Reincarnated As The Villainess's Son

Chapter 89: [Oracle of Past][10] [Hopeless]

Chapter 89: [Oracle of Past][10] [Hopeless]

[Few minutes earlier]

Drip_ drip_



With a thud, a man fell to his knees, clutching his throat, trying to staunch the jet of blood, but the blade sank deeper into his throat, taking his life away in the next instant.

A woman wearing an open-shoulder black gown soaked with dark blood loomed over the dead body.

Her cold obsidian eyes looked at the man with a bored expression on her face.

"...That's the last one."

She muttered under her breath, taking out a tablet with a list of names of nobles written on it.

Crossing off the name of the man who just died, she placed it back in her bracelet before she glanced around the hall.

Bloodied corpses were everywhere, headless bodies lying on the sides.

Some women, but mostly men, lay dead on the blood-soaked floor.

But even in this situation, some were left alive, for they needed to be alive just so they could play their part when needed....

Glancing around once, she walked toward the entrance of the hall, but just as she turned around, she halted her steps.

"....It's been a while, Adaliah."

Wearing a purplish gown, a woman with blackish hair highlighted with reddish at the end stood in front of her.

Her ruby eyes sparkled with interest while her rosy skin gleamed in the dim light as she walked slowly toward her.

But what stood out the most were the two long reddish horns adorning her head.

While Adaliah is known as Esmeray's [Right Wing], she is the one who could be said as her [Left Wing].

"....What are you doing here, Sypha?" Frowning, Adaliah asked.

"....Come on, I was just checking on you." Sypha replied, shrugging as she looked around. "...Why are you not killing all of them?"

"We don't want the Ekari kingdom to collapse," she replied, her gaze fixed on Sypha, "....Not for now."

"...Hmm." Sypha nodded thoughtfully before she asked, smiling, "...How have you been these days?"

"We don't have time for chit-chat," she replied, frowning before she glanced at her watch.

"...Stoic as ever, huh?" Sypha mumbled, her ruby eyes squinting as she asked, "....By the way, why did we start the plan earlier?"

"...Because Nylaria's holder came to congratulate Inës—uninvited,"

Adaliah replied, continuing her walk, "...Take care of the Overlord of the Principalities."

"...What about the other one fighting him?" Sypha asked, making her halt, "...He is one of the few Overlords in the Ekari kingdom—that too a Duke—."

"Don't let him die," Adaliah interjected, "...We don't want the Ekari kingdom to collapse."

"...Where are you going?" Sypha asked again, looking at her departing figure.

"...To check on Azariah," Adaliah replied without looking back.

"...Can I tag along? I haven't seen hi—."

"...No, you have things to do," she interjected sharply without looking back.

"Tch," Sypha clicked her tongue softly before she walked in the opposite direction, "....Anyway, give my love to the young master."

Without replying, she walked out of the hall, moving silently and looking around the place before approaching a window—big enough for a man to pass through.

Extending her hand, she touched it, breaking it apart instantly.

The heavy rainfall rushed inside, making her cover her entire body with a thin layer of mana.

She jumped out, grabbing the edge of the window.

Using the edge of the window, she propelled herself upward until she reached a height from where she could see the whole place clearly.

She glanced around once before her gaze landed on the glass-like tomb structure at the center.


Covering her legs with mana, she kicked the air, propelling herself until she landed softly on the edge of the glass.


But her expression immediately hardened as her gaze landed on Azariah, who was just passing an orb-like structure to Inës.


Adaliah sighed, taking out her tablet and placing it horizontally in her hand, initiating a holographic call.

Ring rin—

<What is it?>

The image of a woman with silver hair emerged from the hologram, her gaze focused on her work as she spoke.


Adaliah whispered, her tone serious, her gaze fixed on the scene unfolding below, "...He is protecting the Oracle."

Esmeray halted her work and looked up, her lifeless gray eyes shifting to observe Azariah.

<...Is he now?>

"...Yes." Adaliah replied unsteadily, her gaze shifting towards Esmeray, "....just like you predicted."


Without replying, Esmeray watched Azariah fighting against the soldiers.

Though the view was unclear, she could discern the events unfolding.

<... Someone or something really is influencing his decision.... Someone from 'her' side, huh?>

"...Forgive my rudeness, but how are you so sure that Azariah isn't the one who wants to sav—"

<...I know my son, Adaliah. He won't hesitate to kill anyone if it means his loved ones are safe...and by saving himself, he is saving them.>

"....I see." Adaliah nodded silently before she asked, "...but—"

<...From the day after that party...he changed, right?>

"...Yes," she replied before voicing her concern, "....But why save the Oracle?"

<...What comes to your mind when you hear Oracle?>

"Fate, time, destiny, dreams..." Adaliah listed what she could think of before adding, ".....Guardians."

<...The whole thing is getting recorded, right?>

"Yes, my lady."

<Good, we will talk later when you come back.>

"....But what about him?" Adaliah asked, frowning, "...we can't just leave him alone knowing somethin—."

<....It doesn't change anything. No matter who is trying to interfere... Azariah can never escape from me.>

"...Then what about the Oracle?" Adaliah questioned, "...there is one more Overlord trying to kidnap her."

<Don't interfere until he is about to die...Let him try saving her...>

Esmeray replied, her gaze lingering on Inës's concerned look towards Azariah.

"My lady..." Adaliah whispered hesitantly, "what if he succeeds... won't saving her give him hope...hope to break free?"

<...A hope in his hellish life?....let him have it.>

Saying so, Esmeray ended the call, leaving Adaliah alone in the heavy rainfall.

"...You messed up again, Azariah." Clasping her hands behind her back, Adaliah mumbled to herself.

As if he heard her words, Azariah lifted his head, glancing in her direction.


They locked eyes, Azariah tightening his grip on his katana and axe-hammer, turning towards her.

A mixture of amusement and anger rushed through Adaliah's mind as she saw him ready to face her.

Smiling, she mumbled, "...Belly would have been proud if she had seen this."

But her smile quickly faded as she glanced in a certain direction.

"...You face the consequences of your own actions...." She looked at Azariah, parting her lips to make sure he could read her words clearly.

Turning around, she walked away from his sight...




"Consequences, huh?"

Lowering his katana and axe-hammer, Azariah mumbled, his gaze still fixed on the glass-like tomb.

"ARGHHHH!!! I will kill you!!"

Azariah shifted his focus back as the leader, whom he remembered as Dave, shouted, anger burning in his eyes.

Grabbing his spear tightly, Dave rushed towards Azariah, sweeping it horizontally, aiming at his neck.


Using the flat side of his katana to deflect the attack, Azariah's hand glowed with a silver hue as he rushed forward as well.

Grabbing his katana in a reverse grip, he spun his body, sweeping it from behind him.


Using the handle, Dave blocked the attack, throwing his arm forward.


Stepping back, Azariah pulled his arm back before throwing his axe-hammer, lodging it deep into a soldier's head who tried to flank him....


Sensing the opportunity, Dave roared with a wide smile, sweeping his spear aiming at Azariah's dominant hand.


But his smile vanished as, despite his full strength, the spear only cut shallow before blood gushed out, forming crystalline ice protecting Azariah's arm.


Eyes bulging, mouth agape, he stuttered, his expression morphing into one of horror.

Without replying, Azariah grabbed the spear, jerking it free from Dave's hands before leaping backward.

Pulling his arm back, he threw the spear, brushing past inches away from Dave's face before sinking deep into the chest of the soldier behind, spinning him around.


Dave quickly picked up a sword that lay on the ground as Azariah looked down at him without moving.


Gripping his katana with his right hand, Azariah took a step back, retrieving his axe-hammer as Dave rushed towards him again.

Dave's sword flashed in an overhead strike as Azariah baited him by throwing his axe-hammer at him.


The axe-hammer was deflected, but Dave had little time to react as Azariah overloaded his legs with mana, flexing his right calf to propel himself to the right before doing the same with his left leg, arriving at Dave's side.


He spun his body, his katana following suit, swinging it under his arms.


Dave screamed at the top of his lungs as both his hands fell to the ground, but it stopped abruptly as Azariah grabbed his axe-hammer, swung it above his head.

Blood sprayed, and Dave fell to the floor, his head and body rolling in different directions.


The overexertion of mana started to take its toll on Azariah's body as he fell to one knee.



He shouted at Inës, who tried to break the barrier...



Silently, he picked himself up again as he looked at the dark entrance of the hallway...

Azariah's hand trembled as he slowly retreated towards Inës.....

A cold voice echoed from the entrance....

"...We meet again, Lady Esmeray's son....

Or should I call you....

[Exiled Prince]...."

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