ReLife Player

Chapter 134

Chapter 134

[A price worth paying].

It was June, the beginning of the hot season.

Because of that, the number of people gathering for rallies in Gwanghwamun was gradually decreasing.

The pickets with messages like The world where the privileged can do anything is wrong that used to be seen everywhere on the streets had become a part of the path where people walked by.

Of course, the heat was not the only reason why criticism of the Dawn Group and public opinion began to stabilize.

As soon as Lee Jeong-in took over as the second president of Dawn Group, he bowed his head in a public apology and confessed that he would spare no effort to compensate the victims and live with the sins of his brother deep in his heart.

He also announced his intention to abandon the tradition of Dawn Group and start anew under the name Luminous.

But it was all for show.

With the death sentence of Byung-in who was supposed to be a target of criticism, the Dawn Groups leadership, and now the groups name, the reasons for people to rally have begun to disappear.

Its like theyre putting the pieces together.

At the same time, the mass media distracted people by reporting on the affairs of top stars and drug charges of famous celebrities.

Before the regression, Eunha, who was directly involved in the terrorism unleashed by Byung-in, could feel someones invisible intervention.

And one more wedge.

Just as the heat was quickly cooling, the Fairy government announced the retaking of Uijeongbu.

The governments determination to recapture Uijeongbu was met with enthusiastic support from the people who had been exposed to the monsters threat.

Within two months, Byung-ins terror had become a thing of the past.

Captain, theres something that looks delicious over there too! Lets go over there!

Ugh, Eunhyuk Choi, youve been. Dont you know that you have to be polite in a place like this?

And so, many top executives of the Alice Group attended the birthday party of Jung Hayang, who had been directly incorporated into the Alice Group.

At this time of year, it would have been bad for public opinion if a chaebols party was reported in the media, but on the other hand, it was a time when people in the political arena needed to catch up with each others trends.

This was one of the reasons why Hayangs birthday party was not canceled, but postponed from Myeongdong Dawn Hotel to YH Hotel.

I cant believe they used a childs birthday party for this.

Eunha grumbled as he followed the children as they went to put food on their plates.

Even though they had gathered at Happiness beforehand and had a small birthday party, he didnt like Min Jun-siks behavior of using his friends birthday for this purpose.

However, it was unavoidable.

Last year, Hayang became a direct member of Alice Group.

She had to show her face every chance she got, to show that she was a member of the Alice Group and that she would be treated accordingly.

Otherwise, she could not survive in their world.

Their world is no different than the players world.

By the way, Hayang, you walk so beautifully. How do you do it?

Ive been practicing a new way of walking lately, like this, with my back straight.

My back and lower back are hurting.

The moment you look condescending, you will be bitten.

Hayang knew it, too.

Like the birthday girl, she wore a colorful dress that made her stand out from the crowd, and she paid close attention to her every move to avoid getting caught.

She had been learning etiquette since last year, and she was teaching Minji and Seona how to walk.

Unfamiliar with formal shoes, the two of them followed her clumsily, stumbling along.

Its fortunate. She doesnt seem frightened.

What? Hayang?

Who else would be?

Its probably because Minji and Seona are here. I dont want to be at a birthday party with people I dont know.

Eunhyuk shrugged as he lifted his fork to his mouth.

He was right.

Min jun-sik had been worried about Hayang hiding her face, so he had sent invitations to the children who were close to her.

Nominally, they were on her faction.

That was why Minji and Seona didnt want to leave Hayangs side.

Of course, their lack of manners was also a big reason why they followed her around in case they made a mistake.

There are a lot of people here, by the way.

You should speak without the fork in your mouth. Its not a formal occasion, but youre doing everything that people here frown upon.

Thats what the captain said, so, yeah, okay.

Eunha looked around.

The banquet hall could be divided into two parts, with a table set up with a giant birthday cake as the centerpiece.

One side had a space with snacks and food that children liked.

Children from Alice Groups affiliates, as well as those from other groups and various businesses, were roaming around.

Among the children dressed in dresses and suits, some looked familiar with this place, while others seemed unfamiliar.

However, they all had one thing in common: their gaze toward Hayang varied.

Some showed interest, while others showed hostility. Some tried to approach, while others tried to ignore her.

On the other side, high-ranking executives from the corporate world had gathered for her birthday party.

People holding champagne glasses were asking each other about recent developments and exchanging information.

They also showed interest in Hayang, who had become a direct member of the Alice Group, but it seemed like they prioritized the current situation.

All the people gathered here are quite remarkable, arent they?

Thats right. Be careful. If someone tries to provoke you, dont respond and just endure it. If you cant stand it, tell me.

As expected of the captain. I really like the captain.

Why are you being so cheesy?

By the way, a lot of people had gathered.

Eunha looked over the people gathered in the banquet hall and then turned his gaze to Hayang, who was receiving a drink from a distance.

Currently, the Alice Group was rapidly gaining strength as they actively explored the potion market.

The Fairy Government had allowed the Alice Group to monopolize the potion market, but not completely, and players were now primarily using the new potions.

It wouldnt take long for the new potions to replace the concept of traditional potions.

Some even argued that the Alice Group would occupy a high position in the corporate hierarchy reshuffled due to the New Dawn Group.

Even if the people gathered here had come to form connections with the Alice Group, it wouldnt be surprising.

The status of the Alice Group had risen significantly, and the situation demanded that the only heiress of the Alice Group, Jung Hayang, receive attention.

Oh, there are a bunch of girls gathered around her?

Thats right. Lets go.

Eunha felt uncomfortable at the party with all the people from the business world.

If it werent for Hayangs birthday party, he would have stayed home and relaxed with Eunae.

Sighing at the thought of dealing with the children gathered around Hayang, he took Eunhyeok with him.

Huh, what are they doing standing still?

Well, theres not much they can do.

Minji and Seona were like shields.

The children gathered around Hayang introduced themselves while subtly leading the conversation towards topics that the two girls didnt know.

So, all they could do was stand there like wooden dolls.

Your outfit is really pretty today. Where did you design it? It looks like butterflies are dancing. Oh, right, Im sorry I introduced myself late. Im Choi Ye-jin from the YH Group.

Yeah, hello. Im Jung Hayang from the Alice Group.

The children took a step back as soon as she appeared.

A girl with a light-blue flowered hairpin grabbed Jung Hayangs hand.

As she had never seen her before, Hayangs reaction was nervous.

When she heard that the girl was a direct member of YH Group, she tried to think of something to say so that she wouldnt offend her.

What is this, shes a direct member of YH Group?

Meanwhile, Eunha frowned at the children gathered around the two of them.

The other party was the direct member of the YH Group, ranked 6th in the corporate hierarchy, led by Choi Yoon-han, the chairman of the Galaxy Group.

YH Group was the group that was going through the most significant changes in the corporate hierarchy since the downfall of the Dawn Group, as their business sectors overlapped.

Even for Eunha, it was an opponent he couldnt easily get involved with.

While most children of affiliates or businesses can borrow their fathers name to intervene, its a different story when it comes to direct relatives.

Fortunately, it doesnt seem to be a problem.

Choi Ye-jins purpose seemed to be to establish a relationship with Jung Hayang.

Born into a chaebol family, she skillfully steered the conversation away from the other children to prevent them from talking to Hayang.

Hayang do you think its okay to leave her alone?

It doesnt seem to be a problem.

Depending on the situation, I would have brought her out even if it was rude.

Thinking about it, I dont think its necessary.

It was obvious that children born and raised in the business world would not look kindly on Hayang, who until last year was a kid from a local cafe and joined a chaebol family.

But this party was organized by Alice Group.

Knowing who the host and organizer of the party was, they wouldnt openly ignore her.

Rather, it would be a chance for them to win over Hayang, who had yet to understand the physiology of a chaebol, to their side.

Or maybe not.

Eunha kept an eye on the kids gathered in a corner of the banquet hall.

They glanced at her from time to time, and it was obvious that they were all looking at Hayangs mistakes among themselves.

They seemed to know that they couldnt openly criticize her here.

So he shouldnt worry too much.

With her excellent sense of receiving information through her mana, she would be able to tell if the people approaching were good or bad.

In fact, its not Hayang who he should be worried, but Seona.

Standing there like a folding screen, Seonas tail is tucked in and shes shrinking.

Minji, on the other hand, seemed determined to act nonchalant rather than be ignored, but Seona was visibly shrinking.

The gazes of the kids gathered here were filled with curiosity and disdain towards her, an Ain.

In the world of chaebols or players, it was best not to give any room for criticism.

However, Seona was an easy target just because she was an Ain.

Some kids who considered themselves noble had prejudices about ignoring Ains who were often stigmatized in society.

Hayang seemed to feel the stares, but she didnt have time to comfort Seona because Ye-jin and other children were talking to her.

Maybe she shouldnt have brought them.

Seona wouldnt have known.

Seona didnt know that her ignorance of chaebols physiology would be her blatantly ignored by the children.

Her head hung low, her hands trembling as she clutched the hem of her dress.

Oh, no. I better get her out of there.

Thats what Eunha thought.

Hey, Choi Eun-hyuk, where are you suddenly? Oh, I see. Youre really something.

He wasnt the only one looking at Seona.

Eunhyuk jumped up and grabbed Seonas hand.

Lets go.

Huh? ah?

Theres something delicious over there.

Eunha smiled as he watched Eunhyuk lead Seona out.

He was uneasy about the two of them leaving the banquet hall, but he wasnt clueless enough to follow them.

Instead, Eunha gestured to Minj, who was sulking.

Spotting him among the children, Min-ji walked out, grumbling.

Seona is lucky.

Why, do you want me to carry you out by the hand?

Minji sulked, crossing her arms.

Eunha held out his hand, his face full of mischief.

Minjis face turned bright red.

No, I dont need it! Whos going to take care of Hayang if not me?

I wasnt going to take you out either.


She was holding up pretty well, but it must have been hard for Minji, too.

Eunha was being playful on purpose to lighten her mood.

It was then.

Huh? Whats going on? Why are they suddenly getting out of the way?

Minji, who had turned her head, widened her eyes as she saw the kids around Hayang clearing a path.

Eunha also turned his head.

A tall boy was leading his faction through the path the children had made.

This is getting annoying.

As soon as he saw his face, Eunha knew who he was dealing with.

As a former player, there was no way he wouldnt recognize the boy.

Are you Jung Hayang, the one who came in from the street?

The boy didnt turn around, but spoke directly.

The kids he brought with him giggled. Without covering their mouths with their hands, they laughed openly.

How old are you?


Hayangs face stiffened.

She knew who she was dealing with.

Theres only a two-year age difference. Feel free to call me Oppa. You know who I am, right?

Hayang nodded slowly.

The boy smiled in satisfaction.


Youre cute. Unlike those other kids

Hayangs eyes widened.

The boy reached out and, without permission, lifted her chin.

The kids who had been watching swallowed their breath.

That rascal is something else.

The other party was Hong Jin-woo, the successor of the Dan-gun Group, which ranked 9th in the chaebol hierarchy and dominated the player industry.

He was known as a future troublemaker.

As the third president of the Dangun Group, he used his power to create and suppress scandals.

He treated players he didnt like so badly that they couldnt survive in the industry, and he would sleep around with players of the opposite sex that he liked.

Hey, whats with that guy? Why is everyone being so cautious around him? Shouldnt Ha-yang bring him out?

I know that too.

Eunha also didnt hold any favorable feelings towards Hong Jin-woo.

He had sabotaged the founding of the Mist Flower Party and even tried to extort Lee Yoo Jung.

He had a connection to her from the academy and used his power to subdue her, drugging her and committing a crime tantamount to attempted rape.

If I hadnt found her in a daze state back then

Just imagining what might have happened made my blood run cold.

If it werent for Eternal Groups Yoo do-juns help, the Mist Flower Party would never have been founded, and he would have beaten Hong Jin-woo to death and been imprisoned for all sorts of crimes.

I never thought Id see him in this life, ha, that bastard. Your personality hasnt changed since you were a kid.

Huh? What are you talking about, hey, whats wrong with you?

Wait there, I will bring Hayang.

At that moment, Choi Ye-jin and Jung Hayang were the only ones who could speak up against Hong Jin-woo.

However, Choi Ye-jin was curious to see how Hayang would handle Hong Jin-woos rudeness, and Hayang was at a loss as to what to do about the situation.

He had no choice but to speak up.

Come over to my house next time. There are so many fun things to do; youll definitely have a great time.

Uhum, Ill think about it.

Think? just do it When I say so, just say yes and come over to have fun.

Eunha pushed his way through the children and reached out to Hayang.

He pulled Hayang away when Hong Jin woo was touching her without permission.


What do you think you are doing right now?

Are you okay? You dont look very well.

It was inevitable that he would offend Hong Jin woo, but it didnt matter.

Eunha checked on Hayangs condition with a worried face.

He planned to get out of this meeting as casually as possible by pretending that she wasnt feeling well.

Actually, my body.

Hayang understood the situation.

She was about to reply to Eunhas words.

Hey. Who are you to do this in front of me?

Hong Jin-woo blocked their path, showing his discomfort.

Heh. Well, maybe someone might mistake him as an asshole.

It was a reasonably avoidable situation.

Faced with Hong Jin woos discomfort and feeling ignored, he seemed determined not to let him get away with his rudeness.

Well, okay. Lets give it a try.

He wanted to test out the magic he had acquired earlier.

He focused his energy, revealing his aura.

Uh, Eunha

Hayangs hand trembled as if she were worried.

Without turning back, Eunha replied.

Its okay.

Would I bow down to a guy like him?

The kids following Hong Jinwoo also glared at him.

He wouldnt back down.

This was his chance to show them what fear really was.

Skill No. 001 Stygian

He was about to implement his magic.

What about him?

The children walked along the path as if it was natural.

Han Seo-hyun glared at him coldly.

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