ReLife Player

Chapter 132

Chapter 132

Unlocked chapter (1/3)

Thank you Gary!

[Flowering Night (12)]

Moonlight seeped through the darkened forest, revealing a gruesome scene of flesh and blood.

Eunha stood there, holding a bloodstained handkerchief and gazing down at it.

The embroidered flower petals on the bloodied handkerchief represented the emblem of the Dawn Group, not just a simple emblem, but one with a rune inscribed on it.

An artifact?

It wasnt just a simple emblem; it was an emblem inscribed with runes.

The emblem reacted to the mana he had desperately channeled when he was frantically searching his handbag for a potion, deploying a protective spell.

It was a beautiful protective spell that he thought was breathtaking.

Unfortunately, the artifact seemed to be disposable, as the rune inscription had faded away, leaving only a vague outline.

He didnt know who had made it, but they had crafted it skillfully.

As he carefully examined the inscription on the handkerchief, Eunha tried to recall the characteristics of Cresters he knew.

But he soon gave up.

There wasnt much information that came to mind about a rune engraver with an intuitive and elegant touch.

Before his regression, he had been building a wall with the cresters after the death of the <Unfortunate maestro>

He only knew of the three most prominent Cresters in Korea, and none of the others.

Anyway, if it wasnt for this, Id be in trouble.

Eunha shoved the stained handkerchief into his pocket.

It was nothing more than a disposable artifact, but he felt strangely fond of it.

From his handbag, he pulled out a Mana Restoration Potion.

It was a subspecies of the New Potion, but it wasnt very efficient.

When he had recovered enough mana to move, he looked behind him.

I knew it.

Oh Yeon jung was nowhere to be found.

She had taken the opportunity to escape.

Without her, I cant lure the hordes of monsters.

She must be somewhere in the mountains. There are monsters all over the place. How can she escape.

Eunha calmly accepted the fact that Oh Yeon-jung had escaped.

Oh Yeon-jung was classified as an A-grade player because of her ability to use her Gift and her mission completion rate.

Her combat abilities were far less impressive. Without a Dealer, Hunter, or even a Ranger, it was impossible to get out of the mountain.

Still, shes an A-player. She wouldnt be easily defeated by monsters.

I didnt need to look for her right now.

Eunha strolled through the bloodshed, scanning his surroundings.

Found it.

Through the bushes, he found the gemstone.

Eunha used his thumb to wipe the blood off the gemstone, which was larger than his fist.

Moonlight streamed through the clouds, illuminating the gem.

Still, its a sixth level, so I cant leave it behind.

Gemstones of the sixth level could be used to create artifacts and devices of considerable quality.

They werent just used for materials.

Sixth-level magic stones were traded at a very high price.

As much as two or three months salary for an average worker.

Moreover, it was flawless.

He had a reason to be amazed when he saw the gemstone shimmering in the moonlight.

But what am I going to do with it?

Even with the gem, he had no means of disposing of it.

As it turned out, he also had the Lizard Kings gem hidden in his house.

I cant and wont become a player because of this onebut.

Ill ask Uncle Bruno to take care of it later.

If its Bruno, he would help in any way he can.

Holding the gemstone, Eunha pushed his way back into the grassy field.

This is real.

A gemstone was a gemstone, but it couldnt surpass the value of a skillstone.

Eunha grabbed the Skillstone that the Stygian Glum had dropped.

It was small enough to fit in his hand.

The pale yellow color of the gem reflected the faintest of light, even though it was covered in black blood.

I held the skillstone up to the moonlight. As if through a prism, a multifaceted light flickered before his eyes.

It can be done.

There were cases like this.

Even if you didnt directly send mana, it could be absorbed into the body if you knew that your body could accept the Skill Stone.

It was a situation where the body could readily accept the Skill Stone, and the compatibility between the internal mana and the Skill Stone was good.


As I let the mana flow through, the skill stone glowed yellow.

It was an intense glow that couldnt be compared to the mana infused into the Lizard Kings Skill Stone.

Then well take our time with this one, and finish the rest.

The Skill Stone left behind by the Lizard King could be absorbed in a day.

It was unlikely that the larger Stygian Glooms Skillstone could be absorbed in a day.

It would take at least three days.

Eunha realized that he would have to deal with the skill stones as soon as he returned home from the retreat.

I should go back quickly and soak in the bath. Its sticky and annoying.

Just one more thing to do.

With his health somewhat restored, Eunha deployed his sensors.

He could sense the monsters gathering in the valley beyond.

Monsters coming up from the bottom of the mountain.

And Oh Yeon Jungs presence.

Huff, Huff, Haagh!

She ran while holding her breath.

She had to escape.

She couldnt afford not to.

Death was right behind her.

In this world, there were all sorts of people!

What a stupid kid!

Oh Yeon-jung watched as the child, who was only an elementary school student, single-handedly defeated a sixth-ranked monster.

Even if she had provided supportive magic, it was still insane to take on a sixth-ranked monster alone.

Sixth-ranked monsters paralyzed city administration and threatened human power.

Moreover, the Stygian Gloom was a single individual that could be measured as a sixth level monster. It wasnt like a Sharptail, which was measured at the sixth level as a group.

It was a monster that required a party of B- and C-class players to defeat.

And yet, he had taken it down without a scratch.

What the! what was that!

The power hed shown just before hed defeated the Stygian Glow.

Hed been at the end of his rope, facing the monster alone, hed gotten an unexpected surge of mana.

In the end, he even used a poisoning spell so potent that it would be impossible for her to heal herself.

There was nothing good in staying with him.

She didnt hesitate to run the moment he used up all his mana.


Running barefoot on a mountain path was a torture.

She was protecting her body with mana, but it was constantly depleting.

In the midst of avoiding Stigeye Glooms attacks and deploying protective magic to escape, she had very little mana left.

While trying to escape from Stigeye Glooms pursuit, she tripped over a rock.

Although she rolled her body skillfully to reduce the impact, tears welled up in her eyes due to the desperate situation of running for her life.

In the forest where the moonlight sparsely illuminated the path, her hair was disheveled, her dress torn by branches, and her feet covered in dark red mud that made it impossible to tell whether it was her own blood or the monsters.

Why am I here like this?

She felt so sorry for herself.

She resented the client who had asked her to do this, the bastard who had arranged it, and the child who had made her look like this.

And then a monster appeared in front of her.

Since when!

It wasnt just one, either; as she hastily deployed her sensors and looked around, monsters were poking their heads out one by one.

She swallowed hard.

There was a limit to how many she could face.

She didnt have enough mana to defeat them, and she was a supporter, not a dealer or hunter who could take down monsters from a position of strength.

She didnt have the strength left to fight them off and survive.

If he hadnt shown up

I thought you were good at runninghow far did you get?


The scene unfolding before her was indiscriminate slaughter.

With just one swing of his rapier, the infection that started with one monster spread to the others.

She merely deployed her barrier, waiting for the battle to end.

Lead the way.

Uh, where?

Why are you asking? Are you sure you dont know where?

She lowered her head, not speaking a word of apology for running away from him.

She was too frightened even to look up.

She just stood up and led the way to the top, the same way she had since she entered the mountain.

There was no one at the top. Only the corpses of the players who remained on the scene told them the final fate of those who had been there.

A light breeze blew.

Mixed in with the wind were the cries of beasts.

They were all the cries of monsters.

She detected the presence of monsters gathering like swarms of maggots in the valley below.

Hey it doesnt look like theres anything here, can we just go down?

Just the thought of monsters swarming beneath her feet sent chills through her body.

Moreover, there were monsters chasing them from behind, probably heading for the hotel.

Desperate to get away from this place, she begged.

We need to get down quickly. Who knows when the monsters willohhh?

A gunshot rang out from the peak.


Pierced in the side, she stared at him blankly, not even bothering her wound.

Why? You didnt think this would happen?

The cylinder revolved.

A new round was loaded.

With his finger on the trigger, he spoke his last words.



It is a gift that possesses creatures with mana.

Among them, Oh Yeon-jung, who possessed a powerful gift, was able to possess even a group of monsters.

Who else will do this, Ill have to do it.

By himself, he couldnt defeat the monsters coming up from the bottom of the mountain.

He was exhausted and lacked mana.

Even with the Violent Venom, there were limits. He couldnt take on every single one of them, even the ones that were far away from the infection.

So he needed to lead the monsters away in a direction where there were no people.

If he could guide them to a place far away from the people, the monsters would disperse and fight among themselves.

To achieve this, she was being used.

Eunha looked down at her, watching her fall into the valley.

If she, who possessed mana that could enchant monsters, came down from the mountain, she would take all the monsters with her.

Theyre coming.

The ground vibrated.

He didnt need to deploy his mana sense to know how close they were.

He climbed a nearby tree and hid in the darkness.

The horde of monsters flung themselves into the valley, unable to confuse their path.

A night that seemed endless.

The night eventually receded, and the sun rising over the mountain peaks began to dispel the darkness in the forest.

And so, like the arrival of dawn

Ah, I couldnt even sleep, maam. I think I lost my sleep mask, really.

A dawn that would shake up Korea has arrived.

The subject of the commotion was, of course, the Dawn Group.

[The damage caused by the terrorist attack resulted in 79 deaths, 203 injuries, and 21 missing persons, of which 42 elementary school students are reported to have died.

There were a total of four elementary schools that stayed at the Dawn Hotel in Chuncheon City, including Doan Elementary School.]

[The Ministry of Education has issued a statement prohibiting all education outside of the relevant jurisdiction for all educational institutions nationwide, except for the Player Academy.]

[This morning at 9 oclock, the judiciary sentenced Lee Byung-in, the mastermind behind the large-scale monster terrorism, and all accomplices to the death penalty

This is the second death penalty sentence since the intervention of the Fairy Government

Lee Byung-in, CEO of Dawn Entertainment, has expressed his disagreement with the judicial decision and announced his intention to appeal.

However, according to the amended constitution following the <Centurys End Destruction>, acts of terrorism that bring monsters posing a threat to humanity are deemed heinous crimes without the possibility of forgiveness. Given the ample evidence of his involvement in the terrorist acts, the judiciary has informed that they will not permit Lee Byung-ins appeal.

Under the amended constitution since the <Centurys End Destruction>, in cases where acts pose a threat to humanity and are deemed heinous crimes by the unanimous decision of all judges.]

[Today, there are many people lined up at Gwanghwamun. They are all families of children who were victims of Byung-ins terrorism.

Those participating in the rally are appealing for the harshest punishment for Lee Byung-in]

[Nationwide, a boycott movement against the Dawn Group is growing. Sales in sectors related to Dawn Group products, services, and substitutes continue to increase.

Among small business owners, some have been mistakenly accused of selling products related to the Dawn Group]

[Chairwoman Lee Yoon-hee deeply regrets the mistakes in raising her child and apologizes to the nation for the recent turmoil caused by her child.

She announced her resignation from the chairmanship and the sale of other subsidiary companies, including Dawn Entertainment, to pay for her childs sins.

There is speculation in some circles that Chairwoman Lee Yoon-hee is selling off poorly performing businesses to improve the groups structure and that she may be passing the Dawn Group to her son, Lee Jeong-in]

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