Reincarnation: From Opressed Missy to Campus Belle

Chapter 398 [Bonus ] Kitchen Kiss

An Xiulan and Han Zixin were in his apartment. He was preparing to cook dinner for the two of them. He was very clingy all the way home. He asked her to drive so he could keep on looking at her. It would be difficult if he had to drive and keep his attention on the road.

As much as she loved his attention, she was getting a little annoyed. It was her who made the plan and come to see him but it was him who was getting all the fun. She was forced to drive when she wanted to do the same thing.

Suddenly, An Xiulan groaned. Since when did her thoughts turn this cheesy? There was once a day when she used to call these things cheesy and cliche. She used to say that one day when she would have a boyfriend she would not act this cheesy but look at her now, she was becoming what she said she would not. This way, she reached the conclusion that the grapes are sour. We often said that this thing was not good because we could not get it.

Anyway, they reached home. He pinned her against the door as soon as they reached home. Before he could passionately kiss her and tell her how difficult it was for him to stay so many days away from her, she sneaked out from under his arms and ran from there.

"What?" Han Zixin asked her. He did not know why she ran like this. He was about to kiss her. His lips had almost touched her soft lips but she suddenly disappeared. He had almost kissed the wall if he had not stopped himself. He did not know what this girl was up to.

"I am hungry, "An Xiulan said, laughing. The look in his eyes was dazed. His eyes were dark and filled with desire. She knew this too well. That was why she ran from there. She, the innocent lamb, did not want to be eaten by the big bad wolf.

"Isn't it too early for food?" Han Zixin asked her. Actually, he was planning to have something else as his dessert first and then the dinner but it seemed like fate was not in his hands.

"I am hungry, Zixin, "An Xiulan said. "I worked too hard all day. Now, you won't even feed me. You know I can't cook. Will you let your girlfriend die out of hunger?"

"Alright, "Han Zixin said. He went back to change first. She knew that he could not say no to her. Her dramatic personality was getting more dramatic with each passing day.

This worked and he went to the kitchen sulking as he did not get to kiss her. Did she know how badly he wanted to feel her lips against his? And he knew that she wanted him to kiss her too but she still said send him so far away from him.

Yes, the so-so away was nothing but the kitchen in the same apartment where she followed him.

An Xiulan knew that if she let him kiss her, they would forget about food. The kiss would turn into a makeout session. She knew it. She could see it in his eyes. He would not have stopped and she would not have stopped either. She would soon forget her senses and one thing would turn into something else.

Her man has come home after working all day. He deserved a meal. Although she could not cook and he would not let her cook, she could at least not persuade him to engage in other things.

All she was thinking was about him. How could she let him live without having a meal? As his girlfriend, he had to think about his health, right?

"Can you pass me eggs?" Han Zixin asked. She sent him to cook but he dragged her with him. He did not let her cook but she could help him with many other things. Like having a kitchen romance, no?

An Xiulan opened the refrigerator and passed him the eggs but before passing him the eggs, she washed it and handed it to her. Her mom always told her to wash fruits before eating. She applied the same logic here.

Seeing her washing eggs, Han Zixin pursed the lips and stopped himself from laughing at her. She was pretty cute whenever she was clueless. There was just another kind of charm about her cluelessness. This reminded her of the earlier days when he met her. She was so dumb and clueless back then that sometimes he thought that she was not even from this world. The aliens had dumped her on this world and she had to navigate her way in this strange world.

But he had to say that An Xiulan of that time was the cutest person on this planet. Even though Han Zixin of that time would not admit as he was busy annoying and getting annoyed by her.

When he met this weird girl for the first time, he never thought that he would fall in love with her to this extent. If he met Han Zixin of his past and told him that this blockhead would make him fall for her this hopelessly, the young Han Zixin would roll her eyes with swag at his stupidity. But it was what it was. The truth was he was madly and hopelessly in love with this utterly beautiful soul.

"Why are you looking at me like this?"An Xiulan asked him. She could see that something was not right. He was looking at her with the eyes of a mother who would look at her child doing silly things but the mother was still finding the child cute. Why did Han Zixin look at her with the same gaze? What did she do now?

"Like what?" He asked.

"Like I did something silly?" An Xiulan asked him. She realized that it was the same look that she used to get when she was a teenager. She did not understand the majority of the things back then and would do how she thought they were right even though they were not.

He got the chance to hug her. "No, how can my baby do something silly?"

She looked at him with pursed lips and said, "Zixin, even this endearment is sounding silly."

"You are thinking too much, "Han Zixin told her. His baby was the most adorable creature on the earth. Yeah, she was a little silly but she was adorable!

"Am I?" She asked him and he nodded her head. She handed him the two eggs and said, "Cook it."

"Yeah!" He said, sulking.

"Can I add this in the fried rice?" An Xiulan asked, holding the ketchup bottle.

Han Zixin made a face. "Add it to your portion."

"Okay, "She agreed. He did not like ketchup but she liked eating ketchup with almost everything. He was afraid that one day he would be seeing her eating keteche even with plain rice.

"Hand me the bell pepper, "Han Zixin said.

An Xiulan was on his right and the vegetable basket was on his left and there was no way to go to his left as it was on the corner. She had to lean against him to hand him the vegetable. She was clearly seeing what he was doing. She decided to do when he was hoping her to do and see what he was upto. As she leaned, she half hugged him and taking the advantage, he switched off the gas flame and pinned her in the corner.

In the end, Han Zixin was able to do what he wanted to do. He caressed her face with his fingers and she sucked in breath as his cold fingers touched her cheeks.

"What is it?" She asked in a low voice. "Should you not be cooking?"

"I think fried rice was enough for tonight. I don't plan on making a fancy meal."

She gulped.

"Won't you ask me what I plan on doing now?" Han Zixin asked her in a very evil tone.

Oh, An Xiulan, you are finished now! Boom!

Han Zixin finally got the chance to execute what he was planning. He pinned her against the wall. She gulped as she raised her eyes to look at his honey coloured eyes that were shining darkly now.

"You have a chance to escape, "Han Zixin told her. An Xiulan looked at him and asked, "Escape from what?"

Han Zixin smirked. "Don't say later that I did not give you a chance to escape, baby!"

This time the way he said baby sounded so cocky. He knew that she was not going anyway and he would not let her, still he said this to prove a point here.

Soon, their lips met and the next moment they knew they were kissing each other in the kitchen. They forget about the food that they had to cook or eat. At this moment, all they could see and feel was each other. A few minutes later when the kiss ended and they came back to their senses, they cook their meal and had a very peaceful and intimate meal together.

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