapture team with open arms.

The more they achieved, the higher the priority in claiming the ownerless land would be.

This is why the government and other clans are actively participating in the recapture of Uijeongbu.

Defending the supply base would minimize the clans losses, but it would not maximize their gains.

In this sense, Blaze Clans claim to A-division status gives them the right to claim the riches of Uijeongbu City Hall.

High risk, high return.

Everyone wanted to avoid such a high risk.

Division C will enter Uijeongbu City Hall to support division A in clearing out the remnants. Division D will change direction at the Jangam-dong section of Hwaryong Station and head to Gyeonggi North Provincial Office.

Division D will survey the Gyeonggi North Provincial Office area and commence an attack as soon as the formation is ready.

Division E moves up to Uijeongbu Station and splits the division into E and F again. E establishes Uijeongbu Station as a secondary supply base, while F drops off supplies and heads to Gyeonggi North Government Complex to help Ds division.

And when Division D and Division F attack Gyeonggi North Regional Government Complex, that will mark the end of the Reclamation Battle.

The reason why Division D, whose role was to finalize the recapture of Uijeongbu, had a relatively small number of soldiers compared to Division A was due to the characteristics of the Gyeonggi North Government Complex.

According to regular reports, Gyeonggi North Government Center has been transformed into a red dungeon.

Since the monsters wouldnt come out of the Red Dungeon, they would just have to take their time and attack the dungeon.

Now, if anyone has any questions, please raise your hand.

The briefing was over.

The Clan Lords, who had read the briefing beforehand, didnt touch the papers on the table.

Now was not the time to review strategies, but to determine if the recapture would be successful.

I am Clan Lord Do Wanjun of the Myungwang Clan.

Yes, please.

As the Clan Lords glanced at each other, it was Clan Lord Do wanjun who raised his hand without hesitation.

On the other side, the woman who looked at him was also from the Myungwang Clan and occupied one of the twelve seats, <Florist> Bang Yeon-ji.

She smiled gently.

With all the mana in Uijeongbu, I dont think communications will be able to function properly.

With no way of knowing whats going to happen at any given time, Im sure the telepaths will be limited in their ability to bridge communications between divisions.

Yes, I heard your question well. As you mentioned, the Uijeongbu area is currently covered with thick mana. Anticipating that communication may not function smoothly during the operation, the Surveillance Division plans to install relay points at certain distances from the Uijeongbu area, starting from Hwaryeong Station, so that Telepaths can communicate over long distances.

What role will the Control Division play in the Reclamation Battle?

The person who raised her hand was a woman in her thirties wearing butterfly glasses.

Kang Ye-hee, Sublord of Clan Tempest. She attended the meeting on behalf of the Clan Lord and the Twelfth Seat, <Railgun> Shin Myeong-hwan.

Ah, yes. Ill answer that.

The Director of Intelligence stuttered when he saw her asking with a cold face.

Oh Geonhoo will serve as the main Telepath, flying over the Uijeongbu area and relaying abnormal signs and operational situations to the relay points.

Oh Geonhoo nodded silently at the Intelligence Directors words.

As the only telepath in the Twelve, he planned to utilize his powers as an Ain to observe the entirety of Uijeongbu.

I have a question.

Yes, Silla Clan Lord, please.

A woman with a leather jacket slung over her shoulder, Silla Clan Lord Kim Yoo-jin, raised her hand.

The Silla Clan is one of three clans with an S+ rating at this point.

However, due to the terrorism caused by Byung-in, the clan doesnt know if it will receive an S rating next year.

When she raised her hand, it was no wonder that peoples malice and curiosity poured in.

Nevertheless, she didnt show her emotions and turned to the Intelligence Director.

Of the monsters currently occupying Uijeongbu, how many belong to the fourth rank or higher?

Everyone shifted their gaze.

The sourcebook didnt specifically mention monsters.

Information about the monsters controlling Uijeongbu City Hall and the boss monsters of the Gyeonggi Northern Government Office were also shrouded in mystery.

We dont know exactly at the moment, but based on the regular reports from the players dispatched to Uijeongbu, we estimate that there are more than 20 monsters of the fourth rank or higher.

What about the third rank?

So far, we have identified three.

Silence descended.

Everyone in the briefing held their breath.

More than 20 monsters with powers that threaten human prosperity.

And at least three monsters with disaster or disaster-like powers.

At the time of the <End of the Century Destruction>, there were as many of them in Uijeongbu as there were in Seoul.

Since then, players had made qualitative growth, and there had been advancements in devices and potions, but it was still an undeniable force.

I have a question. Im Clan lord Gu Yeonsu of the Regulus Clan.

He knew it was a risky question.

He knew, but hearing the story directly made it feel realthe danger of the monsters lurking in Uijeongbu.

As people wore serious expressions, Gu Yeonsu, with his narrow eyes, opened his mouth.

Do all the Twelve Seats have any plans to participate in the retrieval war?

The Twelve Seats were the guardians of the nation.

Their roles were defined, and they couldnt all leave Seoul to participate in the Uijeongbu retrieval.

Making a mistake could lead to chaos. For example, if <Index> Yoon Sung jin participated in the Uijeongbu retrieval as a navigator, he wouldnt be able to monitor the mana anomalies occurring throughout Seoul.

He wouldnt have access to the Player Library either.

The Twelve Seats participating in

The elderly man, who had remained silent until then, spoke up.

He was the Minister of the Korean Mana Management Organization and the leader of the Twelve Seats, <Unbreakable Shieldl> Moon Joon. He gazed down at the assembly from his imposing position.

Twelfth Seat player Shin Seoyoung.


Clan Lord Shin Seoyoung, a sub-lord of the Changhae Clan and the <Divine Wind> among the Twelve Seats, responded.

Twelve Seats Player Shin Myunghwan.

Tempest Clans Clan Lord and the <Railgun> among the Twelve Seats, Shin Myunghwan, nodded.

Twelve Seats Player Bang Yeon ji.


Clan Lord Bang Yeonji, a sub-lord of the Myungwangs Clan and the <Florist> among the Twelve Seats, replied.

Twelve Seats Player Oh Geonhoo.

Oh Geonhu, the Director of the Telepathy Division of the Korean Mana Management Organization and the <Heavenly Sound> among the Twelve Seats, closed his eyes.

Twelve Seats Player Son Jihee.

Twelve Seats Player Lee Do jin.

Twelve Seats Kang Hyun-chul.

Twelve Seats Park Hye-rim.

And finally-.

Players hesitated each time the names of the Twelve Seats were called in succession.

All the Twelve Seats who could move were mentioned.

Even if they had to leave behind the absolute minimum force, the momentum of the Fairy governments determination to retake Uijeongbu was clear.

I, Twelve Seats Moon Joon. A total of nine Seats will participate.

Nine Twelve Seats participating in the Uijeongbu retrieval.

They were players known for their excellence in various fields. While they might not be the absolute strongest, if they combined their strengths with the top players, it might be possible to defeat the high-ranked monsters currently occupying Uijeongbu.

Well then, lets begin the meeting about division organization. If anyone has questions

The questions were mostly done. The Intelligence Director of the Information Division was about to move on to the next topic when a man who had remained silent until now raised his hand.

The man with the multiple shiny rings was named Gil Sung-joon.

He was the Clan Lord of Changhae.

Yes, Changhae Clan Lord. What can I do for you?

Well do it.


The Intelligence director asked, hearing the words he said.

Shin Seoyoung, who was closer to the screen, opened her mouth, not expecting him to speak so suddenly.

Regardless, under the stares, Gil Sung-joon spoke.

Gyeonggi Northern Government Center will be attacked by the Changhae Clan.

A battle of Clan Lords had begun amidst the Twelve Seats intense focus.

The meeting did not end on a cordial note.

Since the topic of the meeting was division formation, it was expected that it would not end well, but in the process of deploying the divisions, they were about to manifest mana and engage in combat.

If Fairy Im Gaeul hadnt appeared in time, the mana battle between the Changhae Clan and the Silla Clan might have turned into a clan war.


Shin Seoyoung sighed heavily as soon as she left the government building.

After the meeting was over, there was one more meeting centered around the Fairy Government and the Twelve Seats.

She hadnt done anything since the final meeting, but she felt drained.

Can I really do this?

As the sword, the guardian that protects the nation, she must not show weakness.

But she was worried about whether she could do a good job.

More precisely, whether she and Gil Sung-joon would not cause friction there.

That made her anxious.

As if in response to her thoughts, the wind that blew through the skyscrapers trembled uneasily.

It made a whining sound, like the wind was crying. However, it was just the wind.

I hope no one diesI hope no one gets hurt.

An improbable wish.

She looked up at the skyscrapers and muttered.


Thats when her phone vibrated.

Wondering what was going on, she pulled it out and frowned at the caller.

Euna should be at the academy by now Why is she calling me again?

She felt a little uneasy.

No, very uneasy.

This was the hardest chapter I have ever done (so many names mentioned TT). Enjoy!

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