Reincarnation: From Opressed Missy to Campus Belle

Chapter 395 Crazily In Love With You

An Xiulan decided to visit Han Zixin straight after she left her father's house. She drove to his office and since his junior told her that he was busy in a meeting with officials, she decided to wait for him on a bench outside. She was sitting in the garden outside the police headquarters while waiting for him.

While waiting for him, she was thinking a lot of things, mainly about how life had changed so much in just a few months. From the time she left china her life had slowly started getting changed. Now it had changed so much that she realised that these changes had a lot of changes on herself too.

The sun was setting at this time. She was sitting under a tree and the dried leaves on the branches of the trees were creating a beautiful picture against the orange sky. She watched the sun setting while waiting for her. It was a good experience. She did not know when she got addicted to watching sunsets but she had to say that they were beautiful and therapeutic to watch.

"Is it beautiful?" Someone stood in front of her hiding the picture that she was lost in.

An Xiulan raised her head to find Han Zixin standing there.n he was looking down at her and the orange of the sky against his silhouette was creating the most beautiful picture that she had ever seen. Just a few minutes ago, she was thinking that the sunset and the twilight sky was beautiful but she had no words for what her man was looking at this time. She placed a hand on her heart and sighed. How could someone love someone more each passing day? Was this kind of love even real or legal?

"Too beautiful,"She said with a sigh. She was not overreacting at this moment. She just felt that she had never seen something more beautiful than this sight in her entire life. "Would this beautiful man sit next to me?"

Han Zixin chuckled at the preference of her words. What could he say? He was a sucker for her? He took a seat next to her on the bench and let her look at him all she wanted. It seemed like she was not having enough of him. If that's what she wanted, to look at him until her eyes were tired, she could have it. She could look at him all she wanted. He did not mind it a bit. As if he was not looking divine earlier, when he sat next to her, the hues of the sky were reflecting on his face and she sucked in breath. The universe was playing a game on her, wasn't it?

"When did you come?"Han Zixin asked her. He was busy in a meeting with higher ups. They had just taken a case that was inviting a lot of political pressure. The higher ups were annoyed by it and to relieve their pressure, they invited all the department to scold and shit their burden to them. The entire hour of the meeting was torture for them. When he found out from his junior that his girlfriend had come to meet her, he came running here. He felt even more annoyed now. If it was not for that stupid and fruitless meeting, he would be able to spend more time with his girlfriend but no they had to make their life hell. Did they even know how sinful it was to keep a man away from the love of his life? How would they know? They did not have such a beautiful girlfriend like him.

"Just now," An Xiulan said with a smile. She did not tell him that she had been waiting there for more than an hour. She was so happy to see him here that she was unable to keep this smile away from her face. All she had to do was look at his face and her mood replenished on its own. She even forgot the pain of waiting for him for that long. The end truly justified the means, didn't it?

"Really?"Han Zixin asked her. He had heard from his junior that she was here for more than an hour but she still was saying that she came just now. What was he gonna do with this girl? She was infuriatingly so good to him.

She nodded her head. The wait was nothing. She gets to meet him, what else did she even want from life?

"You did not have to wait for long, right?"Han Zixin asked her again.

She shook her head.

Han Zixin tsked in his heart and pulled her for a hug. He missed this girl so much that he could not define it in words. What could he do? He just loved her too much.

"I missed you."He said in a whisper.

An Xiulan melted in his embrace. She did not know what to say. So, she did not say anything. She just hugged him. To tell him that she missed him would not convey what she wanted to say. She might sound dramatic if she began to tell him how she lived these many days without spending time with him. She felt as if the world was so bland. It was devoid of any good emotions. There was no life at all around her. Everything was just so tasteless and colourless.

"It feels so good to see you again, "An Xiulan said. She melted into his embrace. This was the place that she didn't want to leave anytime soon. If it was up to her, she would make a home here in his arms.

"Tell me you missed me, "Han Zixin said. He wanted to hear her telling him how much she missed him all this time. He wanted to know that he was not the only one dying to spend a moment like this with her. He might be sounding uncool acting this clingy but he would not leave her in his arms. He had died all this time to hold her like this. If there was a next time when they had to be separated like this, he would make sure to tag along with her. It was hard being an understanding boyfriend.

"I more than just missed you," She told him. She had not enough words to express what she was feeling all this while. To say that she missed him, would be too less.

"Did you?" He asked her and she nodded her head.

"Look at you, how cute you are," He said and kissed her hair. She looked up at him and pursed her lips. He lowered his head and kissed her pursed lips.

"Look at where we are," An Xiulan reminded him. She had to remind him that they were not in the right place to act this lovey-dovey. Many officers were roaming here and there. They were looking at them. Although the light around the garden had not been switched on yet and they were in the dark under the tree, someone could still see two people hugging in the garden.

"They will understand, "Han Zixin said, not caring about the surroundings at all. The surroundings were just a trivial matter. And if someone complained about it, he would see it.

"Don't you have shame?" An Xiulan asked him. She was so shy being here like this. It would feel very awkward if someone came to them to remind them of their surroundings. People in their country were not very encouraging of PDAs. They would still lecture them on forgetting their basic values.

"Shame for what?" Han Zixin asked her. His brain was not running at the speed her brain was.

"Look at what you are doing, "An Xiulan reminded him.

Han Zixin did not move and kept on hugging her as he said, "I am hugging my girlfriend. If they don't like it, it's their problem, not mine. I will do what I like."

"Really?" She asked him, raising her brow.

"Of course."

She just shook her head as if she could not do anything. He tightened his arms around her more.

"Are you not going to ask why I am here?"An Xiulan asked him later. She came here because she had planned a dinner date with him. She wanted to surprise him with that dinner date. Maybe, he would get excited after hearing about her idea.

"Should I ask you that?" Han Zixin asked. To him, it did not matter why she was here. He just wanted to be with her. He got what he wanted. Why did the questions even matter?

"Should you not?" An Xiulan asked him.

He just shrugged.

"What?" She asked.

Han Zixin answered her by saying, "You are here, isn't it what matters the most?"

"You are crazy, "An Xiulan reached the conclusion.

"Crazy in love with you, "Han Zixin answered and leaned in to kiss her cheek.

An Xiulan blushed as she heard him say this.

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